
After getting herself freed from the cuffs that could potentially kill her after two days, with the help of a Fellow Demon Valarose, who may or may not have good intention for her, Fia decided to visit the closest Library in this city to get a Basic Knowledge of this world and finish the quest as swiftly as possible,

As she did not know the way to Library, Fia asked a few pedestrians for help and a Blacksmith was kind enough to show her the way to the Library, coincidently as the library was on it's way to his destination,

"There you go, That's the Outer Circle Common Library, you can just show your Medallion and they'll let you in for an hour or two I...Think..?, I don't remember those things anyway if I knew how to read those damn things, why would I be a Blacksmith hitting a piece of metal all-day" Grumbled the Old man about his unsuccessful Life, as his face was filled with lines of wrinkles, he is a short stout old man with a white beard, he is wearing a white-tank filled with black marks and stitches here and there, he was carrying a large-sized hammer on his shoulders

'He clearly didn't like his profession, Huh?' Thought Fia, as she had to hear him grumble and complain about his profession and how he earns a low wage throughout the time she had to follow him and she is practically relieved to finally reach the Library and rid of his presence

"Thank you for your time, sir" Fia thanked him for helping her out

"No problem, Young Lady, you stay safe out there, It's a Cruel World," said The Old man while walking away minding his own business and he gradually merged within the flow of the crowd,

Fia turned and looked at the Library, It was a big building with a two large pillar on the right and left corner of the building and long story of the staircase in the middle that led straight to the entrance of the library which was guarded by two soldiers standing stoically with their spears

Fia proceeded to climb the stairs and when she reached the vicinity of the entrance, they blocked the entrance by crossing their spears and one of them said "Medallion"

Fia raised her hand and showed the medallion, they immediately un-crossed their spears, making way for fia to enter the library,

Fia walked inside the library and what greeted her was wide open space, Numerous tables and chairs seated more than 600 people who maintained pin drop silence.

Fia was expecting towering bookshelves but was shocked to see, What looked like a Blue screen on everyone's table, It directly appeared before each table similar to a hologram, It glowed with Blue radiance while a lot of white scriptures stood out as words on it, as everyone silently read their information from it, There were some unoccupied seats and Fia decided to not dally around and find out how this thing works and so she moved and took an unoccupied seat, as soon as sat down a Blue Screen appeared before her abruptly, giving her a slight scare but she quickly composed herself to not let anyone see her as the odd one,

Focusing on the screen before her, Fia tried to discern what was written on it but was shocked to find out that, it was all symbols and patterns that she never saw before in her life and immediately realized that this world's literature and language was different than her own other than Vocally,

Fia didn't know what to do at this point and asked within her mind to the only thing she could turn to, for help in this situation, "Hey System, can you do something about this?"


Data Interface Found. System Function: Data Interface Module Unlocked. 10VP Points awarded...

Would you like to use the system to communicate with the interface? ]

"Ahem, Would you like to?, sure Darling Sure, do your thing," said Fia with a sigh of relief, that she finally had some use for the system

[Affirmative. Sorting through Booklist. 3545 options Found...]

Power Levels Booklist 432 Books Found

Worlds And Its Structure...

Energy Structural Parameter...

Social Standards...

Analyzation Completion... 80%... 98%... 100%

Analyzation Completed...]

[Ding! Congratulations For Host Completing the Quest: Knowledge is a Strength:

Find the power level of this world

Reward: 1000 VP, Consolidation of Asura Blood By 2%

Failure: Removal of Asura Demonic Body

Status: Completed]

Fia felt a hot sensation permeating throughout her body, it was as if the blood flowing through her veins suddenly flowing more vigorously and spiked in speed, making her skin glisten unknowingly, as she felt her head aching, she felt her body itching a bit and After two more seconds all the sensations stepped and it was as if cool air blow all over body, Fia opened her eyes and it was an astounding feeling how much her senses had developed and how she views every minor detail more prominently than before

"System, What was that?" asked Fia inside her head

[Reward Of the Quest: Knowledge is a Strength

Consolidation Of Asura Blood By 2% Completed]

"The next time, you do something like that, you give me a warning, you understand?"


"So give me the gist of what are all the information and how this world works to me in simpler words," asked with much-awaited anticipation


Listing Information...

The option of Interest "How this World works"

Geography information...

- The Blackstone City is a Human populated city, situated in the realm of Exosia, Which is considered to be one of the Seven realms...