Chapter 736

"Are you sure about this Dong'er? I'm not sure if the people will accept this…"

"Yes, I have made my decision, the sect will allow the remnants of the Long Clan to reside in the city and we will assign one of our elders to govern the old capital city."

"I guess if that is what you want, no one will stop you. I bet some of those old farts will actually love the idea of governing this old city…"

Zhang Jin commented as both him and Zhang Dong were looking at the Azure City which was slowly transforming into the Golden City. Zhang Dong gazed at the Golden Palace now firmly established as the center of governance. The once-divided Azure Capital had started to regain its vibrancy, and with the integration of the Long Clan remnants, it was slowly becoming the Golden City, a symbol of a new beginning that brought its own problems with it.

Even though everything appeared peaceful on the surface, Zhang Dong knew that old grudges would resurface over time. His sect had managed to climb from the bottom to the top in under twenty years. They had started as a lone lesser clan with only one surviving core formation elder, Zhang Jin. With his arrival, they had swiftly risen to prominence. Such an achievement was considered nearly impossible without outside assistance, so most people assumed that the sect had been fortunate in discovering some immortal-grade treasures.

As a result, the remnants of the Long Clan and other external factions would likely make efforts to uncover the truth behind their power. Most of the evidence pointed to Zhang Dong, who had seemingly emerged out of nowhere, initiated the conquest of the lower regions, and was subsequently revealed to be the younger brother of the former Emperor. Many believed that he had schemed for hundreds of years and instigated the rebellion when threats from other empires began to mount.

The collection of information on how he had accomplished this remarkable ascent would likely begin soon, and some of his followers might find themselves in peril. Zhang Dong understood the ambitions of these individuals when it came to acquiring power, and if they believed that a single item could make them the most powerful in the empire, they wouldn't hesitate to resort to extreme measures, even including harming their own family members.

To counter these potential threats, Zhang Dong recognized that he needed to consolidate his power, not just for himself but for the future of his sect and the city as a whole. He needed to create a foundation that would withstand scrutiny and ensure long-term stability. With the looming threat of the Overseer out there, it was possible for him to not always be here. If he vanished before his armies became truly self-sufficient the remnants of the old Long Clan could rise up again.

Zhang Dong was well aware of how these dynamics played out. There was often a hidden sect, clan, or cult working in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to emerge. It was even possible that this Overseer had created such forces to provide system holders with challenges in the later stages of the scenario. This concept was akin to repeatable quests in massively multiplayer online games, a thing Zhang Dong was familiar with from his past experiences.

His thoughts shifted to the enigmatic spirit vein beneath the city. It represented a formidable source of energy and influence but also posed a potential risk. If left unattended, it could lead to a disaster. While controlling it required the Golden Palace, making it inaccessible to ordinary individuals, it did not preclude the possibility of people attempting to access the vein directly. The potential for corrupting or harnessing the power of such spirit veins for personal gain existed. Protecting it from both external threats and those within, who might have a change of heart, was imperative.

"That's why we will be establishing a council of elders and Qiang will be one of their main members."

"The Matriarch won't like the idea…"

Zhang Jin chuckled at the idea of entrusting someone like Qiang with leadership over a crucial sect asset like the Golden City. The primary reason was the trustworthiness of Qiang. Despite his lack of managerial skills, he would not intentionally act against the sect or Zhang Dong. Furthermore, he was the second most powerful elder within the entire sect, and power was always held in high regard by the cultivators in this world.

Zhang Dong decided to establish a council of elders and experts, including representatives from the Long Clan remnants, to oversee the management and distribution of the spirit vein's energy. By involving various factions in this critical decision-making process, he aimed to reduce suspicion and gain their trust. The council would ensure fairness and transparency in the allocation of resources, preventing any one group from monopolizing the spirit vein's power which he planned to share with the whole Empire.

The old Long Clan, along with the other two most prominent sects, had monopolized this resource for hundreds of years. From Zhang Dong's perspective, coming from another world, these people were not necessarily enemies, and they could potentially assist him in future conflicts. The future remained uncertain, and having a more potent empire with him at the helm represented a superior outcome.

"I know but I'm sure she will be happy that he won't be around Spirit Spring City anymore."

"Ah that's right, you won't be staying here."

Zhang Dong nodded as he had decided to not reside in the old Azure City that was the symbol of the old Long Clan. One of the reasons was that he didn't want to be seen as a replacement for his older brother and continue with the same tired traditions. He preferred a more democratic approach to most of the decisions with him only being called forth when no decisions could be met.

Yet, the primary reason he wished not to linger here was because the entire area seemed custom-made for the Overseer. The region contained numerous concealed areas that Bob had uncovered. Zhang Dong didn't want to remain too close to this enigmatic being, and this sentiment applied to his family as well. The peculiar puppet had a fondness for replacing significant members within clans and sects. To safeguard his family from being substituted, he needed to maintain constant surveillance. The old city served as his main base, where his faction system operated most effectively.

"Keep Qiang in check, golden council elder Jin."

"Ah… You have to let this old man retire one of these days."

"Hah, tough luck, you'll be using that longevity for the sake of the sect, don't even try to run away or I'll have Granny Maling assigned with you."

"You know how to give an old man nightmares!"

Zhang Jin frowned at the notion of having Feng Mailing living in this city.

"Just try to keep your hands to yourself for once, I don't want any timebombs within our clan…"

"I know, I know, who do you think I am!"

"A pervert? Some would call you the scum of the earth I guess? I would be surprised if you could be the most hated elder among the men and women in the sect."

Zhang Jin averted his gaze, while Zhang Dong stared at him with a squint. He comprehended his grandfather's intentions regarding the newfound power and extended lifespan. Zhang Dong feared that many Long Clan members would offer their daughters in the future, and he worried that his grandfather, with his questionable inclinations, might accept a few into his fold. He also had concerns that these children could be nurtured into potential assassins by their disgruntled mothers, patiently awaiting the opportune moment to exact revenge.

"Hey, cut it out, I'm a respected elder! Why would anyone hate me?"

"I don't know, stealing young maidens away will garner some animosity?"

"I won't do it!"

"We shall see…"

Zhang Dong couldn't help but smile at the playful banter with his grandfather. Despite the weight of responsibility and the challenges they faced, moments like this reminded him of the bonds that held their family together. They had come a long way from their humble beginnings, and now they were responsible for the fate of an entire city and the future of the empire.

As they continued to discuss the future of the Golden City, Zhang Jin couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for how far their sect had come. He had witnessed the rise of the United Element Sect from obscurity to becoming a dominant force in the empire. It was a testament to Zhang Dong's leadership and their collective efforts.

As the Golden City gradually took shape and the council of elders assumed the responsibility of overseeing the spirit vein, it was time for Zhang Dong to return home. Liena had left the city some time ago, and the children had stayed behind in Spirit Spring City. To some, the United Elements Sect's headquarters held the status of the true capital, while the rebuilt Golden City served primarily as a facade.

Typically, the location with the most power also housed the most powerful individual. Zhang Dong chose to stay in the old city, which had never been under the Overseer's influence and lacked any hidden chambers. This decision would enable him to keep a watchful eye on the area to see if his adversary decided to establish any hidden chambers. While one battle may have concluded, this war was far from over.

"I guess this is it, gramps, I'll leave the rest to you and the other elders. If there is something that you can't deal with, you know where to reach me."

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of this place, you have my word!"

Finally, the two parted ways, and Zhang Dong headed towards a more secluded location. With an abundant supply of spirit points, teleportation throughout the entire empire became effortless. The expenses were further reduced, as most of the lands were considered part of his faction or under his control.

Zhang Dong's journey continued, but it had now shifted from one of conquest to one of consolidation and preparation. As he teleported to Spirit Spring City, he was met with the familiar sights of the city where he had spent many years cultivating and building his sect. The United Element Sect had come a long way from its humble beginnings, and it had Zhang Dong to thank for its meteoric rise. The city had expanded significantly, and the sect had become a formidable force in the empire.

However, his mind was in an entirely different place. He wanted nothing more than to forget about his future plans and focus on the present. Before him stood a beauty with a bright smile on her face to welcome him.

"Welcome home."

"I'm back…"