Mentally Invaded?

[Ding! {Warning}

Would Host like to Deploy:

Emergency Protocol: Soul Devorement: This One-time Emergency Skill allows you to pacify the soul Damage and allows you the fighting chance against the invading Foreign Soul for a Window of 30 seconds,

The host is advised to keep their mind calm and maintain a strong will to Use the Skill: Soul Devourment in its full efficiency]

Fia managed to understand what the system prompt in her mind was saying and felt grateful for the system the first time since she received it because of how it had provided her with a shot to help her avert this disaster that has befallen her due to her carelessness and insufficient knowledge about this world,

'Yes, Deploy the emergency protocol' Fia pushed out the words in her mind acknowledging to deploy emergency procedures

[Command Registered...

Deploying Emergency Protocol in 3 Seconds...

Host is advised to keep a Clear State of Mind and Procced with an intent to Dominate the Foreign Soul...


[Ding! Emergency Protocol Deployed. ]

As soon the final system notification rang within Fia's mind that Emergency protocol was Deployed, an incredulous scene took place,

While the purple wisp-like energy proceeded to pour out from Avarose' hands as it continuedly assaulted Fia's body non-stop, a sudden change occurred stupifying the Succubus senseless

"What in hell?" she said out loud baffled, as she watched the energy she wielded escaping her grasp of control and get sucked into Fia's body as if sand absorbing water,

Realizing the fact that Fia was resisting her onslaught, Avarose cackled out loud crazily "Coincited!, you really think that you could compete with me, with little to no cultivation, I'll appreciate the effort though"

Avarose closed her eyes and opened them abruptly as her eyes gleamed with purple radiance leaking out leaving a neon trail behind, her hands grabbed Fia's neck and her hands trembled as she pushed her consciousness inside Fia's mind to invade and attain dominance within her mind and gain control of her body,

As soon as she entered Fia's consciousness, she floated around searching for memories, she could use against Fia and make her Dispair making it easier for her to attain dominance, as she searched through the memories, watched the scenes that Fia had lived through... She felt perplexed and

just as she was, Halfway through the memories...

Avarose felt her world turn cold and dark, It was pitch-black darkness. Nothing could be seen through this darkness. Avarose felt that she had arrived in a pitch-black world,

She had soul searched and invaded, manipulated many minds in her lifetime as Succubus to keep herself alive

but when she looked at the view before her, she was completely Flabberesgated, she looked around as everywhere she could see was Darkness encompasses Fia's consciousness and when she felt how voided and cold it felt, even she felt her consciousness affected by it, as she felt insolated and her mind started picking up traces of insanity and felt panic-induced into her psyche

"Disgraceful!, These worlds people don't even have any knowledge about the concept of privacy, just going around looking into people's memories, Well, I kinda do that too... just call Hypocrite I don't mind" Avarose heard these words booming around the encompassing Dark world

"D-Don't think that you could Initimade me with your little tricks!" shouted Avarose, as her voice echoed around the world, but her voice betrayed her body's involuntary action as if one looked careful we can find her hands trembling with fear,

As she finished her scream, she felt a wind grace the side of her face and abruptly a voice echoed from behind her back scaring her, "I think you are intimidated" Fia stated Flatly

As Avarose scrambled away from her and cried out loud "I'll kill you!" and she made a translucent green blade appear in her hands and pushed herself forward to attack Fia's conscious Form standing before her as she got, even more, agitated looking at Fia's thin smile on her face

Just when she was about to reach near Fia's form with Blade extended out with the intent to pierce forward with a single thrust, but shockingly the blade just short of reaching Fia's form, Avarose was baffled by this turn of events and when she looked above to meet Fia's Face, What greeted her was Soulless Abyss-Black fear striking eyes complimenting it was smile that could only be described as crazy, her eyes stared deep into Avarose making her squirm in discomfort and fright

"No! No! I can't accept this, I was going to dominate the realm, what's happening! this can't be true..." as Avarose started mumbling to herself in a low voice creepily, she was determined to face it with her life and her form burst out with purple energy as it turned to invade the black space surrounding her and she managed to paint the space half purple while another half shifted with cold Darkness

"Arrgghh!" shouted out Fia with pain wreaking her mind, as she counted her seconds of the skill nearing its end and pushed her mind to the limit and utilized just her will to influence her consciousness,

The black side her consciousness reacted to her will and started shifting and started protruding tentacles as it continued to move and Devore the purple radiance and very soon 90% of the space looked dark with Avarose standing at the edge looking scared

'I need to get out of here and return to my body!' thought Avarose, forming plans to escape, but she didn't notice the backside of her was already consumed with darkness, she suddenly felt something crawling on her body gradually and she tried shaking her body out of it, but she felt trapped and she couldn't move, she found with panic that she couldn't use her powers and screamed with high-pitched agony "NOOOO...." as the last portion of her body, the left eye that was red with anger was covered with black mass and devoured her whole by Fia's consciousness

[4... Seconds For the Skill: Soul Devorement to End]