
Howls of Lycans to my east and west, are there two on the back? I don't know yet, I can't confirm it and I don't think I will be…

= "Xir, do you think we can get out of this alive?" =

What was this kid's name again? Tch, it is such a hassle learning each one of their names.

= "I will survive, I do not know about you though. If you dawdle, you will die here." = (Xiron) it was the truth, I did not lie. I will live because I have the ability to leave, this kid behind me is shaking and he thinks he will survive?

Once you get swallowed by fear the only thing you could do is wait for your death and wish for a miracle. Fear makes you unable to walk forward with determination and confidence, it hinders your movements and makes you sluggish.

To survive you need to have a heart that overcomes the challenge set in front of you. The challenge set in front of me right now is getting to the library and then out of this place.

Crash! Growl!

Another Lycan found its way here? Seven-meters in front of me is another Lycan and its eyes was piercing and fierce,


I fired the gun that is in my hands, the Lycan managed deflect it with its front paws and then it lunged at me. I ducked and slid below its body, and as I have another target behind me, the remaining kid died.

= "Xir, help me, no, nooooooo!! Xir, Xirrrrrrr!!" = he died later than I thought. He was useless but he acted as bait and while the Lycan is busily tearing that kid apart, I shot at it in the body and pierced it.

The Lycan mewled and as it began to wail on the kid I took the opportunity to blast its head open with a single blast on the mouth. The AP is a strong gun, but the head of a monster is stronger.

The head of a monster is not something that should easily be aimed at. A monster is a beast that had transformed throughout its existence and managed to evolve to become what they are today.

The skull they have is thick and is not easy to pierce. The only thing that can pretty much hurt them is a Mana Weapon. I need one of those, these AP is a good weapon but it is just so I can get use to weapons.

Mana Weapons are weapons too but more complex and much much more expensive.

This AP handgun is good but it is not a Mana Weapon. But I can still use this.

With a brand new way of thinking I made my last spurt for the library.

As I run, I could hear more screams now as time pasts, by the time that I stand before the library where Sol and the others were staying the City was already exploding for different reasons.

The library was lit and inside I saw Sol and the four dozen or so children, Sol saw me come inside and run to my side she embraced me in her arms it was a tight embrace.

For some odd reason, she looked at me with those eyes and it managed to dig up unwanted memories. Those eyes that is filled with worries, it was similar to Von's.

= "Are you okay? I was just about to head to you guys' room when I heard the commotion and the gunshots. I'm glad you're alright, but, where are the others? Where are Lero and Minta? Xir?" = (Solstice)

= "Dead, they were eaten by Lycan's. I only managed to escape because I managed to dodge and protect myself." = (Xiron)

Sol was saddened but she tried to show a smile. She turned around and said to the children.

= "Children, listen to me we need to…" =

While Sol was discussing something to the scared children who were scared shitless by what is happening. I felt something shake, it was from the ground. The ground was shaking and quickly enough it grew stronger and before I knew it…


The wall to my left exploded to bits. Rubbles blasted over and as it did a pebble hit my left eye pretty badly.

I lost a part of my ocular abilities. But I did not need another eye to see that the monster in front of me was an Orc.