Free Falling

"What the hell is happening" Fia wondered and her wonderment in this matter is all the more justified if we were to take into account of the environment she was in,

She was currently free-falling from eerie Black skies that spanned across Darkness enshrouded as a sinister Red radiance glimmered in the corner of her eyes from the horizon of the Dark skies, it had a certain attraction to it, as If it was seductive and ensnaring, It looked the shape of a cross radiating with mysterious and Divinity, as she remembered a word in her mind as she blurted out "Extremis" But regaining her lost composure after being lost minded for a second looking at the mysterious thing,

Now she looked down with a wry smile on her face, as the reality of free-falling sunken in her 

She watched the dark clouds passing by her eyes as she felt the soft touch of the clouds in her face, as the strong wind blowing against her causing her long Sliver hair to flutter in the air, as she continued free-falling,

She didn't know what to think of the situation she was in and cursed a few times in her mind about her bad luck and decided to closed her eyes and waited for her impending doom or whatever that awaited after, As she sneakily opened one of her eyes to see how far she was from landing in the ground flat and get squashed to death, But reality proved otherwise as she saw she was floating just three feet above the ground preventing her inevitable death, She felt as if a force was holding her up from the ground, as she heard a familiar voice saying "You are late"

As she lifted her head up to see Archos Kaiser, standing there lazily leaning back on a tree as he chewed something on his mouth while yawning 

Seeing his laid back posture as he acted as If whatever Fia had been subjected till the second ago was not his handiwork made Fia baffled beyond words at his acting skills that were on par with her own as she said flatly without the energy to argue with a crazy person "What's up with making me fall from the sky and stuff"

"Oh that... I just happen to be drunk while trying to teleport you and made a little mistake about the location, well who cares anyway, I'm assuming that must have been a pretty fun experience though, I too do it once in a while if I'm feeling a little sad, sucks the sadness right out of you doesn't it?"

"It sucked the life out of me, You Freaky Bastard!" Fia exclaimed with exhaustion 

"Nobody cares, Woah!, you seem to have made some progress with your cultivation there, 1st Stage of Aether wielding, not that bad for a newbie, For a Demon, you are a disgrace, come on let's get on with your training" 

"H-hey What do you mean a Disgrace!, I worked hard for this improvement," asked Fia feeling wronged 

"What was your name again?, I forgot Leia or something.. " Kaiser asked while rubbing his chin as If he was thinking really hard 

"It's Fia, Don't sweat it, I forgot peoples names sometimes too, It's totally fine," Fia said shrugging her shoulders and letting the matter slide without giving it much of a thought

"Aren't you an understanding little kid Fia, now why are you still in your disguise, It's just you and me here, you can let loose here" Kaiser said while walking forward

"Yeah.., I'm good for now in this form It kinda pains me every time I change a form, What are we going to train anyway, and what is this place," Fia asked curiously 

"This is my let's just say a place for me to enjoy myself, as for what you are going to do, you are going to climb that mountain for me and bring back a cigar I left in the top, While I was hanging out there....,

Damn it! I told Rayn to remind me before I was going to sleep, that detached headed bastard he's gonna get some piece of me some time I tell you!" 

As Fia caught up to kaiser and looked at the mountain he was referring to, She became absolutely speechless as she sucked in a low breath as she watched the grandeur before her eyes and remembered seeing something like that in the walls of the Academy

A humongous and majestic snowy mountain that looked the personification of Heavens, as It peaks were hidden by the dark clouds like Veil