Fellow Demon?

'From all the information I got from the boy to procure a Medalion, The easiest and most viable option for me, Is to impersonate one of these Merchant and visit the BlackOrder Association and get this thing removed off me before the '2 Cosmic Time' Whatever the hell that is?, It's probably their way of saying 2 days, I guess?'

As she was forming a plan on how she is to go about removing the restraint cuffs off her within the given time, She decided to look for a more appropriate and easier merchant that she could stealthily knock out and impersonate as them, and hastily turned back to get into work immediately, but accidentally she bumped into something soft and squishy and she could feel it on her face and thought 'Wow this feels so soft'

"Fufu enjoying yourselves now are you?" a pleasant Mellifluous voice entered Fia's ears as she opened her eyes to see a dazzling purple eyes gazing at her from above, that instantly captured her attention, and then absentmindedly she lowered her gaze to find that her face was pressed against a pale glistening flesh that bouched, Then As if lightning struck her on her brain, she instantly registered where she was resting her face, her face instantly flushed and took a step back hastily and looked at the pretty woman looking at her with amused smile and Fia returned an awkward smile that caused the lady to smile to even wider

The Lady before her had beautiful long dark-raven black hair, that she wore up in a gorgeous updo with ornaments decorating it, she had a sharp, defined yet stunning features that was graceful, adding on to her pale skin and full lips, she definitely, did not lose out to Fia in terms beauty and with her dressed in Sexy Red tight-fitting Qipao dress that emphasized her cleavage pretty nicely, she demanded attention where ever she walks by

"S-Sorry about that" Fia apologized for her shameful behavior earlier

"For what?" questioned the lady with her eyebrows arched with a teasing grin on her face

"For bumping into you and resting on your bosom for a while," said Fia shamelessly

"Oh, Shameless? good, Very good, So what's a Demon with no cultivation doing in Blackstone City, you might fool others with that disguise, Not me though" asked the Lady without opening her mouth and The words rang within Fia's mind,

Fia instantly became stunned by hearing her words booming inside her head and then she couldn't figure out how she could have found out that she was Demon, Granted that she had many things she didn't know about this world she could only rely on herself to get out this messy situation and so she asked in a serious tone "How did you know?"

"What kind of Demon would I be, If I don't even offer to take a Fellow Demon around the city and help them out?"

"Huh?" hearing her answer Fia became stunned and took a few seconds to digest the words the pretty lady before her was saying, and she didn't know how to respond, but she considered the possibility of being tricked and warily asked, "But why?"

"Look you might think I could trick you, let me tell you there's not a single reason for me to trick you If I want I could kill you right now and nobody would even know you died, including yourself, If you want a reason for me helping out, you'll know when the time comes and you have to return the favor, Understand?" All of these words echoed within Fia's mind giving her a slight headache, While the lady kept smiling throughout the conversation

"Can you reduce the sound within my Head?, It kinda hurts" asked Fia with a perplexed expression on her face

"I could, but I won't" replied the lady maintaining the same smile

"Oh! That's good, I'm Fia Valor by the way" said Fia while her lips twitched with indignation

"Ha!, Where are my manners, Pardon me, I'm Valarose"

"Mm, I was hoping to get rid of these cuffs before doing anything, If you don't mind helping out?" asked Fia, raising and showing her cuffed hand to Valarose

"Now that's not even a problem, only people without influence Die inside Blackstone, for Demons like us it might be dangerous but not so bad as to die in the Outer Circle of the city, for the inner Circle though that's another matter altogether, I gotta give it you though the Disguise is very well done, If I'm not a fellow Demon and had Higher cultivation than you, I might have never figured you out," said Valarose while looking at Fia with curious filled eyes

"Well, Whatever, Let's get these things off you for now and chat at greater length after some time, I got a few matters to attend to, It's nice meeting you Fia Valor, Later then," said Valarose, While Throwing out something to Fia, and she faded out of existence like ripples, almost as if she was specter,

Fia caught the thing Valarose threw and looked in her hands, It was a palm-sized Medallion with a Black Stone crested at the center of it, There's a serpent carved around in it, The carving looked lifelike and seemed beautiful, The serpent was carved as if it was coiling around the stone, Fia brought her Fingers near the Blackstone and rubbed it casually, as it shined with black radiance, the next thing she knew the silver cuff on her left hand started fading, while particles rose in the air after a second the cuff broke into particles of light and only the medallion remained on Fia's Hand

"The next stop is the library and find out how this world works?"