Another Voice inside me?

[4... Seconds for the skill Devorement to end ]

Fia looked at the remainder from the system of the time she had left for the emergency skill to end, as felt Avarose's soul inside her consciousness drowned out by her own consciousness, which resulted in a pleasant feeling permeating throughout her mind, clearing her head, calming her down, she felt as if her mind worked three times faster than before and the total ordeal of pain her mind had to endure and experience till now disappear within her mind,

she discovered something spectacular occuring within her consciousness space, It was truly an unimaginable scene, The darkness that encompassed Fia's consciousness condensed into a giant ball of rippling Darkness and when Fia went closer curious to check what this phenomenon that was taking place inside her

When she was just a step closer from reaching the Rippling Orb of darkness that emitted a powerful pressure and gave off a mystical feeling, she tried to peer into, The Orb blasted off and starts encompassing the surroundings of her consciousness to bring birth to a Dark world,

the darkness started forming a sky with dull grey clouds and green lightning flashing in between the clouds making the color of the clouds to be dilated with vileness, and a never-ending land that was filled with glowing purple and blue flowers that wiggled as a cold blue breeze blown at it with cruelty and intent to bring destruction to it, but Fia saw the flowers struggle but not get destroyed and when she looked above this Cruel world that was born into her mind, she found a Blood-Red Crescent moon that seemed as if it was bleeding

"What in Hell's name is happening" as Fia wondered out loud

"Maybe this is hell"


Meanwhile In the outside world, somewhere not far from Fia's room,

A golden Shockwave radiated from a Dark alleyway, throwing out a skinny and fat man flying like ragdolls, as they flew and crashed down the road sustaining heavy injuries, making everyone look at the duo with bewilderment, as to why they came flying and what happened to them to sustain these heavy injuries, as soon as they got hold of their consciousness

A sonorous, Imposing Roar filled the dark alleyway as the golden and neon blue radiance shockwave radiated bringing destruction to the nearby buildings and very soon the dark grey clouds hovering above the street started twisting and merging together as a golden lightening permeated with a thundering sound that shook the many souls in the city, the clouds started permeating throughout the city, encompassing it as a whole and the dark clouds shifted to make a way for glorious golden lightning that came threateningly close to annihilating a residential area of the city, as the pedestrians and the citizens of the Blackstone city cowered as they reeled into hiding under any shelter they could find to save their heads, The lightening was filled with destructive power and randomly streaked across the all over the city bring terror,

If one looked closer to find the origins and cause of this dreadful phenomenon they would discover a lifeless body of a little girl with scarlet hair that laid between the pile of garbage, From inside the girl's body echoed another Violence inducing roar that brought the pedestrians nearby to cover their ears while they bled and induced them insanity

A voice filled with wisdom can be heard from the girl's body in a light tone " A worthy Soul and a One-in a Million opportunity"

*Roar* that destroyed yet another building nearby the girl's body

"The quintessence has finally graced this Sovereign with a Path to Revenge, The Path to Sate myself of Millions of Years Sorrow

I'll Show this World What I'm capable of Once again, as they watch the chaos consume their pitiful minds



As Fia Devoured Avarose's soul, her body was lying down the floor similar to a corpse, there's no sign of vitality and heartbeat, as for Fia she was standing with furrowed eyebrows as if she pondering over something important within her mind, something unexpected happened