The Chase I

(Snow's Perspective)

Snow couldn't help but shiver from the powerful waves of energy that endlessly seem to spill out from the demon camp.

Both Dairen, Snow, and the four undead generals were on a frantic run on the back of an undead tiger. Snow held on tightly with her hands, hugging the tiger's fur as if her life depended on it.

They weave through the trees to the point of it being a blur.

What was frightening was that Snow could feel the surge of thousands upon thousands of monsters' feet rumbling on the ground as the chase was on.

"We need to split up!" Snow shouted.

"You're nuts!" Dairen replied back.

"We can't lead the whole army to the city!"

Dairen cursed so heavily that he hiccuped.

"Trust me, we need to break it up further!"

"Trusting you got us in this position! This was a terrible idea!"

Snow knew, but she also knew that the black box that the Demon King was about to have in his possession could possibly change the direction of the war. It was gut instincts telling her that she needed to grab the box and high tail out of there.

"Give me the Black Box!"

"Are you serious?!"


Dairen rummaged through his storage. He then threw it to her.

Snow reached out and grabbed it in her hand.

It was a small black box, the size of her palm, warmly pulsating. She could feel the surge of power calling out to her to merge it with the other Black Box series that she had.

"I'll see you in the city!" Snow broke off from Dairen.

The four generals also broke from the group, sprinting away in different directions as they all

disappeared into the woods.

The last thing that Snow saw was Dairen summoning hundreds and thousands of undead monsters and soldiers, sprouting out from the ground like weeds. His voice roared for them to go into formation before Snow disappeared from sight.

She didn't know how long the tiger ran, but she held on. Until finally, she decided that it was good enough and stopped.

Snow knew that she had messed up, but she knew that she had to deal with the problem that she had caused. Quickly, she summoned up the Black Box series that thudded onto the ground. Halting, she dropped her Black Box no.78, which glowed with light magic.

"Stay behind me." Snow hopped off the undead tiger. She briskly walked over toward the black box that hissed with magic.

In her hand, she brought the Black Box that Dairen had stolen. In seconds, the Black Box hummed with life, gobbling up the Black Box in Snow's hand. Then, static electricity snapped at her hand, making her pull back.

With a click and clack, the Black Box no. 78 absorbed the other black box in seconds in midair.

It hummed, glowing and changing into a bracelet. The bracelet clacked onto her wrist. Even if Snow wanted to, she could not pull the Black Box off her wrist, and instead, it stayed stuck in place. Even when she pulled on it, it was as if it wanted to never let her go and shocked her for even daring to try.

Giving up on pulling it apart, Snow browsed through on what she could do. Finally, she summoned up the numerous swords that she normally had, which still felt the same. She even realized all the storage features also merged with the black box series.

Was this all?

Snow wondered what other features Black Box had that the demons were willing to give to the demon king. Then, just when she thought she found out a bit more, the tiger beside her roared.

Snapping into attention, she had temporarily forgotten that she was still in the midst of battle. Quickly, she hopped onto the tiger, who bounded away. The pitter-patter of the monsters that were chasing her cackle and roared, getting closer and closer.

Snow searched for the best place to counterattack. She couldn't keep running away, knowing full well that she would not easily escape the chase.

Leaning forward, she whispered to the tiger, "take me to the highest place."

The tiger growled in response to what she had asked. Then, with a burst of speed, he ran even faster.

Snow held on tightly, leaning in with the tiger. They zig-zagged through the forest until it came upon a jagged cliff. Effortlessly, the tiger jumped up onto the cliff, digging its paws into the stones. One foot at a time, it pulled itself up with Snow attached to it. It didn't take long for the tiger to get to the top, allowing Snow to slide off.

Her eyes scanning the forest, she was able to see bits and pieces of where the monster army was breaking apart. But, unfortunately, a good chunk of them were headed straight toward her.

"You ready?" Snow asked the tiger.

The tiger growled once again.

"Good, because you and I are going to have a long night. Pull me out when you see me get tired. I don't want you to join and die."

The tiger didn't reply.

Snow frowned. Was this tiger just as stubborn as his owner? "Did you hear me?"

Once again, the tiger growled.

Satisfied with her answer, she summoned her swords one by one, each one she pulled back and threw the swords into different locations, making sure that she was able to move from one location to another location with ease.

The sword flew, landing either in the ground or stuck into the tree.

In her hand, she had White Gryphon.

It didn't take long for the first monsters and demons to spill out from the front. They were four-legged monsters with the fastest speed that caught up to her.

Snow pulled out her magical energy, calling upon her sword of lights. Each one twirling in midair, she waved her hand. They shot forward, heading straight toward the monsters like lightning.

The first one hit against a hellhound, impaling it in half. Seconds later, the sword of light exploded, taking out the other monsters near it.

Snow was shocked at the change of magical power. She didn't realize that the amount of magic was being amplified by the bracelet.

More and more magical swords of lights continued to impale the monster one after another as a small explosion followed a second after. Snow was able to take care of all the monsters that came through the forest in under a minute,

Silence descended upon the field as she stared with a gaping jaw. The whole battleground was littered with large holes that her magic had created.

"Did I just?" Snow asked the tiger.

The tiger replied back with a growl.

"I thought so too." Snow could feel cold sweat at the change that she was going through. What would happen if she used all of her magic at once? The thought made her shiver.

"What do you think I should do?" Snow unconsciously kept talking to the tiger. "Complete annihilation by light or burning inferno of magic fire?" The words dropped on her lips.

The tiger looked at her funny.

"Okay. Okay. We'll make it simple and quick. Obliteration of light. Not too painful, I think."

With a snort, the tiger rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, you won't be harmed. I'll make sure of that."

Once again, this time, the number of monsters coming out from the forest was numerous. They came in large swarms, one after another.

Snow continued to send out numerous swords of lights, taking out large groups one after another. The amount of magic was slowly starting to drain from her. She knew that the longer the fight continued, the faster her magic would deplete from her body.

"I'll be back." Snow replied. She jumped, landing on the ground with a thud.

The swords of magic flowed easily around her, taking out the monsters with ease.

Snow stood in place. She waited for the monsters to come to her.

The majority of the monsters were taken out by the sword of light, but the more agile others could dodge the sword of lights.

The first one to make it to her was a humanoid demon. It rushed in with its claws extended as its red eyes glazed with the ferocity of wanting to devour her in one fell swoop. She swung her sword as it tasted its first blood.

A dangerous gleam of excitement poured through Snow's body as her bracelet glowed red.

The next demon that came to her was dispatched just as fast as the first.