Cryptic Spirits

"But in the end, the key to higher cultivation is through one's will power and determination" as Kaiser Finished his concise, meaningful and elaborate explanation

While Fia heard everything with focused attention as she registered everything to her memory and cross-referenced with what she knew beforehand for a better understanding of the matter,

"There's one more thing that's very Vital, and That's absorbing and integrating with a suitable Aether Cryptics, Aether Cryptics are Fatalic Etherial spirits that exist in many forms and are born naturally in overwhelming Aether Density regions that are defined as cataclysmic Zones, a Zone that spews out disasters and formidable monsters

It's a place where mortals die when stepping in, It has a harsh environment that's suitable only for brave and fierce Aether cultivators who enter to obtain substantial power and benefits for their cultivation base, also many if unfortunate lose their lives due to the unknown dangers the cataclysmic Zones poses,

But even so many aether cultivators have continued to put their lives on line to obtain a powerful Aether cryptic Spirit because it plays a major role in an Aether cultivators combat power, and also becasue it very much could determine the future path of his/her cultivation and is also absolutely necessary to break through to the next major realm, The strength of the Cryptic Spirits are determined by the amount of Aether enegry they radiate and is classifeid in the order Class[Ashen] being the weakest, following[Cerulean], [Amaranthine],[Stygian], [Ichor] and finally [Aurous] being the strongest grade of Cryptic spirits,

Mortal's bodies are limited to absorb and integrate with Ashen-Cerulean class Cryptic spirits as their First Cryptic Spirit because integrating with a class of Cryptic spirit more than that can destroy their minds and bodies and result in their death, But they could use Heaven and Earth treasures to enhance their physical capabilities to integrate with an Amaranthine class Cryptic spirit at most

But for us Angels and Demons due to our superior Physique, we qualify to start with the class Amaranthine class Cryptic spirit, and could easily absorb and integrate with 100% synchronization, that could establish a deeper connection with your Cryptic spirit"

"step back, I'll show you what a strong sequence of Cryptic Spirits an Aether Elder of Angel race could possess" as Kaiser said this, Fia stepped back as she was told and watched Kaiser stand from his dusty old chair as he dusted off the dirt on his shabby white robe

"Alright, let's begin now shall we," said Kaiser as a hint of savage glimmer passed in his coal-black eyes, there was a hint of craziness in his grin, as he prepared himself the whole room became eerily silent, a Black aura slowly but surely oozed out from his whole, It's a sinister aura that was rampant and unchained completely not what you would expect from an Angel that has quoted the purest of being and Born of heaven,

Kaiser lifted his right hand with his palms open, as he did so ample amount of Aether energy gathered around his palm on could perceive a formless pressure around his palms, as Black lightening arcs sparked and danced around his fingers frantically, he closed his fingers as he made a grasping motion as if he was gripping something when he did that, the black lightning flashed from his hands with a thundering roar and the next second he was grasping a Heavy long Blade, it was largely golden and Black beautiful blade with black hues of lightning arcs that brimmed through and around it

"This is my martial soul, Sword of Abyssal Peace" Kaiser declared with a solemn look in his face all craziness lost from his face, as he lifted the blade which appeared very slowly and left blur, just then a flash of lightning crackled around the blade with vigor,

"And these are my Cryptic spirits," Kaiser said and held the Blade horizontally with one arm, which almost looked impossible with size of the blade and how heavy it looked, But Fia pushed it to the back of her mind because of what she saw next and how it made her feel a chill climbing on her spine,

From Kaiser right hand which was holding the sword, in his forearm surfaced, a distinct and each uniquely shaped flat crystals that glowed resplendently and power, In his forearm was Four crystals that looked embedded as well as if a part of him mysteriously, Blue sapphire, and two Purple crystals and Black obsidian like crystal, When one looked closer they could observe a liquid or gas like energy that constantly shifted in the crystal almost as if each crystal seemed housed something

"This is my sequence Cryptic Spirits, one Cerulean class spirit, and two Amaranthine and finally a Stygian class Spirit, this might not be the best sequence but I'm pretty formidable"