Snow's Fear (I)

(Snow's View)

Snow woke up on the back of the undead tiger. Looking around confused, she tried to decipher where she was at. Nothing looked familiar.

She didn't know how long she had been out, but she had a feeling that it was a very long time. The sun was starting to creep out between the trees, bringing back the morning welcome that most people would enjoy. But not Snow. The time that he had missed had made her heart drop.

What happened to her guild? Did the demons invade the city? Was Dairen okay? Why was she so stupid to put people at risk without thinking about the consequences?! These thoughts had raided her mind over and over again. How many days was she out?

The undead tiger growled, bringing her attention to it. Snow was glad that the undead tiger didn't disappear as it would mean that Dairen was still alive.

"How long was I out?" Snow unconsciously asked.

The undead tiger didn't answer and instead tilted its head.

"What am I doing asking you when you can't speak?" She sighed.

Snow stood up straight as her thoughts quickly came back to her.

"Quickly, take me back to the city." Snow urged the tiger, who listened to her and bounded off in a hurry. A powerful burst of energy cycled through its leg, leaping into action as it jumped up onto the tree branch and darted off.

She didn't know how long they bounded forward into the endless streams of trees that seem to look similar to one another. Snow ducked and held on tight.

Until a thick smoke could be seen weakening through the forest top, bringing her attention.

Snow arrived not too far away from the city. They stopped, overlooking the chaos before her.

Death and destruction were apparent everywhere she looked. She wasn't sure how to feel about what she had started. The guilt in her selfish desire to steal the black box had spiraled the whole incident out of control.

Two sacred trees were eradicated. The walls were broken as the army of demons crawled over the walls as they made their way into the city.

Half the small sacred tree was destroyed, leaving a large majority of the city guards dead. The Players pushed back with Darien's undead army, but they were still slowly being picked away.

"Go!" Snow's magical power pulsates in her body. She needed to fix this. She knew that the tide needed to be turned.

Powerful pulsating light energy washed over the field. For a moment, the demons froze in place, turning their attention at the sudden appearance of holy energy.

"Holy Redemption! Purge!" Snow sent out a wave of magic, blessing every single Hunters and Player. Even the city guards were blessed by her powerful spell of magic that washed over the whole city.

The sudden increase of magical power sent an exhilarating powerful burst of energy and magic that they had never felt.

Each and every hunter, Players, and guard were able to push back easier than before. Each swing of their blades or the shot of their arrows would cause the demons to burst into holy flames, completely eradicating them.

Snow could feel a wash of her magic seeping out of her body, but it didn't quickly leave out of her that she usually would feel. There was still holy energy lingering in the air, helping her compensate for the lost magic and fueling the burst of magic that she cast out into the field.

"Division of the Sun!" Snow rushed through the crowd. Small balls of light that looked like suns appeared around her.

A blast of light energy burst out from the small balls of light, destroying each demon one after another. The balls of light continued to move around Snow as she made it to the wall. Holding tightly, the tiger jumped up and climbed up onto the ladder. They bulldozed her way up.

Demons were eradicated, dissolving into dust. While the other monsters were thrown off the side.

"Saintess!" The cheers of soldiers shouted her name in excitement.

A huge change of tide had happened. Even when Dairen had come through to assist them with his own army, it still was not enough.

"Where are the others?" Snow asked. She didn't find Mike, Dairen, or even the other guild leaders she worked with.

"They went ahead to fight against the Demon King." One of the soldiers replied.

"Thanks." Snow replied.

Snow patted the tiger underneath her, asking him one more time to head toward where they needed to go.

"Can you take him to me?" Snow asked the undead tiger.

The tiger growled, shaking his head.

"Let's go."

With a bolt, the tiger jumped off the wall and onto the roof. They bolted toward the castle.

Snow held on tightly. The wind blew against her cheeks and hair. Her eyes focused on the castle. The closer she got, the stronger and stronger the dark energy was felt.

Suddenly, Snow felt a sharp pang in her chest.

Her face paled while her mind tingled. It was as if a strike of lightning had struck her, making her feel nauseated.

Something terrible has happened.

Her hand gripped the tiger a bit harder.

It didn't take long for the tiger to make it to the foot of the castle. Snow slid off. The moment she touched the ground, she bolted up the stairs and into the building.

"Please," Snow whispered. "Please, let everything be alright."

She burst through the door.

Everywhere she looked, dead bodies of demons and humans alike were strewn across the ground. Finally, they passed through the hallway and were heading straight to the throne room.

She ran into the room, but what she saw stunned her.

Dairen was laid out on the ground with a large gap through his chest, while Mike was against the wall with his arm torn off. Red, Tommy, Mr. Everett, and Tamaki flopped over on his side, unconscious. Audrey and Rodney were both heavily injured as they were bleeding.

In the middle was Levian, surrounded by a cocoon of dark energy. Strong magical energy spat out, cocooned around tightly with magic as if he was sleeping.

Snow's mind raced. She headed straight toward Dairen, crouching down. Her mind was frazzled.

Leaning down, she reached over to check on his pulse.

There was none.

Tears swallowed up in her eyes as it finally dawned on her that he was dead. She pulled back her tears, trying not to let them overwhelm her. Her hands couldn't move, but she reached out to pull the sword out. Her light magic softly surrounded his body, healing the wound that was left from it.

A soft moaning sound escaped from Mike's lips, jolting Snow to his attention. She had to pull herself away from Dairen, quietly reassuring herself that she would be back to resurrect him when she was done with everyone else. Then, she quickly moved over, checking his body.

"Mike?" Snow's voice cracked.

Mike didn't answer.

Guilt riddled Snow's conscience. "I should have been here." A tear dripped down her face.

Snow searched around for his arm. She found it not too far away, holding onto his sword. With hurried steps, she went over to pick up his arm. It was badly damaged.

Even though she had seen many terrible accidents and death, it usually didn't affect her. But when she saw Mike's arm in her hand, her stomach went through a couple of turns.

It took a bit of effort for Snow to quell her stomach. Finally, she came over, her hand raised up as she started to call upon her light energy. Without realizing it, her hand shook. Reaching over, she steadied herself.

"It's going to be alright." Snow whispered, over and over again.

Focusing, she willed her magic to attach both the arm onto his shoulder. It didn't take long for the arm to connect.

When she was done with Mike, she healed Tommy, Tamaki, Audrey, and Rodney at the same time. Snow was glad that they weren't as badly injured as Mike. While Red, Tamaki, and Tommy were still unconscious. She also healed them of their wounds but had to wait for them to wake up naturally on their own.

"Snow…" Mr. Everett spoke up. He coughed as blood dripped down his lips.

"Mr. Everrett!" Snow quickly came over, surprised that Mr. Everett was the only one who woke up. She reached over to heal him.

Wiping the blood off his cheeks, Mr. Everrett spoke, "We need to kill that damnable bastard. If he leaves this dungeon, the world is doomed."

"We will. We most definitely will." Darkness set in Snow's eyes. The intent to eradicate Levian was on his mind.

"Give me a moment. I need to call back, Dairen." Snow got up she headed back toward Dairen.

"This time, I'll save you."

Coming over, she sat down next to Dairen.

Dairen looked as if he was peacefully sleeping.

The crackling sound of breaking shells resounded in the area. Snow snapped her attention toward the sound.

Levian broke out of his cocoon.