Endevour for A Cigar

"You must be kidding me r-right?" Fia asked baffled by what she was hearing from her supposed Master Archos Kaiser, who asked her to climb a massive mountain just to retrieve the cigar he left behind in the top of it 

"Nope, not at all, I'm full-on serious here, In fact, I'm as serious as I can be, because the Cigar that's in the top of the mountain I left behind cost me like 12 Gold coins, and it's very to limited for some people to get their hands-on, you can feel my frustration right and you have to be fast now, time is the key here with the temperature in the top being very cold and all, you have only 15 minutes left before the cigar become useless? and trust me you don't want a useless cigar it's the worst Fia" Kaiser said with his grieving tone

"Hey, Let me get two things straight for your numb-nut brain, I don't give a fuck about your stupid cigar and I'm not climbing that- t-that, whatever the hell that is?" said Fia unhurriedly

"What if I told you that, If you don't climb this mountain as I said, then the First step you took as Aether cultivator yesterday will be for nothing and your cultivation base will be returning back to nothing, Yup back to square one, but here's the thing, the Technique I gave you is kinda special, so it'll also do it's worst to reduce your inherent Aether energy too, If you don't climb this mountain in 15 minutes to stabilize the energy that you so greedily sucked in yesterday," Kaiser said as a matter of factly as If he didn't care about it anyway 

"Why would you give me the trashy technique then?" Fia asked frustrated with Kaiser's theatrics

"Trashy technique?, Ahh... Kids how stupid, Trust me! Human Kings would wipe my butt for that technique and it's a Technique a Demon never held before in for a Millineia and I'm not bragging or anything though, I'm must have been really drunk to give you that technique " Kaiser said as he picked his teeth with his nails 

"When have you ever been sober?" Fia asked annoyed 

"Well... That must have happened a millennia ago too, So I don't exactly remember it, But I do remember one thing though, that you wasted two minutes talking non-sense and now you only have about 13 minutes before you know the thing I told you happens" Kaiser reminded once again

"Fuck!, Let's do this! So... What I just have to climb the mountain right?" Fia asked convinced that no matter what, she just has to climb the mountain 

"Yeah, pretty much but there's a thing or two you have to keep in mind while climbing, I'll instruct them as you climb, shall we start?" 

"Y-yes, Start," Fia said nervously, but as soon she said, a slight grin came over the corner of her lips as she realized the reality and the craziness of the unimaginable thing she was about to do sunken in her mind, and she felt excitement coursing through her whole as she watched the majestic wonder of a mountain before her eyes and took a moment to thought about how wonderful it is, compared to the mundane world she was in before and promised herself to live this new life in this new world with both no regrets and excitement 

And Kaiser snapped his fingers, as again Fia felt a familiar sensation of her surroundings warp and the next thing she knew, she was standing in the foot of the hills, as she watched the rugged cold icy rocks forming the mountain, it looked ice laced densely, cold and transparent to a certain extent it looked magical, as she felt the cold winds gracing her presence, sending a slight shiver down her body, But she also discovered something unexpected, Which is the presence of Aether energy near this mountain is extraordinarily dense making the air in the atmosphere extremely dense, 

As Fia inhaled a huge amount of air in the atmosphere and exhaled, she felt her mind clearer than ever as she decided to proceed to climb with a will to complete the task as much as she could even if she was to fail to do so halfway, and she used the rugged and cracked surface of the mountain and started climbing up, 

When she climbed about 20 feet in the mountains, she could feel some sort of formless pressure weighing her down, preventing her from climbing further adding to the fact that the coldness from the surface of the mountain permeated through her fingers and made her hands feel numb, 

"Argh... This shit is fun and hard!" as Fia grumbled under her breath and raised her right hand and grabbed another rugged slope she could use to climb, she heard something under her feet, a low grunt

when she traced back the sound to the large slop just a little low and six feet beside the portion she was climbing, she caught sight of a Pristine white-colored tiger with glowing icy Blue strips on its body and that more surprisingly enough had three heads as all of them were lying down sleeping in the cold slope like it was the comfiest cushion ever, as the tiger waved around its weird tail that had Ice spikes decorating it that looked just perfect for this tiger, as Fia looked at the beauty of the creature before her eyes with surprise and amazement, 

She discovered with shock that, one of the tiger's heads in the middle slowly opened its eyes somberly to display it's clear purple eyes, as the icy winds moving around it came to a blaring halt, as If it was gracing and respecting the creature's presence and the tiger looked straight at Fia with a lazy look as another low grunt escaped from the left head of the tiger as if it was displaying his disapproval of the middle head waking up, But the right head had the most radical behavior as it had already woke up and opened its mouth as purple radiance gathered in it, as the air grew heavier and vibrated, as Fia watched a torrent of Aether energy gathering in its mouth 

"Oh shit!"