The Chase II

Snow fought for hours.

The longer she fought, the higher her body count was. She moved from one sword to another: from White Gryphon to Lady Luck to Black Widow, Gremlin, Twin Moon Blade, Eye of the Horus.

The awkward swing of the Eye of the Horus had become much more manageable as time went by. It didn't tip her over or make her stumble in odd ways.

Each sword brought out a different side of her, and the magic of the bracelet gave her better control and new magical skills.

The Eye of the Horus made her use broad moves to take out large numbers of monsters in one swing, pushing them back or slicing them in half. The ones who could take on her full swing would be badly injured. An appearance of a lion's claw would follow right after, slicing them even more.

Every time she swung, a burst of wind magic would claw out from her sword, shredding anything in its paths. Nevertheless, she had fun, swinging the blade even from afar, allowing her to reach enemies that were further away from her.

White Gryphon allowed her to amplify her light magic even more and was the most comfortable in her hand. She was able to summon two magical White Gryphons as long as she had the sword in her hand. Each fought against a horde of monsters in a gallant effort, tearing and piercing with their claws.

Lady Luck never failed her. Always giving the opportunities that she rarely sees. Always allowing her to take the best course of action without spending too much energy. Eventually, turning into gloves that matched her armor amplifying the effects when she used the gloves.

Gremlin, at times, didn't listen to her as if it had a life of its own. It would spill out strange black goo that would turn into golems. At times it would help her, and other times it would be fickle and play dead. She had to shock it with her energy to get it to use the magic for her benefit.

Twin moon blades helped her speed up through the monsters as if she was dancing. Zig-zagged through the crowds like lightning, disappearing and reappearing at her own whim, but the downside was that the longer she used, the more energy she had to consume. She couldn't continue using such a blade without her body starting to tell her to slow down. So out of all the blades, putting it away as each sword, she picked up and changed.

Finally, Snow ended up with Black Widow in her hand. It was different from what it was used for. The poison in the blade was a lot more potent than it was before. She could smell the foul stench of poison in the air every time she swung her blade. What was even worse was that each poisonous spat would eat through any metals and skin. It didn't matter as long as the acid landed.

It would quickly eat away at the material in seconds.

Snow dashed forward. Her body was tiring out. She needed rest as the day was slowly turning into the night.

The blood-red sky was present, making the surrounding bloody red.

The hours felt like minutes, slowing down to a crawl space. Snow needed to do every movement purely on instinct, trying to conserve as much energy as possible, but she could feel her arms tiring out.

When the night became midnight, the demons became stronger.

While her magic seems to become a bit weaker, making everything a lot harder.

The number of present bodies was ridiculously high; the monsters had become more reluctant to get close to her.

Snow breathed in heavily, calming her breath as best as she could. Observing around, she paid attention to every sound and wind she could. Unfortunately, her eyesight was still not back. She could see blurry shapes, which didn't help her at all. So instead, she closed her eyes as her eyes were useless.

"So, this is the sacred knight?" A deep raspy voice spoke out. A humanoid demon with short hair and small mismatched horns. Black and red clothes were worn that were loose in fitting. A lion's tail swinging back and forth. He stepped out calmly.

The demons around him stepped back, chattering in excitement at his arrival. All the other demons stepped back, surrounding Snow so she wouldn't be able to escape.

"She doesn't seem like a sacred knight." The demon had spoken, looking at her up and down. "She smells more strongly of something else." He flares his nose.

"You are?" Snow asked, drawing Black Widow in front of her. Her energy was sharpened by the countless battles that she could see far better than her eyes.

The energy spikes around the demon in front of her were erratic but contained. Dangerously powerful, but not as strong as the Demon King that she had sensed.

Each of them felt each other, observing each other to see who would make the first move.

"A saintess." A hiss rose from the demon's lips. "You're a saintess, aren't you."

Snow didn't answer.

"Yes. I can sense it in you. King Daemon has been talking about your coming."

"What do you mean, talk about my coming?"

The demon chuckled. He broke out into wild laughter, throwing his head back in disbelief. Eventually, he didn't stop. "You don't even know your own fate."

"My fate?" Snow snorted. "I don't believe in fate."

"Oh, but you will." He grinned. "King Daemon has been watching you, waiting for your arrival."

Snow got a shiver. "Watching me?"

"You will find out. Now," The demon stopped in front of Snow. "You should come with us and meet the king. He finds your struggle of escape a momentary entertainment."

"What if I say no."

"Then, all your people will die tonight."

Snow frowned. She couldn't trust the demon's words.

"We shall see about that." Snow was the first one to strike. Her sword moved viciousness swinging in quick but short bursts that didn't waste a single movement.

In response, the demon was a bit taken aback by the way she attacked. His sword clashed with hers, stopping her from cutting through his body. She clicked her tongue. Snow thought she could get through on the first try, but it seemed this demon was a lot tougher than she had imagined.

Breaking apart, they prowled around each other.

"Saintess, why would you want to fight us?" the demon spoke. "We are just a small faction, wanting to make a better world."

Snow snorted, believing his words. "I saw what your king has done. I don't believe you."

She had remembered the memory that she saw at the other dungeon wasn't anything peace-loving. On the contrary, everything was being destroyed, killed, and ravaged to the point of no return.

"Did you now?" The demon said with a bit more aggressive tone. His tail swished back and forth until finally, the demon attacked.

Snow and the demon move fluidly against one another. The magic of dark and light was trying to overcome one another. It was suffocating to watch as the power fluctuated around them. The other monsters had to step back away even further to not get entirely overwhelmed by each other's power.

With a low swing, the demon tried to take out Snow's leg. Snow jumped. Her sword followed right behind. The demon dodged, rolling out of harm's way.

A flurry of black balls of magic was sent at Snow.

Snow's instinct flared, telling her that getting hit by one of those energy balls would harm her detrimentally. One of the balls missed her and flew towards the group. It hit the monsters that were watching, completely devouring the monster in one go like a black hole. A horrible crunching sound was heard, followed by nothingness.

All the demons scrambled back.

The fight continued with such intensity that more and more bits and pieces of the surroundings were scooped away.

Snow summoned up her magical sword of lights, sending them at him in waves. However, each blade was easily deflected, making the fight a stalemate.

She scowled; she didn't like where this was going. Mainly because the amount of time that was being wasted in this fight was draining her magical power. The longer that she stayed, the weaker she felt. Time wasn't on her side.

"It seems you are getting weaker." The demon said with glee. He flared his nose. "It's the only time, Saintess. Join us, and meet the king."

Snow didn't pay attention to his words. This time, she slowed down her attacks. Conserving her movements even further.

"It would be a life-changing experience." The demon prowled around her, grinning even wider.

Snow's heart pumped a bit slower, allowing her to focus.

"Think about it. The demon king and the saint were brought together. What history that would be and the amount of power that two could share." The demon stopped, watching her. "It seems you don't like the king's offer. Then so be it; we'll take you subdued."

In a burst, the demon disappeared and reappeared in front of Snow, kicking her in the stomach.