Getting Stronger

Jian Sangyu became embarrassed. It was a humiliating thing that even she herself couldn't remember it. But why did others remember so clearly?

Grandpa Gu threw a look at the quietened Jian Sangyu and laughed. "You were bold enough to report to Gu Chen a minute ago, so why not stay bold enough to ask me to get the cell-phone back for you? You are so timid and you deserve to be bullied! You must be stronger towards him, after all, he can't beat you or curse you, and he won't do anything to you even if you are strong to him."

Jian Sangyu was quite confused. What was Grandpa Gu doing? Why was he sharing these ideas to her?

Was he trying to teach her how to fight against Gu Chen, the dominating king?

What was she supposed to do? Suddenly, she found Grandpa Gu was making sense.

It was true that he was making sense, yet if she really had to fight against Gu Chen, she was still kind of scared. That was not because she was worried that he would hit her or curse at her, but deep inside her, she had been scared of him since she was little. That was a kind of emotion that couldn't be removed, one that was under a patch of shadow.

Some people just didn't need to hit or get angry so as to become intimidating towards others. Some people just needed to stand still and show their aura.

Obviously, that was what Gu Chen was like.

Seeing Jian Sangyu staying silent, Grandpa Gu switched the topic of Jian Sangyu's cell-phone.

He just thought for a few seconds before telling Jian Sangyu. "I brought up this boy all by myself and the way he dealt with the matter was totally known to me. Let me tell you, if you want to get the cell-phone back, it doesn't matter if you follow behind him. He has left his car keys at the entryway so open the garage with the car key. Try searching the car, maybe he has left your cell-phone inside the car instead."

Having said the words, Grandpa Gu suddenly burst into laughter. "Go downstairs and I will call Gu Chen up. That will give you ten minutes."

Jian Sangyu let out an air of surprise and then started to walk outside as she constantly took a look back at Grandpa Gu. He was no longer smiling but sat there with a serious expression on his face. Only then did she go downstairs with curiosity.

Sure enough, the moment she went downstairs, Gu Chen was called upstairs by Grandpa Gu. The moment Gu Chen entered the study, Jian Sangyu quickly came to the entryway, grabbed his car keys and dashed towards the garage.

The garage was located in the corner of the yard, and she spotted Gu Chen's car immediately. She used the key to open the car and started to search in the car. Within ten minutes, actually within two minutes, she found her cell-phone under the napkin box.

After bringing back her precious cell-phone, Jian Sangyu didn't hesitate any longer. Instead, she locked the car and returned to the villa, where she put the key back in its original place and returned to the room.

After a moment of hesitation, Jian Sangyu texted Grandpa Gu after she closed the door of the room, telling Grandpa Gu that she had already found the cell-phone by way of praising Grandpa for being so smart. Then she added a thank-you note to grandpa.

That was the first time for Jian Sangyu to find such a lovely side of Grandpa Gu after she knew him for so long. Usually, as far back as she could remember, Grandpa Gu had always been a serious man yet now he was no longer that man any more. Instead, he had become a very lovely old grandpa.

Gu Chen didn't know why Grandpa Gu would suddenly burst into laughter when he looked at his cell-phone, but this smile had suddenly made his face wrinkly and caused him to laugh loudly.

"Alright, I don't want to play chess. I will go downstairs to watch TV." Grandpa Gu put away his cell-phone into his pocket, stood up and walked downstairs leaving Gu Chen and the unfinished game of chess alone.