First Step

Deciding to set the fleeting thoughts of hers aside, Fia decided to just carry on with the Instructions in the ragged Black Notebook named ' Hegemonizeing Seven Quintessentials' with underlying words ' Authority of Aether Domination' in grand golden letterings,

Which Fia, thought that it was an overblown and pretty stupid and very arrogant name for a cultivation technique, that depicts about not influencing the surrounding energy source known as Aether But absolutely bringing it down to the cultivator's submission, Which when Fia run it over her head and thought about these things, Fia believed that it might very much be a joke the guy Archos Kaiser is playing on her   

But after witnessing the incomprehensible and deep ocean like information that it contained, that could very likely to drown out here consciousness if she tried to comprehend it all at once,

Fia couldn't help having mixed feelings about it, as she steeled herself in mind, she proceeded to guide her inherent Aether energy as depicted in the technique as she also tried to comprehend more of the technique in her head, But drawing her attention away from doing her comprehension 

As soon as she finished with the first circulation of her Inherent Aether energy in her meridians as Instructed in the technique, A ripple washed across the faint formless energy in the atmosphere like a stone throw in a pond, surrounding her body, as she proceeded with the second circulation of her Inherent energy through her meridians, something unexpected happened,

a wave of formless faint Aether energy in the environment got pulled straight away to find Fia's body almost as if bees swarming its nest, and the faint aether energy in the environment slowly entered her body like water dissolving in a paper, also a steady stream of white light leaked out of the bag of Aether Crystals that Archoas Kaiser had given Fia for her cultivation, as the energy constantly entered her body 

Fia felt somewhat overwhelmed by the amount of Aether energy that's constantly entering her body, as she faltered to keep control over the Abundant energy and failed to keep up the circulation of the energy in her meridians constant, that she till now had perfect control over just before seconds but came undone because of her lack of experience to maintain control over this amount of abundant energy,

As It spiraled out of her control, the energy again released out of her body to rejoin the environment, which now looked, even more, richer with it being enhanced by the Aether crystals Fia wasted to keep control of, as Fia's forehead sweated with exhaustion as she had a wry smile on her face because of what had happened

"This isn't going to be easy huh?" as she realized her mistake and wiped the sweat off of her face and with a new regained vigor, she continued again with a strong will to keep it together and get this done, As she started circulating again, It happened again as the stream of Aether energy entered her body to join the stream of energy in her meridians,

She was ready for what's about to come and prepared and determined to handle it, as she slowly let her inherent energy encompass the foreign source of Aether energy,

Fia slowly but surely forcibly controlled the Abundant energy to her will and guided it in a circulation that depicted in the technique, she soon felt her body now capable of handling this amount of energy and she continued devouring the surrounding of it's faintest of the little Aether energy and guided it in her meridians, she could feel herself becoming stronger as she felt refreshing, invigorating sense of accomplishment from the bottom of her heart, as she felt the Abundant energy in her control, a slight grin blossomed on her lips 

While she lost herself in this intoxicating feeling as she circulated the energy within herself and conserved it in, suddenly a Wincing pain came all over her body, she felt her body ache all over as her breathing becomes rampant from steady, as she gasped for air and soon her body started increasing in temperature for a second and the next it started cooling down rapidly when that happened her body returned to normal very quickly, as it got over

She realized something with a wide grin on her face as she said "I'm at 1st Aether Weilding stage, till two more stages to go so that I don't get kicked out of here"

Thus Fia finished her taking the first step in her cultivation and arrived in the First stage of the first realm of Aether cultivation,

In her happiness, she didn't realize that a day had passed and the next morning had already arrived and how her roommates came and left the room to rejoin their classes again,

Just when she thought about closing her eyes and continue with her cultivation because of how reinvigorated she felt after taking the first step in her Aether cultivation she was excited to get into the state again, But as she closed her eyes she again felt a familiar sense of trepidation, as wry smile came over her 

she felt her surroundings warp, she disappeared from her bed out of thin air as her Balck notebook and bag of Aether crystals also disappeared with her, leaving silence and desolate atmosphere in the room