Dairen's Army (II)

(Dairen's View)

Levian floated in the air as dark energy streamed into his body. Twisting and turning, becoming stronger and stronger. His form changed.

Black and grey-colored scales littered his whole body. Sharp thorns appeared on his elbow and shoulders. Thick horns that majestically curled and jutted upward. Even his ears became elongated and pointy. Red eyes glared at the newcomers as they swiveled its direction toward them.

Even a natural glamour on Levian's body gave him an unconscious pull to anyone who gazed upon him.

Red, Tommy, Audrey, Rodney, Mr. Everett, and Tamaki arrived alongside, standing next to Dairen with surprise. They arrived a moment later as they were assisting Rodney and Audrey.

"Is that?" Red spoke.

"Yea," Dairen replied. He scowled. "It's Levian."

"I knew it." Red scowled. "I knew he was a rat. We should have killed him the first time we saw him. I don't get why we didn't." She stomped her feet a couple of times.

"Don't worry, we'll do it now," Dairen growled. He was elated that they were finally able to move in, getting rid of him now. He had been secretly wanting to get rid of him the moment they first met.

"Well. Well. Well." Levian spoke with arrogance. "It seems the final Demon Prince is here."

Dairen didn't like Levian's arrogant tone. He knocked his arrow onto his bow.

"I'm glad that I don't have to search for you." Levian lazily spoke. "What a day today is. Everything is finally falling into motion."

"I agree," Dairen replied. "I've wanted to get rid of you."

Levian snorted, waving his hand. "You wouldn't even be able to."

Dairen frowned. "We shall see about that."

Levian barked out laughing. "You, who only have a third of the Demon Prince's power, dare to say that you could go up against me?" His words were laced with poison.

Dairen could tell the difference in power had grown exponentially.

With quick, fluid motions, he fired an arrow.

Levian waved his hand, blocking the arrow.

Everyone moved into action, surrounding Levian.

Mike and Gilbert burst forward, swinging their swords in unison. Each slice was deadly, but Levian easily parried them without much difficulty.

"Firestorm!" Rodney shouted out. Mike and Gilbert jumped back as a burst of tornado whirled around Levian. A scorching heat sent out a blast of heat waves, which caused everyone to stand back.

They had to wait as they didn't want to get caught up in flames.

Finally, the flames simmered down, disappearing. Levian was slightly burnt, but he wasn't too phased by the attack at all.

Levian's eyes glimmered, smiling at their weak attacks. Then, he went straight to Mr. Everrett, who was standing with his arms behind his back, watching the whole event unfold.

Mr. Everett raised up his hand, barely avoiding each attack with little movement. Every step, every hit, he would strike back just as efficiently or even better than Levian's, but even though

Mr. Everett could avoid most of his attack, he didn't have the firepower that could contend with taking out Levian with one blow.

"Is that all you can do, old man?" Levian scoffed. The black energy around his fist became stronger and stronger as time went by.

Mr. Everett was becoming uncomfortable with the sheer amount of firepower that Levian had. It was to the point where even one mess up would knock him out or, worse, kill him.

Tommy and Tamaki took turns, weaving in and out.

With a jubilant laugh, Tommy continued his barrage of punches. "This is more like it!" He chortled in his grin and became bigger and bigger. His fist pounding into Levian every chance he got.

Tamaki swung his katana with quick succession, becoming stronger and stronger with every swing he took. Finally, a light cut a slit across Levian's face.

Levian was furious. His eyes gleamed dangerous red. "Well, it seems you got one hit. Congratulations are in order, but no matter. This won't be enough to kill me." Red and black energy frazzled out of his body. A ripping sound could be heard coming out from his back.

Black dragon wings emerged.

Levian's eyes changed into cat-eye-like slits.

"Let's see you try to harm me now." Levian disappeared in a blink of an eye. He reappeared in front of Tamaki. Tamaki swung, but his sword was stopped by Levian's hand. With a crunch, the sword broke, and he was backhanded. Tamaki fell to the ground.

"You!" Tommy howled. He grabbed Levian from the back. With every inch of his strength, Tommy squeezed. His muscles bulged.

Levian took a deep breath. Then, with a burst of energy, Tommy was thrown off his back. He zipped toward Tommy, punching him into the ground. Tommy blacked out, lifeless.

Levian didn't stop there. Instead, he quickly moved to his next target, and this time he reappeared in front of Audrey, punching him in the guts.

Audrey went flying, smashing into the ground as he went unconscious.

Rodney roared. He sprung forth, but just as he was running toward Levian, Levian disappeared again. This time, appearing in front of Rodney.

With a quick uppercut, a sickening crack could be heard. Rodney crumpled onto the ground.

Levian moved onto his next target, Mr. Everett. For a split moment, the exchange between the two was quick and furious. After that, their fights were a blur, almost difficult to follow. If it wasn't for Mr. Everett's pure instinct and skill, he would have died from each fatal blow.

Mr. Everett couldn't last long. The constant speed was draining his body until finally, he messed up. Levian aimed for Mr. Everett's throat. On pure instinct, Mr. Everett raised his arm, blocking

him, but he was thrown into the air as he went flying in the process.

With a thud, Mr. Everett was out cold.

"This crazy monster!" Red shouted. A powerful surge of magic was cast out in unison. One would have thought multiple shooting stars were falling from the sky.

Red's magical attack was raining down onto Levian in full force. Even Dairen's arrows were mixed in with Red's attack, becoming a colorful range of colors from red and black.

"Die! Die! Die!" Red shouted in rage.

A cloud of dust formed, making it difficult to see what was going on. Finally, a shadow escaped from the cloud and headed straight toward Red.

In a blink of an eye, Levian had sent his own flurry of magical attacks back at Red. Red yelped, realizing the number of magical arrows was too much for her to handle. In one fell swoop, she was overcome in seconds.

Dairen and Mike tagged the team in. Arrows after arrows were shot at Levian. Levian disappeared and reappeared, dodging every single attack. Even Mike's swing of his sword could not graze him.

Levian appeared before Mike, kicking him in the stomach. Mike was thrown back as he slid across the ground.

Dairen knew at the rate that they were going, they were going to fail. Swirls of dark energy wrapped his body even tighter. Horns grew, giving him more power than before. His arrows were laced with electrical-like energy, giving it a wicked explosion every time it hit something.

Levian walked over casually.

The arrows were redirected with ease.

"You can keep pulling that string, Dairen, but it won't change your fate." Levian lazily said. He walked up toward Dairen and stopped in front of him.

Dairen put away his bow. He reached down to grab his dagger from his belt. Then, with a vicious swing, he aimed for Levian's neck.

The blade struck across Levian's neck but was stopped.

Dairen's eyes widened. He pushed with all his might. But even still, the dagger would not budge. Sweat dripped down his face, his muscles bulged as he gritted his teeth.

"Weak." Levian rolled his eyes. He reached over to grab Dairen's hand and threw him over his shoulder.

Dairen landed with a thud, following after Levian's claw punched downward. A sharp pain shocked his entire body. He looked down.

Levian's claw impaled in his chest. Blood oozed out from his lips.

"What?" A cold shudder dropped into the pit of his stomach as dark flames licked through his body and armor.

"The Last demon prince is down." A crooked smile appeared from behind Dairen's back.

"Dairen!" Mike coughed. He struggled up. Pushing himself up, he stumbled forward until he got him. He was rushing over toward Dairen, electricity sparking out from his sword. "You Bastard!"

Mike rushed in with his sword by his side. He swung his blade, hitting Levian's barrier.

Static erupted as both fought against each other.

"I'm going to kill you!" Mike furiously swung again and again. Each swing cracked the barrier a little more than before.

Dairen's gaze started to darken.

Mike furiously attacked, trying to overpower Levian.

Levian yawned. He stopped Mike's blade. "Sorry old friend, but this is the end." With a vicious punch, Mike's blade breaks and hits him in the head. Mike crumpled onto the ground, motionless.

Dairen's eyes flickered, a wash of black was swooping down his mind. He felt himself falling into darkness.