Chapter 735

'That's isn't surprising when I think about it… But they made it quite blatant…'

"How should we proceed Patriarch? Do you wish for the Golden Palace to dock?"


Zhang Dong hovered in the air, engaged in conversation with one of his loyal retainers, Zhang Kuo. The war with the Long Clan had finally come to an end, and approximately eighty percent of the city's population had managed to survive the Goliath's onslaught. Unfortunately, the unlucky ones had been turned to dust during its berserk rampage, while another fifteen percent were left crippled to varying degrees.

The draining of their spiritual energy had left some of the survivors unable to function as they once had. While their strength would gradually return with time, their cultivation would remain compromised if left unchecked. To cultivate good relations with the newly occupied city, it was decided that they would offer assistance. However, convincing the Long Clan to accept this aid proved to be a more challenging endeavor.

Merely a day had transpired since the confrontation had concluded. The Long Clan had reigned as the supreme force within the empire for as long as the empire itself had stood. Accepting a reality where they were no longer the dominant power was inconceivable for many. Taking assistance from those who had conquered them felt like a profound blow to their pride, and a significant portion of them were unwilling to accept any help.

"It needs to be done, we probably won't be able to control the spirit vein without it, very well have gramps land it."

With Zhang Dong's decision made, the Golden Palace slowly descended, its imposing presence casting a shadow over the city. As it touched down on the ground, the earth trembled under its weight, and the survivors of the Azure Capital watched in awe but also disdain. For many, it was their first close encounter with the powerful sect that had brought down the Long Clan and they just replaced their old Azure Palace with the Golden one.

The new Golden Palace, while not as expansive as the old Azure Palace, appeared to fit seamlessly into the space from which it had risen. It was evident that this structure was intended to serve as the new command center for the city and perhaps, in a hundred thousand years or more, as the focal point for the next conflict between empires. How history would ultimately remember this day could be shaped by the Overseer's intentions, and Zhang Dong might never be acknowledged as the one who had defeated the old Emperor.

'The more I think about it, the more it seems that this is the end of my adventure… at least when it comes to this world…'

While the Golden Knights still remained here, they didn't pose a threat to him who had now unified the entire empire under his rule. Even if their true leader were to arrive, they wouldn't pose a significant threat since the main spirit vein was under his control. As the Golden Palace descended, Zhang Dong's attention turned to the system window. It quickly became apparent that he was gaining an enormous amount of spirit points and energy. His passive income had surged by thousands of times, as the entire empire now appeared as his territory.

It seemed to connect with the system, granting him a measure of control. Through the Golden Palace, he realized he could now fully command this spirit vein, which was evidently situated directly beneath the city. Upon consulting his mapping device, he observed that it stretched throughout the entire region, encircled by immense mountains.

'There is so much energy down there… It's no wonder that they could survive for this long but… Most of its heading somewhere else… '

After a few moments of revelation, the truth about the Long Clan and the Azure Capital began to emerge. While the spirit vein was indeed substantial, most of its energy had been channeled into the grand formation that had previously entrapped him and his army. The remaining energy had been gradually distributed throughout the rest of the empire, with the highest concentration residing in the central region. Now, all of it was under his control, and Zhang Dong faced several choices.

'Bob, I want you to integrate with the city. Find any hidden routes that the Overseer could have used, I want to know all of the secrets that they are hiding from me…'


As one battle concluded, the next one commenced - a silent and subtle one. Zhang Dong needed to determine the extent to which he could influence the empire. With his recent victory, he was on the cusp of ascension. When examining the history of other system holders who had come before him, he recognized that this was the endgame.

With the significant spiritual point income at his disposal, he could begin investing in his own cultivation. The transaction rate was abysmal, but without any more immediate concerns, he could afford to pour his resources into strengthening himself. Even if it took years, eventually he would probably arrive at the level of an immortal and be cast out of this world.

However, if he just did that, then he would be doing what the Overseer and the thing that was above him wanted. His predecessor wasn't able to figure out the reason for the system and the scenarios before ascending. Zhang Dong worried that there could be a potential trap waiting for him when he finally moved on. He needed time to prepare as even if he didn't want to, eventually, it would run out.

'Sooner or later I will become old, just like that guy I could try suppressing my cultivation level but … I'll have to make a decision eventually.'

The future appeared promising for Zhang Dong's entire sect. They had emerged victorious and could anticipate thousands of years of prosperity. Although some harbored reservations about the fact that a significant portion of the old Long Clan still remained, they understood that if push came to shove, the United Element Sect would prevail.

As Zhang Dong contemplated the future and the complexities of his newfound power, he couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility weighing heavily on his shoulders. The decisions he made would shape the destiny of not only his sect but also the entire empire.

The negotiations with the Long Clan continued, and gradually, a consensus began to emerge. Many of the Long Clan members, especially the younger generation and the ones coming from branching families who had not been as deeply entrenched in the old ways, saw the opportunity for a fresh start. They recognized the strength of the United Element Sect and the potential benefits of cooperation. Some even embraced the chance to abandon the Long Clan name, which had been tarnished by the recent events.

However, there were still hardliners among the Long Clan elders who clung to their pride and refused to accept the terms offered by Zhang Dong's side. Zhang Jin, with his years of experience and wisdom, took it upon himself to engage with these stubborn elders individually. He appealed to their sense of responsibility for their people and urged them to consider the greater good of the empire.

In the end, a majority of the core Long Clan members chose to leave the Azure Capital, abandoning their name and accepting safe passage to an undisclosed location. It was a bittersweet moment as they departed, leaving behind a legacy that had spanned generations. The remaining survivors, both Long Clan and others, were gradually integrated into the new order established by the United Element Sect.

The Golden Palace became the center of governance for the city, and the survivors were provided with resources and assistance to help them rebuild their lives. Healers from the sect worked tirelessly to mend the physical and spiritual wounds of the survivors, and Zhang Dong made it clear that vengeance was not the path they would follow. Instead, he emphasized unity and cooperation, hoping to break the cycle of conflict that had plagued the empire for so long.

As days turned into weeks, the Azure Capital began to transform. The once-divided population slowly started to coexist, and new alliances and friendships formed. Zhang Dong and his allies worked tirelessly to ensure that the transition was as smooth as possible, and gradually, a sense of stability descended upon the city. Nevertheless, the atmosphere still remained solemn as accepting such a large shift and fall from power was not easy.

The surviving core elders of the Long Clan were confined to an area that was closely monitored, with their every movement reported to the higher-ups. Although it might have appeared on the surface that they had acquiesced, the peace was fragile. It would likely take years, perhaps even generations, for this complex situation to truly reach its conclusion. Everyone knew that hidden forces would eventually form and they needed to make sure that they didn't gain enough power to pose a threat.

Meanwhile, Bob's integration with the city's systems yielded significant results. Hidden tunnels and chambers that had been used by the Overseer to manipulate events were uncovered. Zhang Dong was determined to understand every secret that the city held, for he knew that the ultimate confrontation with the Overseer and the entity above it was inevitable.

In one of those concealed rooms, the bodies of Long Qing's family were discovered. Even the Empress, whom Zhang Dong had witnessed transform before him, lay there with the same fatal wound that had marked the puppet. All of them had been killed, and the murder weapon appeared to belong to the Azure Emperor, bearing his spiritual signature and fingerprints. To the uninitiated, it might have seemed like the work of a mad tyrant, but only Zhang Dong understood the true motives behind these actions.

Zhang Dong's heart sank as he examined the grim scene. The bodies of Long Qing's family lay cold and lifeless, a testament to the brutal actions of the Overseer. It was clear that the puppet had framed the old Emperor for this treachery. It was something that would actually be beneficial to his own rise as he could present himself as a benevolent revolutionary who defeated the corrupt demonic leader. It was as if in this case the Overseer was helping him out from behind the scenes, something that he disliked tremendously.

He knew that the Overseer's intentions extended far beyond the boundaries of the Azure Capital and into the whole Empire. It wanted to manipulate everything to suit the scenario it was programmed for and perhaps even allow its sect to flourish in the coming years.