Younger Sister?

Golden Path Empyrean! Betrothed!

With gasps all around, these were the only words the gathered guests heard.

Finally someone realized the immensity of what was just said.

"An Empyrean of the Ninth Heaven is betrothed to Zhao Tian Cai!!!"

"Zhao Clan has three Empyreans!!"

Everyone took a look and indeed the two were standing very close together.

Collectively, the faces of Sun Deiming and Gu Zhixin stiffened as they sized up Mu Huizhong. Even though they were Empyreans, they were untitled. Titled Empyreans earned their names only through battle. The significance? Mu Huizhong was a battle hardened Empyrean formations master. Inwardly, they both hissed.

The faces of the Five Shadows and the Zhao Clan guards were beaming with pride. How honorable was it for their Youngest Master to have an Empyrean as a bride.

Sun Deiming and Gu Zhixin were about to give their greetings when a guard announced, "City Lord arrives with Black Bank Head Yu Jiayi!"

City Lord Zhang Chaoxiang arrived with an entourage which included Vice City Lord Ao Donghai and Chief Mo. A swarthy man in black robes followed with two assistants. Easily, one could surmise it was Yu Jiayi.

Upon seeing him, the faces of both Zhao Jia and Zhao Wen blackened. They both cupped their hands. Zhao Jia said, "Our Zhao Clan welcomes City Lord and Black Bank Head Yu Jiayi."

Looking at his assistants, Yu Jiayi said, "Look well and mark any valuables that may bring profit at auctions.

"Yes Master," both responded.

Tian Cai's fist clenched. Just now, he saw the foreheads of his granny and mother knitting with anger.


Noticing his trembling fist, Mu Huizhong whispered, "Hubby, later watch well. Wife will put him in his place."

Tian Cai looked up into her glittering green eyes in surprise. "Really?"

Tousling his hair, she nodded. "Mhm. Whoever dares offend you, Wife will pay them doubly. Later, wife will make you a double shot espresso."

Excitedly, Tian Cai hugged her. "My Woman!"

Ling Fan looked at Tian Cai strangely and cracked her knuckles.

He likes older women? When Master's not looking, Sister will slap you well.

It was at that moment, Tian Cai and Mu Huizhong realized all eyes were on them.

Vice City Lord Ao Donghai said, "You dare not pay respects to City Lord!" He unleashed the pressure of a Martial King on Mu Huizhong.

Sun Deiming and Gu Zhixin shook their head at the fool.

Catching their looks, the City Lord took a second look at Mu Huizhong.


Mu Huizhong released her Empyrean might on Ao Donghai who immediately collapsed and spat out blood.

His mouth just started to foam when the City Lord stepped in to shield him from the pressure.

City Lord Zhang Chaoxing cupped his hands, "May I asked who this Senior is? Please forgive the impudence of my subordinate. I'll be sure to punish duly."

Sun Deiming came forward, "Brother Zhang, we were about to give our greetings to her. She is Golden Path Empyrean of the Ninth Heaven, Mu Huizhong."

City Lord Zhang immediately slapped Ao Donghai unconscious. "Return this imbecile to the Palace for trial! Strip him of his rank and arrest his family."

Chief Mo motioned with his hand and several guards rushed forward to drag Ao Donghai way.

Yu Jiayi stood stupefied.

There was another Empyrean in the Zhao Clan? Ao Donghai's career just ended like that? All the gifts sent to him were wasted just like that?

Smiling, Zhao Wen said, "City Lord, may I introduce my Daughter-in-law Mu Huizhong."

The City Lord's eyebrows raised, "Sister Zhao, if I'm correct you only have one son and he's 5 years old. Are you saying, he's already married?"

Zhao Wen chuckled, "They are betrothed and will marry as soon as he's of age."

The City Lord quickly calculated with his fingers and immediately jolted at the number.

Wasn't the age difference somewhere around 8000 years!?

Clearing his throat, City Lord Zhang unbelieving asked, "Forgive me, this Lord must ask how is this possible?"

"Several thousand years ago, while traveling, Grandfather saved her Grandfather's life. They became great friends and promised to wed their firstborn grandchildren."

"Such a thing actually can happen? This old man has seen many abnormalities but this?"

Mu Huizhong chuckled. "This Empyrean too had her doubts." She paused and pinched Tian Cai's cheek. "However, when I saw his adorable face, my heart knew he would grow to be the handsomest man in the world."

"Hubby understands he has outstanding looks," said Tian Cai, furiously nodding his head.

Mu Huizhong giggled.

At whatever age, Master will always be the best looking.

Ling Fan's knuckles cracked louder then ever before.

Tian Cai, Sister will beat you good for a couple of rounds.

"Senior Mu, in fact with the many fluctuations yesterday, we Empyreans of Savant City realized another Empyrean was visiting the Zhao Clan. As such, we gathered here to pay our respects. May I ask how long you will stay?"

"After our marriage, I will take Hubby to tour Ninth Heaven."

Yu Jiayi whispered to a subordinate, "Investigate her background."

Breaking out into a wide smile, Yu Jiayi turned to Mu Huizhong and said, "Senior Mu, our Black Bank is the greatest financial institution in Third Heaven. I'm sure whatever business needs you have, our Bank can fulfill your wishes. In fact, we can immediately open a credit line of 1 billion spirit stones."

Yu Jiayi was about to elaborate more on the bank's services when he choked himself into silence.

Mu Huizhong had pulled out a Star Bank VIP jade card. "If I understand correctly, your Black Bank is a subordinate branch of Star Bank. It so happens I'm a VIP. I wonder, what benefits can be obtained through your Black Bank?"

Yu Jiayi, bowed deeply. "My-My eyes failed to see you...please forgive this lowly one."

City Lord's head jolted in surprise.

When had he ever seen Yu Jiayi bow? Wasn't he known for crippling juniors who didn't pay their respects? And now his head was almost to his knees!?"

Zhao Wen shot a look Mu Huizhong.

Cai'er you found a great wife.

Zhao Jia's eyes misted over.

That child is really filial to find a granddaughter-in-law like her.

Sun Deiming leaned over to Gu Zhixin asking, "Brother Gu, that-that card have you ever seen it before?"

"Brother Sun, it means Senior Mu's status is unprecedented. Only the greatest of clans and powers may hold Star Bank VIP cards. If Yu Jiayi dare's offend her, him and all nine generations will disappear."

Sun Deiming gasped, "Then we also cannot..."

"Mhm, absolutely cannot offend….Being of the Ninth Heaven, in the future Senior Mu has the ability to rise to Grand Empyrean."

Sun Deiming's eyes dilated. Turning to his daughters, he whispered, "Dear daughters, Father knows you think of yourselves Nobelist of nobles in Savant City, but when it comes to the Zhao Clan, you can only be friends."

Similarly, Gu Zhixin said through gritted teeth, "Son you better behave here in Savant City. Father knows about all your indiscretions in the Capital. However, if you offend the Zhao Clan, Father won't hesitate to disown you."

The three noble progenies all stiffened. As born of the higher echelons of Savant City, when had they ever been concerned about offending others?

Gu Yang's eyes locked on to Bai Guang.

"Father, Son will listen well to your words."

Tian Cai bit his jaw and he cracked his neck.

Gray and Small Shadows eyes dilated, noting his temperment.

Little Brother's upset?

"Senior Mu, as a Star Bank VIP of course our Black Bank will honor all benefits. In addition, we will add another 15 percent discount on all services and purchases. In any Third Heaven city you may enjoy free lodging as well as food at our Bank Branches. For any auction we host, not only do you receive a 15% discount, you also enjoy free VIP seating," spewed out Yu Jiayi while still bowing."

City Lord Zhang eyebrows twitched.

She enjoys higher status then me?

Mu Huizhong chuckled, "Thank you Bank Head Yu for the explanation. Should this Empyrean require any financial services, she'll be sure to look for you."

Yu Jiayi sighed in relief. However it was short-lived.

The next moment, she handed the card to Zhao Wen. "Mother-in-law, please keep this for the Zhao Clan. Daughter-in-law has another."

Yu Jiayi's face paled.

Zhao Wen swiped the card faster than the speed of light. Chuckling, she clapped and said, "City Lord, Brothers and all invited guests please enter our Main Hall. Our Zhao Clan has prepared a banquet and welcome all to enjoy."

Hours after the banquet, Tian Cai sat with Zhao Wen, Zhao Jia and Mu Huizhong. Zhao Wen was staring at the Star Bank VIP card with amazement.

"Huizhong, Mother didn't realize such a card carried so much power?"

Zhao Jia chortled after finishing a cup of wine. "Huizhong, how about you marry Cai'er tomorrow. Seeing that Yu Jiayi's green face...Haaa...that's a memory this Old Lady will enjoy for years to come!"

Tian Cai suddenly sat straight.

"Married, to-tomorrow," he sputtered.

Mu Huizhong sighed, "Mother...Granny, as much as Mu Huizhong desires too, Patriarch Yun has called me to a mission. In fact, Huizhong must leave tomorrow."


Tian Cai jumped to his feet, "You're leaving!!"

"Mother, keep the Bank Card. As long as you have it, Head Yu will never harass our Zhao Clan."


Suddenly, Zhao Jia stood up.

"You-You are returning...aren't you?"

Mu Huizhong jaw tightened, tears started rolling down her cheeks. Her green wet eyes looked at Tian Cai.

"Hubby, these few days with you have been the most enjoyable. Wife does not know if she'll be able to return."


Zhao Wen, also stood up. "Huizhong, you-you have to explain. You're part of our family now."

"This mission is dangerous, Yun Clan is actually warring right now with two rival clans. Huizhong has been called to the Seventh Heaven where all our forces are battling it out."

Zhao Wen's eyes narrowed, "Mother-Mother can go with you...the chances of survival will be greater with the both of us."

Huizhong fell to her knees kowtowing. "Daughter cannot ask you to go. All the forces involved are lead by Grand Empyreans...we-we cannot bring disaster to Hubby and the Zhao Clan. Daughter is happy you have accepted her into the family."

Zhao Jia paced back and forth a bit. Finally she said, "Boy, get ready...We'll marry you now."

Zhao Wen shot a look at Zhao Jia, "Grandmother, you-you really want to proceed?"

"When and where do you propose we find a better wife then now. There is no better way to repay her kindness."

"Mother...Granny, Huizhong dare not tie Hubby down as the future is unknown. Huizhong hopes to marry after she returns."

Zhao Jia hurried forward and raised Huizhong to her feet. "Child, you really want to wait? What if?"

Suddenly, Tian Cai interjected, "There's no what if...she's coming back!! Woman! We-We need to talk right now!!" He quickly pulled her out of the main hall leaving behind a stumped Zhao Jia and Zhao Wen.

In his courtyard, Tian Cai and Mu Huizhong sat silently on a bench. After several breaths, Tian Cai finally spoke, "Why do you have to go? Isn't your mission to protect me?"

"Hubby, Wife wants to very much remain with you. However, the Yun Clan forces are stretched thinly and the upcoming battle is vital for the Clan's survival. Only thing, with Grand Empyreans being involved, Wife may end up as cannon fodder."

"Beauty don't go!"

"In the future, there-there may be women who look like me. They may be older or slightly younger, I know not, but they-they might be my distant relatives. You-You should say you knew me when your were 5 years old. If-If you can, please accept them in the Zhao Clan."

Tian Cai lookedat Mu Huizhong's teared stained face.

His small hand started wiping away the tears. "Beauty, Hubby doesn't know what you're talking about. He only wants you to stay. However, any of your family he meets..they will always be welcome to our Zhao Clan.

Zhu Shensheng, the Divine Pig appeared. Snorting, she asked, "Mu Huizhong, are you ready yet? This Queen has things to do."

Surprised, Tian Cai said, "Teacher, what do you mean?"

"She hasn't told you? Mu Huizhong, you better not bring me trouble."

Mu Huizhong suddenly bent down to her knees and hugged Tian Cai. "Your Teacher's here to escort me as there's something she must investigate. Hubby, wife-wife will miss you."

Unbeknownst to Tian Cai, a fluctuation was emitted by Mu Huizhong. She winced, stiffening in pain.

Shensheng snorted, "There's no more time, we have to leave now."

Mu Huizhong kissed Tian Cai's forehead, "Hubby, Wife-Wife loves you."

Shocked, Tian Cai said, "You're leaving right now. We-We haven't even talked."

"Wife is leaving now," sobbed Mu Huizhong. Suddenly, she ran and jumped into the air and grabbed onto Zhu Shensheng's tail.

"OW!! You dare pull my tail!!"

"Hurry, Go!!"

Snorting, Shensheng exclaimed, "This Queen knows!!!"


The two disappeared.

Tian Cai stared up into the sky dumbfounded.

She-She just left like that.

He stood there for an hour, not believing Mu Huizhong actually left. Sighing, he lowered his head and was about to return to his manor when he heard swishing sounds in the sky.

Shensheng appeared and hanging over her back was….

Tian Cai heart jumped and he ran forward, "Beauty!!!"

Shensheng snorted, "Little Genius, unfortunately for you its not her."

Tian Cai froze in shock. "Impossible! She looks just like her!!"

"If your eyes aren't blind, look closer."

"Ehhh! How can this be, its-its a younger version of her."

"Fool, she's Mu Huiqing, Huizhong's younger sister."

"Younger Sister!? What happened."

"This Queen just finished escorting Mu Huizhong to the passage to Fourth Heaven when she appeared while being chased by pursuers. Mu Huizhong defeated them and her sister awoke briefly to say that the Yun Clan forces desperately needed Mu Huizhong's power. Thus your betrothed immediately said her goodbyes and rushed off."

"This Mu Huiqing, how badly is she injured?"

"Let me watch her temporarily at the Ling Clan. After she recovers, Teacher will send her over to you."

"You're-You're sure Mu Huizhong is still alive, right?"

"Teacher promises, she still lived when I saw her take the passage to Fourth Heaven. Also, here she wanted me to pass this to you?" Shensheng tossed over a book.

Picking it up, Tian Cai said, "What's this?"

Shensheng snorted. "Long ago her Master gave her that book. It's a book on formations. She knows it will bring immeasurable benefits."


"Also, in her chamber she left all the coffee brewing equipment. But she also said, Mu Huiqing is just as good as her in making coffee."

Tian sighed looking down. "It-It will never be the same."

"Quickly send her over to Ling Fan's courtyard. This Queen has to-er-lighten her load."

"Lighten your load?"

"Was it not agreed, I would continue to do my business here?"

"Ah that..yes-yes of course."


"Well what?"

"Are you planning on watching?" asked Shensheng.

Tian Cai's face blackened.

The next morning Mu Huizhong's opened her eyes. Shensheng was actually on her stomach, her snout about an inch from Mu Huizhong's face.

Mu Huizhong's eyes widened in shock, "Zhu Shensheng the Divine Pig!!"


"Then that Hussy, she-she must be here with you!"

With a grunt, Shensheng said, "Mhm!"

"Off me! This Maid will kill that hussy right now." Tears streamed down her face.

"Yes-Yes, you've said all that already."

"I-I have?"

"At least your older self did. You better behave yourself or I won't send you over to Tian Cai."

"Master-Master's here!!!"

"Indeed, in fact, he's already seen you."

"Ah, how did I look? Did he say I was pretty? How was my hair?"

"This? Little one, in this era Tian Cai is a 5 year old boy."

"5 years old! Waaa, he must be so cute! Where's Master now! Take me to him!"