
"Oh me?, I'm Archos Kaiser"

"So... Kaiser?, I'll call you Kaiser then, it's easier to say that way, I'm Fia Valor, by the way, you were supposed to be my substitute Teacher thingy, I don't understand what's all that about,

anyway, about being your disciple I don't really think you have what it takes to be my master, How about you just help me with my cultivation standard catch up with the rest of the students and I'll be on my way after this week" Fia proposed her proposition she had in mind for a while and waited for his reply and it came in the most undramatic way possible

"Yeah..., no" answered Kaiser as he took a big puff from his cigar and let out a huge ring with the smoke

"What?, Why?" asked Fia with a puzzled expression on her face, as she coughed due to the smoke

"Well, A. You don't have choice other than being my Disciple because I'm blabbermouth and a drunkard you see, even I don't know when I'll blabber to someone that there's a Demon named Fia in our prestigious Academy, and if that were to happen they will burn you alive, but if you were my Disciple, I could try to keep my mouth shut, I'll try though there's not a guarantee there, I hope you understand, being an Alcoholic is hard

B. I want you to owe me because I have a task, that you have to do for me if you ever manage to reach the appropriate strength for the task, I'm sure you will reach it, with your potential as Asura Demon and my experience as Powerful Angel, trust me we will be an undefeatable combo... It's weird but undefeatable nonetheless and

C.., C?... yeah There's no C, I thought about putting Killing you, on the list but If I did A it'll happen automatically, and I don't like killing unnecessarily, I'm kinda a lazy guy as you can see

Fia heard his funny bit of an explanation with a wry smile on her face and said "Yeah!, I don't like killing unnecessarily as well, at least I like to think so but more than that I don't like dying unnecessarily more, so I think we are gonna do just great,"

"So, how do we do this, I accept being your disciple that's it! right?"

"Hey, Woah! what do you think you are doing kid, that's not how you recognize me as your master, Ah! Kids these days know nothing about respect for their seniors, you have to Kowtow three times and pledge that you'll be a loyal disciple and continue to work harder in your cultivation so that you can make my name proud, come on do it" Kaiser reprimanded Fia of her disrespectful behavior and waited for her

"Yeah, That's not happening, let's stop wasting time and start my cultivation, I'm already 3-months behind and if I don't catch up with the rest of these kids within this week I'll be kicked out of the academy, and keeping talking with you really doesn't help the cause,"

"Kid you really have a sharp tongue, I hope it assists you in battles too, but let's start with basics,

Vital things you have to know is that there are 9 ranks to each stage of cultivation, with rank 1 being the start and rank 9 being the peak. After breaking through to the next stage, the practitioner starts at rank 1 of that new stage, to progress in each minor ranks you have to absorb Aether energy from your surroundings or from the condensed Aether energy resource like Aether crystals,

Martial Talent is the grade of a martial artist, be it Grade One Martial Talent or Grade Two, it is simply the measure of the speed and ease with which their body could absorb Aether energies. The faster they could absorb Aether energies, the higher their martial talent would be,

but it's different between Heavenly races like us Angels and Demons, we don't belong in mortality, we are born Immortal while Earthly races fight and struggle to attain that privilege, hence for us Cultivation is only a means to strengthen ourselves unlike mortals,

Angels are heaven blessed beings hence they have a higher talent for cultivation when compared to other mortal races and so our cultivation speed dominates superior among all races, and plane naturally enhances our cultivation

but when it comes to Demons, your race has what is called a Heaven defying talent which is dubbed a double-edged sword, because Demons have to Devore certain amount of life force each time when they are attempting a major breakthrough and also to fuel their cultivation growth and because of it they attract Heavenly tribulation each time they attempt a major breakthrough,

Especially an Asura like you have to absorb a lot of Lifeforce's when breaking thorough, When I say Lifeforce it's the lives of cultivators, that's how Demonic bodies work and also the reason of Hatred for your race by every other Earthly race including Angels

Tribulation is also attracted by Earthly race cultivators who have deviated from the Righteous path to Demonic Path as they decided to practice methods that go against nature

But don't worry there's always a boon when it comes to the extra effort, as you have to absorb life force each time to fuel your cultivation growth it'll also enhance the vitality of your body, stabilizing your foundation, providing an overall advantage over everyone in the same cultivation Realm, also fighting a one whole realm is also possible for a short period, but every boon also comes with bane, Demons only have their will to rely on to persevere through plane's Heavenly tribulation

only because of this that Demons are always low in numbers when compared to all the other races,

But in the end, the key to higher cultivation is through one's will power and determination.