
"This my sequence of Cryptic Spirits, One cerulean class spirit and two amaranthine and finally a Stygian Class spirit, this might not be the best sequence of Sprits but I'm pretty formidable"

"I know exactly what you are thinking but, no I'm not going to show you, what exactly my spirits are Because even though you are my disciple there are some boundaries between us and some reasons, A. I barely know you, B. I don't what to ruin the element of surprise if we ever fought each other to death, you never know right?" Kaiser explained his reasons in his own way for concealing his spirits

"Alright, keep your secrets, I never wanted know anyway, observing you I can hypothesis that they are trash too," Fia said shrugging her shoulders with indifference

"Woah, Woah, Calm down Kaiser, don't let brat get to you! you are awesome everybody knows that Seniors shouldn't bully Juniors" Kaiser tried to calm down by talking to himself while ignoring Fia's comment

"Kid you happen to be useful to me, don't try pissing me off again," Kaiser said with a serious look on his face

"Alright, are you going to teach me anything?, because I heard teaching Disciples is what Masters do, What about you?" Fia questioned Kaiser with a bored look on her face

"I'm Kinda lazy today, I'll teach you tomorrow, but till then keep this bag of Aether Crystals and try comprehending and cultivating with this Cultivation Method I have just given you, throw the Common Method the Academy had given you to the trash where it belongs and don't reveal that I'm an Angel and keep your trap shut about everything that happened here because if you don't.." As kaiser was about to continue Fia interjected in the middle while he was speaking and said "....you will kill me,"

"You are smarter than I thought, you catch on pretty quickly, that's a good, thing now scram! I have a drink to finish" Kaiser said as he lowered himself in his seat with a relieved expression on his face while he took a pleasureful drag on his cigar

"Before I leave, If you don't mind answering a quick question about a particular thing that's been bugging me the moment I laid my eyes on it,"

"what is it, Kid?" Kaiser said with annoyance and impatient apparent in his tone

"It's just, What's up with creepy Detached head on your table that keeps blinking?" Fia asked with disgust filled face

"Ohhh, you must be referring to Rayn, that's my Assistant and drinking partner, you know he's in fact a great listener, he never talks like literally he never talks, It might have something to do with a fact that I stitched his mouth, don't mind that, I think he prefers it like that, ain't that right little buddy?" asked Kaiser with a smile as he leaned his head near the table as if he was waiting for the detached Head to agree with him

Fia saw the head Blink profusely as if it was flustered and scared and seeing the debacle Fia had a funny thought in her head 'Blink twice if you are here against your will'

'Yeah he blinked four times, he must his partner then I can just probably Ignore him'

"See, See!, my buddy Rayn agrees with me, now scram, an Alcoholic needs to have his privacy when he's drinking, Wow, Juniors these days know nothing about the world"

"Alright, have fun with your buddy Rayn, I'll take my leave for now then, where do I meet you tomorrow?"

"I'll meet you here, and don't slack off and waste those damn Aether crystals I gave you and cultivate with determination and try to comprehend the Cultivation method I gave you, I hope you can at least grasp the essence of it by tonight, It's pretty hard but try and remember you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow so get your rest or I might break you," Kaiser said with a mischievous grin plastered on his lazy face

"Yeah, Let's see...,"

"Rayn you want a drag buddy?, Ha!, forgot that I stitched your mouth, why don't you just suck the smoke around you" Kaiser started talking with his detached Head on the table, as he lifted his legs and placed it on the detached head and again started using it as his leg rest