Demon's Camp IV

The hum of the city port was busy with life as the Hunters, and the Players were slaying the escaped monsters that left the SS dungeon. It was at first small, manageable, so it didn't bring trouble to any nearby country. Better yet, the number of quality monsters brought a boom of materials that helped amplify the remaining players that did not follow Snow into the dungeon.

Heather was busy ordering, moving, and getting things in place for reinforcement. She had been bogged down ever since Snow left. Her eyes had bags under her eyes.

She didn't have time to stop as the number of monsters increasing from the water was a lot more than she had expected. So what was going on inside the dungeon that would cause such a massive influx of monsters?

Suddenly, a large boom was heard.

Heather looked at the sound of an explosion. A port has blown up as sea monsters came out to destroy the ships that were docked.

Heather cursed, realizing that another attack had started once again. "Hurry up and inform the Gold Phoenix Guild!" She yelled, running through the city port. Unfortunately, one of her assistants has been running around ragged just like her.

Heather ran toward the fire. The port was quickly catching on fire. Magic swirled around her fingers, trying to stall the time.

With a wave of her hand, Heather summoned up water, swirling from the ocean as it hovered in the air. The water splashed against the ship, dousing the fire.

What she saw hardened her mind. Akhluts were coming out of the water. They were elephant size quadruped monsters that were a mixture of a shark and a killer whale. Long-tail that can propel through the ocean slapped against a group of Hunters, throwing them backward.

There weren't only just one or two that crawled out of the ocean; hundreds of them streamed out of the ocean water.

Heather had heard about these monsters, which usually don't come this far south. It was odd for an arctic monster to appear here of all places, but what was more frightening to see was that there were so many.

"Quickly! Call in reinforcements!" Heather shouted. She was waving her magical water around her like a whip. Splashing it out and smashing it into the Akhulut's body.

The first one was thrown back into the ocean, while the second one came bounding forward with its gaping mouth to devour her.

Heather dodged out of the way.

The Akhulut missed but turned around to attack her again.

Fear coursed through Heather's body. She was no fighter, and she could feel her death approaching.

Suddenly, from the left, the Akhulut was punched in midair.

Heather looked to her right, realizing who it was.

An attractive-looking vampire with blue hair, tightly fitted top, muscular body while wearing loose black pants. Black Gauntlets were wrapped around his fingers, which had an intricate design of a hellhound with gaping mouths. Every time he punched his hand together, flames of hellfire erupted out of its lips.

"Ego!?" Heather called out in shock. "What are you doing here?!"

"Ms. Heather, shouldn't it be thank you for saving me?"

Heather turned bright red. "I'm sorry. I mean, thank you."

"To answer your question, our vampire kingdom is moving to assist as we speak. Rye and Bluevera are here with a group of other nobles with us." Ego said cheerfully. His bubbly attitude was so out of place in this war against the monsters that Heather couldn't help but calm down.

Heather's mind became a lot clearer.

"We do have another group coming to assist as well."

"Who?" Heather asked. The more people that came to help was a great boon, and she needed every available person she could get.

An elderly gentleman stepped out from the shadows, walking calmly as if he was taking a brisk walk. He was wearing a nice black and gold suit. He had a cane in his hand and a black hat that matched his clothes. His goatee was nicely trimmed, giving him a class of its own.

"You are?" Heather asked. She knew that more and more Players and Hunters were coming out from who knows where to assist against the SS class Dungeon, but someone this powerful would have gone in with Snow's group.

"Me?" The man asked, quizzically looking at her. "You can call me Dr. Umbrella. Mr. Rogers had called on my service."

"Oh, Mr. Rogers," Heather said with a nod of her head. To hear that Mr. Rogers had called for backup and was a huge help. On the other hand, Bluvera was excitedly destroying any nearby monsters that got too close, allowing them to speak with one another. "Dr. Umbrella. Thank you for your help. We wouldn't have been able to hold them off without you."

Dr. Umbrella smiled, giving a momentary comfort. "My pleasure, my lady." He took off his hat and bowed.

Heather was grateful for the extra help.

Suddenly, a young man in a black hooded jacket and black pants appeared from behind Dr.

Umbrella. Heather wondered how this young man appeared out of nowhere.

The young man gazed at Heather momentarily. He then leaned over and whispered in Dr. Umbrella's ears.

"You don't say." Dr. Umbrella rubbed his chin. "It has already been three weeks." Dr. Umbrella replied.

"Yes, but do we start?" The young man asked.

"No. We'll wait a bit longer."

"Yes, sir." The young man disappeared like smoke.

Heather couldn't help but gape. Such magic appearing and disappearing in front of her was surprising enough that she thought the whole time she was hallucinating. Rubbing her eyes, she blinked a few times.

"Mam'n, what would your name be?" Dr. Umbrella spoke.

Heather snapped out of her daze. She coughed, embarrassed that she was caught in such a predicament. "Excuse me. Sorry about that. My name is Heather."

"Ms. Heather, I was wondering if my team could join in and assist. We don't want this SS dungeon spilling out into the cities, do we?"

"Absolutely not," Heather replied in a hurry. She grabbed his hand and shook it furiously. "You don't know how grateful I am. We need every help we can get."

"It's my pleasure."

Heather let go of his hand. "Please, follow me."

Dr. Umbrella followed behind as Bluvera killed the last monster that rampaged around the port. He finished, wiping away his flicked blood off his fist. Bluevera seems to partially skip with glee from finishing up his kill.

Heather dialed up her phone, calling every head personal for a meeting. It was quick, and she knew this was necessary. She directed the other people to harvest the spoils of the battle, cleaning up the port as quickly as possible. Who knows when the next battle will be.

They headed toward the conference, not a few buildings away. It was a bit run down from the monster's attack that had been relentless for the past few weeks. The whole area looked like a war zone that was constantly bombed by the enemy.

The conference room was quickly being filled up with people from different guilds and hunter associations. They were huddled around a large desk with a giant digital map on the table, moving in real-time for everyone to see. People leaning over, checking where the breaks of overflow and where monsters were happening around the world.

Heather was the main leader in directing in stopping the monsters from spilling out from the gates. It wasn't an easy job as the number of monsters coming out increased day by day, becoming stronger and stronger. She was wondering what was going on that would have such an overspill of monsters.

Were Snow and her groups okay? This was a question that bothered her as the day went by, becoming stronger and stronger, but she didn't have time to entertain that thought. The monster breaks were becoming harder and harder as destruction around the city port became challenging to contain.

Heather spoke up, "We have a couple of breaks these past few hours." She pointed at the areas that had been heavily damaged. "If we don't contain this in the next outbreak, we are going to have monsters spilling into the residential districts. We have called ahead to relocate everyone, but this is not good."

The others agreed. They were all mumbling amongst each other.

"We are being spread too thin." Then, finally, one of the Players spoke up. He was chief for a small guild. "If this keeps going, we won't be able to hold up any longer."

"The lower-level monsters we left it for the government to handle. I believe we will have more and more hunters and players being flown throughout the day as we speak." Heather replied. She wished it was faster. "All we can do is hold on and contain this."

"Playing the defensive will be a death of us." One of the Hunters said back in a gruff voice. He wasn't too pleased that they were being kept pushing back.

"I know, but we can't enter into the dungeon."

"Do we have any message from them?"

Heather shook her head.

The air in the conference room became heavy.

"Don't worry too much about the west side," Bluvera said, "Our vampire community will take on all of that area.

Heather was relieved by his words.

"We won't let any monsters get through," Bluvera said with confidence.

"My group will take the east side." Dr. Umbrella said with a firm voice.

Heather was shocked that Dr. Umbrella and his group were able to take on the whole east side. She knew he was strong but didn't know how strong. "Then that gives us a chance to rearrange our troops to the north and side."

Suddenly, the wailing sound of the siren rang with a deafening screech.

Heather paled.

Another outbreak had started.