Authority Of Aether Domination

After the Otherworldly wild meeting with Archos Kaiser, who just out of nowhere became Fia's master, Just seconds ago, Fia left Kaiser and his detached Headed friend Ryan to themselves and came out of the Shabby room with a perplexed frown that slowly transformed into a relieved expression on her face, While the perplexion she felt was due to the fact that she didn't expect anything of the today's events to play out the way like this and she particularly didn't know how to make sense of it and decided to put these thoughts at the back of her head as a relieved expression was formed due to the fact that she could breathe freely again without covering her nose because of the god-awful stench that constantly permeated around the room and so she took a full breath of fresh air and relaxed herself mentally and thought about what to do next

As she thought about what to do next, she remembered the things Archos Kaiser had passed onto to her in a Spare Spatial ring of his, which he repeatedly mentioned that he was only lending it to her and he would take it back after she got one herself, Which she shrugged it off after placing all the items in the ring to her inventory and wore the ring just for decoration so that no one could suspect her and get suspicions about the system

Now that she had the necessary items to start her cultivation, Which she thought can only be earned through doing a bunch of chores for the academy, she was relieved a little bit that she got it so easy and she is excited to start her cultivation in the new world so that she could have a taste of power herself and so she decided to run off to her room with haste

Fia reached the room, which would normally take 15 minutes to reach within 5 minutes due to the excitement fueling, she opened the room with her student identification card and went inside and discovered that there was no-one inside, which she assumed that they might still be in their respective classes, She didn't give it much thought and went and sat crossed-legged on her assigned bed, which is the upper bed all ready to start her cultivation, as she quickly glossed over all the instructions in her mind that she had obtained from the Library as well as from Valarose

The first thing any Aether cultivator should be capable of is sensing the Aether energy in the surroundings and The second thing is to relax their body completely and meditate and gather the Aether energy from the surroundings or from Aether Crystals with the cultivation method they are in possession of, It is perceived that cultivating with the aether energy from the surroundings as time-consuming compared to absorbing from crystallization of Aether energy,

From the inventory, Fia took out both the items, A ragged Black notebook, and a bag

The ragged Black notebook had grand golden lettering saying 'Hegemonizeing Seven Quentissantials' with underlying words saying 'Authority of Aether Domination'

Fia read the title and didn't look much into it and placed her hands on the notebook and commanded the system in her head "Hey, Systeme scan this book and inject the information in my mind"


Scanning Process Completed...

Proceeding with the Injection of the Information to Hosts Mind...]

Hearing the system proceed, Fia braced her herself for the incoming flood of information but still, she felt like a needle was being pierced into her brain, as her brain was flooded with a lot of information that she couldn't comprehend, it almost felt like an endless stream of information that is threatening to drown out her consciousness, as she thought in her mind in trepidation and wonderment as sweat fell down from her forehead 'How could a small notebook like that contain this much information'

Fia decided to isolate all the information in a part of her consciousness and access it while comprehending slowly and gradually

After 2 minutes the flood of information stopped and Fia breathed out loud and released an exhausted sigh as she said "Wow, that was trippy"

But still, even though she was feeling somewhat exhausted mentally, she was determined to see through to it fully and so she relaxed her whole being and tried to access the information in her mind gradually,

As she gradually tried to comprehend the information her brows creased up, with a visible frown on her face, she closed off her other senses so that even minute sound from distracting as she gradually glossed over the information, The instruction didn't depict the Aether crystal ever being in contact with the practitioner physically Which she thought to be weird and how it only explains about circulation of Aether energy from the surroundings and how it should be directed inside the body in a particular way

Deciding to set these thoughts aside for the moment, Fia decided to just carry on with what the instruction said and she proceeded to circulate her inherent Aether energy in her dantian following the method depicted in the black notebook and then something extraordinary happened