If this is how universal destruction is like, it is truly excessive...
She looks upon the bright light shooting across the galaxy, illuminating the cocoon she buried herself in with her powers tearing itself through the floor. Striking upon the alien crafts at lightning speed at the excessively invasive sandbox trees and cracker plants with explosive seeds. Tearing apart the little remains of a city that once stood guarding the giant eyesore. Still standing with their trembling occupants like the floating air bases which barely held on. Out of resources and fighting with only determination on their sides and their backs to the wall.
Much of the world had been taken over by the alien invaders mopping the floor. Taking over land after land with ease. An unfair one sided match more irksome every minute. She looks upon her roots, tiring to increase their numbers exponentially across the earth to simply keep them off. Around her bubble, more aliens surged to target her sacred shelter, snarling and hammering the increasing pile of weapons stuck upon the weakening barrier. Her trembling hands wavered, gulping at the blinding sight shattering the now night sky. Noncompliant with her mind at the time it truly was.
"Oh no I can't move! Oh the unimaginable deaths I didn't bother to care if I did it!"
She seethed, hearing the rattles that was Ashlyn taunting unpredictably once again, gouging at the idea of messing with her already messy mind with her fingers by her cheeks, pulling them with her mocking pouty look. Unbothered at what seemed to be happening but herself.
"Shut up you leech! You seeing this?!?"
She pulls her cheeks, hiding her morbid expression at the woman she can't trust. Screeching like a mischievous brat who ought to act her age. The women wrestled around the asphalt, forcefully with her arms and pushed her aside in disdain.
"Yeah! And what about it?!?"
Ashlyn dusts off her shoulders, looking away at the lady crossing her arms as if she was her mom. Another brat she is forced to live with.
"Your boss seem to be a 'god'. Yet with all 'gods' sealed for eternity, you think we can stand up to this?!?"
She pull her to the bright blinding lights cutting across the polluted night sky. An uninteresting sight if not for the irregularly large sized junk polluting her space through irregularly insecure individuals. An common occurrence which ends in the painful tearing of her creators skin. Dry and unliveable.
Every time something like that happens, all she could feel is pain for her creator sealed by her own creation. Silently biding her time to reappear once again in her eternal silence even though her maturity has transcended far beyond the imagination of those bandits.
"Yeah. No one can truly play god after all... unless you are willing to go further..."
Sylvie wipes off her sweat in bewilderment, blinking multiple times at the lady who sat down, crossing her legs in the illuminated darkness. Her face blank, blissfully disappointed at the bright light smashing down planet upon planet in the distance. Making them out was difficult at best, small blips of shadows simply burning to nothingness at the ion cannon rapidly crashing down upon them arrogantly.
For a bunch of aliens supposedly working as the good guys, they seem uninterested to truly keep the peace like the creatures they intend to be. They seemed to be no better than the brats on the surface of her skin. Still pridefully thinking they are ahead and superior to everyone with the evident alliance of that large obnoxious cliché.
She sighs, looking straight at the city struggling to keep up with their antics of explosive seeds with the little resources remaining on their end.
"What are you implying?"
She squats to her eye level, scratching her forehead with her tainted sweat. Alerted to the weak barrier beginning to crumble into pieces. She subtly shook her head, frightened at her weak protection which left much to be desired unlike the invisible woman who taunted her daily.
"There is more to this sealed toybox than you think..."
She tilts her head, peering to the floor still connect to Sylvie's powers in the entanglement of invisible roots, attached and moving across the dirt against the storming aliens gazing at the sight. So far other than controlling the roots like veins in the bloodstream, plants was always her basis. Rooting a little further from her 'heart'.
She looks at her palm, tired to continue this long battle after two hours of constant pummeling. At this rate, she may as well beg herself to sleep, ignoring the screaming of far too many jerks to count who would force her hand anyways.
"Hmph. Well then..."
Sylvie turns to look up at the light rapidly closing in. Deafening the dark sky of screaming terror from the soldiers and enforcers dashing for safety. All wusses at heart. She groaned, clenching her fists tight. Ignorant of Ashlyn who stood up next to her with boredom at their show of strength.
"Are you ready?"
She taps on her shoulder. Alerting Sylvie of her unnerving presence. Each thought just as untrustworthy as the other for her doppelganger's antics. She shook her head, blankly facing Ashlyn looking back eye to eye with a subtly nod. Still uneasy at this alliance.
"Whenever you are..."
They held their hands togethers, watching the bright orange glow flowing across the evolving sky in a giant rumble. Shaking the ground with the rise of even more plants covering the sky with a visible orange glow through their stems. Bursting with debris and branches smashing onto the giant ships and arrows unable to escape for safety. Falling with grace onto the ground once more. The robots swooped low, crashing into empty buildings for shelter against the ongoing blasts that peppered the planet with smoke. Unable to notice the barren head pour with sparkles of intense red flowing around like hair.
Victor looks upon his monitor, stunned at the evolving planet changing once more. Wrapping around her body at lightning speed against the moving sword before grabbing the ion particles by her palm. Nearly cutting through her body if not for the strange tainted skin glowing in red shards across her knuckles. A speechless sight.
Chao Xiang watched stunned, unsure what to make of the strange chemical reaction upon the giant's palm. Holding onto something that shouldn't be possible to hold. He peers through the reflection of his name tag on his suit, illuminating his lack of much knowledge of chemical reactions of such devastating levels. A sight he is ashamed off. But even this was way too absurd for the scientists roaming nearby in their own shelters. This reaction that is impossible to occur.
He yelled through the voice controls, desperate to force the blast down with even more force. Ignorant of the pleas of his colleagues to hold back from it's unstable maximum output with the abundance of sweat trickling his nerves. He can't care less for what the others thought of him. No amount of chemistry can block such an attack against a planet in such an overpowered machine meant for peacekeeping.
"You shan't!"
He hears another sound of an intruder in his monitor, unbothered to show her face amongst the group with her muffled breath blurring the clash of metal knocking their machine violently. Desperately distracting and harassing them with a giant hammer despite her surprising act of honour.
"You dare act against the beauty of death?!?"
He listens to his colleague angered by her introduction, unravelling the machine with giant guns spraying around defiantly at her vicinity, pushing her aside and clashing with two heated swords. Hopelessly preventing her smashing even more parts of the machine with giant dents. Crushing much of the wiring with billowing black smoke that riddled warning signs across their monitors.
She ignites her sound of doom, blasting their machine from their original position with anger. Deviating further from their positions with bits of armour flying out of their places. Exposed to the cold extremes of space and the extreme heat attempting to melt its circuitry. Forcing them out of their large sword and into a giant abomination of machines messily piled together with mismatched colours amid a dissipating light.
It's head glimmered of the silhouette of a giant three headed wolf. Feeding off it's injuries across it's shiny sword and giant shield. It's body structure was bulky in size from the unnecessary junk covering it's arms and legs, growling with a hunched back in hidden defiant frustration. Even though the colours seemed mismatched, it was evident that they were made for such a purpose, even if it is completely unnecessary and obnoxious to look at.
The abomination launched, slashing the Pixil immediately bit by bit. Tearing it to pieces and following her slow desperate trail of leaking oil and coolant. Moving ever so closer to the giant base in her line of sight.
"Now is our chance!"
The pair looks upon the sight of the abomination fighting off the shadows of a pest within their glowing eyes. Tired off their antics with their arms raised up in the air, directing the palms upon the public killing blow.
"What is that monstrosity?!?"
The lady watched nervously at the bright ball of plasma and fire ignite across its palms in her constant barrage at the Unibody. Evolving even brighter and directing it's sight at the mecha Frankenstein blinded by its power. She desperately activates voice control, yelling across the microphone in the hope they move immediately away from the space station behind them, spamming further despite the heavy traffic. Horrified at the foolish tactics they had fallen for.
She slams on the control panel, sending bright lights across the field towards the abomination in a flurry of messages that finally went acknowledged by the three pairs of eye, staring tensely right back at her zombifying jet. Anxiously chasing the Pixil near the moon. Her sweat ran cold, gulping with uncertainty at their thoughts in the machine, but with the bright lights igniting from it's palm, she could feel their blood run burning hot.
"Separate! Separate!"
He desperately calls out to his colleagues, urging them to separate at the overwhelming blast swallowing alien ships in their path. He gasps, immediately releasing his two dog heads cowering in fear, unable to hold together in their silent beg for mercy with their power on full. Blaring overheating warnings across his monitor that became ever more silent. Screaming alongside the man cornered at one spot.
His robot explodes into a bright inferno, leaving it's mark across the intense dissipating bright orange light that barely hit the damaged giant space station. Smoking with scorched paint across the white panels. A near miss with a heavy price.
She hides with the darkness, slamming on the thrusters and cutting the Unibody off from the torrent of alien ships and robots close by. Nothing but vulnerable and weak.
She pulled multiple switches up, splitting the machine in two. Locking upon the back of the Unibody with intense electricity surging across the control panels.
"No not the Unibody!"
He quickly releases the emergency handle, launching himself away at the jet locking itself into place as it were it's clothes. Forcefully controlling the machine that rattled before it's unsettling blue eyes. Directing his gun at him within the cloud of debris on his path with no oxygen he so desperately need.
"No not today!"
He slowed his breath, quickly pressing on his wrist in cold sweat, listening to the warning signs appearing before his thick helmet. Illuminating the approval icon across his face. He sighs, turning to look back at the zombified machine, aiming the giant rifle once again towards him. Hiding her sadistic glee in the shadows of that weird looking jet with her finger on the trigger. Rapidly firing at him in his sudden dash to safety from the burst of his small but heavy jetpack.
She looks through the monitors, hastily finding her target in the pitch black. Assembling with his white suit filled with mechanical thorns across his arms. His back weighed him down heavily, pulling him with the oxygen and fuel locked behind. She looks at the man swivelling around to meet her gaze. Gracefully glaring back at her with a helmet now more aggressive in style. Hiding beneath a tinted screen amongst his rather thick suit which did little to assert less doubts on his actions. Nothing more than a weak pair of clothes.
"Your puny suit means nothing!"
She furrows upon the armoured suit filled with thorns. Attached with a giant jet pack and zipping across space, avoiding her attempts at his life with it's annoyingly slow speed. Forcefully readjusting her aim just to shoot at the small fly taunting her over and over. She gritted her teeth, boiling mad at the sight of it's cowardly behaviour from their antics.
"So what!?!"
He leaped into the air and crashed upon the jet now covering the cockpit. Ripping his saw with an amused glare at the pilot watching with her wide eyes. Frozen slightly at the crazed man lurching close to the armoured 'windows'.
"Oh shit!"
She scrambles across the controls, hasty to touch the many buttons spread across her screen against the saw carving into the cabin like butter. Each a weapon meant to halt his advance. She winced in her boiling blood, every attempt to target his machine just ends in her missing her shot. No prizes and no gains. There was no denying it, he suddenly decreased in speed and disconnecting every connection on her jet and his mech with a diamond tipped saw. Taunting her obnoxiously at her piloting skills even without his license and an AI which did nothing but supervised his next move.
She seethes in the darkness, beginning to pull her joystick hard against the fly with the large buster sword. Swatting uneasily at his incredible manoeuvrability if not for the deafening blares of a creature on the other end of the earpiece.
Leroy pants heavily, uncomfortable in his sweat from the recognisable sounds of the voice controls in his suit. Illuminating from the space station in a bit of a panic. It's voice frantic, unable to ascertain the situation it is looking at by the group surrounded with armed men, staring at the purple ball of energy condensing upon the oddity. Unamused at his company.