It was madness. There was not a moment of peace as Alfred jerks the wheel of his Mercedes. Riding out into the main streets and swerving away from fires and men, scrambling to find torches. Oh how he wonders if all of the allegations were real. The only thing that was true other than Becker's partnership was the program they were in, considering he works for Kruger's government then. If he is about to do something, he should somewhat know as well. But then again, he knows him to be somewhat sly. Nevertheless, humanity is changing. For better or for worse. He always wanted to hide it for something like this would happen. He sighs, knowing that it is too late to come to conclusions. Stamping on the gas pedal, he manually driven past crowded traffic, narrowly dodging several civilians as Leroy tails behind.
Confused rioters pelt their vehicles with stone and food, all thinking they were working for Sector C. He turns around to see his armored car taking a large brunt of the damage. Cracking amongst the stones, eager to pierce into the rather hasty cabin. Peering his eyes further, he spots how Atsuki's car was visibly absent. He heaves a sigh. He understands how it feels to crawl their way out from Sector B to escape, just like his training as a soldier. It is already impressive how they managed to keep up with them, considering how Leroy's van was ludicrous. It's about time they had a rest.
"Take a turn left, you should see him," the butler ordered Alfred with his rather quaint voice on the phone as he skids the vehicle to his left. He almost felt like a robot. Behind him, Leroy following suit as he oversteers into a lamppost, recorrecting himself. Somehow the butler is directing him and not Sebastian. Probably he is unconvinced of going ahead with the revolution Shane had suggested earlier.
"No way! He is leading the riots?!?" Alfred turns around to look at Derek shouting in the backseat, staring at his phone. He continued, "Sebastian Goodman leading the riots to the presidential office..."
He took back his words. He was very ready, won't the butler be worried? He knows how probably even till now, the butler look down like an eagle on Kruger's son. But then again, this is what he shouldn't be saying things so soon.
"He should be right ahead!" He drives forward to see several armored trucks taking up the road, surrounding a black Japanese sedan. On top was a black Port W ready to shoot on sight. Though the pilot seemed to be distracted, looking away into the inferno of a city. So much for defense... why the robot? There are things called helicopters. He hissed. This defense force is a joke. Shouldn't they had spotted them by now? He almost felt as if his comrades were about to bully some novices.
Suddenly the vans threw open the doors. Opening fire at the Mercedes.
"There it was..." he sighs as he swerved, baiting the Port W whose pilot had only realized now there was an attack. Only attacking with his pistol instead of the grenades held on its thighs. Igniting the ground as tarmac bounces off the vehicles.
"It's time, get off my car now." He moaned as Shane clambers out of the panoramic roof, clutching herself onto the thick hood. Launching herself onto a black armored van, terrifying the men inside.
"Oh she gonna be saying that she is having fun..." he whispered to himself. Attempting to enjoy the 'light' show when he then hears a rocket launch, smoking the entire cabin and choking Derek and himself. Causing them to swerve and slam into a parked car.
"Goddammit!" He coughed, scrambling to get out of the smoking car. So inconsiderate, so much for keeping such a secret intact. Sighing a relief, he was glad that his car is not on fire. Though they probably have to be treated for smoke inhalation. He fumed before sulking, knowing that it was technically his fault. He contemplated about his plight as he turns to hear a loud scream, Derek screaming at the top of his lungs, slamming on the doors.
"Are you dumb or dumber?" He complained, opening the doors to see him drops down to the pavement with a sniper rifle. Why is he even here? He is not even effectively trained. He is so going to have a conversation with Shane afterwards. He watches him struggle to get up, aiming his rifle at the robot as he fires.
The robot's jet engines explodes, seemingly boosting up and down erratically. Smashing into buildings as it crashed down in front of the leading armored vans. Causing everything to come to a halt.
"That was lucky..." he thought. He didn't believe how he managed to shoot at the perfect spot of the jet engines. He turns to hear a screech. The green camouflaged, futuristic Land Rover had finally arrived.
"What took you so long?" He looks at Leroy who has exited the vehicle. He seemed like he was flushing, probably from his question as he responded, "Ask them." He points at the large fire that was created. The place was rather empty at least. Everyone may have gone to protest. Leroy continued, "We'll deal with the stragglers."
He shook his head as they rushed into the field. Well at least he is somewhat responsible. Though what would he do? He stood there watching. His mind screams for him to leave. After all, he promised to go afterwards. But yet his guts said otherwise.
He sighs. Fine, he will stay for a while. After all, things are about to get interesting...
"Where is that piece of shit!!!" She hasten her speed, knocking out the guards as she finally reaches the Lexus, incapacitated by the large arm from the robot. Still shooting it's pistol. She dodged its rounds, probably as large as a missile. But why should she care? He is still not in sight. The doors were opened ajar. She scrambled to spot the man, using a fast scanners incorporated into her right eye to scan far and wide. Spotting the man carried away to safety.
"There is that son of a gun!" She dashed towards them, noting her lungs, one of the only few organs remaining from that cyborg's attack. She launches herself into the air as she somersaults back down onto the ground with a large crater sinking down the entire path, shattering the windows of the entire skyscraper in the process, scaring the guards rather than the man itself.
"Give it up! I know what you did that day!" She shouts at the cold-hearted man, still rather frantic. Not really focusing on her but rather, himself.
"What? I didn't even do anything. Did you not read-" he shunned at her, mocking her stupidity. She could already tell that he was trying to hide his involvement. Probably about to go on as long as he wants when a voice crept out of behind.
"Do you seriously think so?" He turns around at the sound of that voice. Leroy staring down at him at the other end of the alley. Colder than before, giving Baku the creeps. He never acts like that...
"Evidence is piling up. Just give it up." He stares down at his father's assistant as the forty year old, giant of a man slowly walked out to him, his rather sulking face was very punchable with curly blonde hair, all beginning to miss out with large signs of it being dyed. All of it felt like it was a wig. He walked menacingly with an unspeakable aura, dropping his lies. A monster in sheep's clothing as he stood right in front of him, his suit up tight with his disgustingly large stomach exposed. "You have nothing on me, even if you find ways to acquit me. My lawyer would always get me out." He glares back at him, trying to put him in his place. But it was not to be. He plants his iPhone directly in his face, full of articles of the huge corruption coming to light. The specific terror was not only on Lino now but on him himself.
"There can only be one way now. My way," he points his pistol up into the air, firing it to signifying his intent. He however seemed unimpressed rather as his men scramble to cover him, despite knowing how they have powers. Behind Leroy, the rest were coming up to see the commotions, all attempting to take aim at the mobster look-a-like.
"I'm sorry, you are not the only one with guns blazing," he smiled as he held out a button. It's plastic red shell flashing out.
Shane gulped, she looks up to see a man thrusting himself down the skyscraper. His white tank top and dark brown trousers exposed amongst the robotics glimmering in the fiery dark sky.
Baku clenched her fist. Growling wildly at the sight. The true evil. Her parent's killer.
He landed perfectly in front of the group, with rather some braggadocio as he shook his hair off. She stares at him once again. His face had more wrinkles than before. But she knows that he is still kicking. Hard.
"Sir you were calling me?" His voice was very recognizable. Rather Asian with hints of robotic interference. It sickens her.
"Yes," he grinned.