Earth (II)

The building around Levian shattered, crumbling into pieces. Rains of debris, papers, concrete, and wires fell from the sky like rain.

"Is he dead yet?" Mike grunted. A trickle of blood dripped down his face. The cut from Levian's claws has left an ugly gash across his eyes. He reached over to wipe it off.

"I don't know." Snow replied. The weight of Eye of the Horus was heavy over her shoulder. Her body was already screaming with pain, telling her that she was pushing herself too hard as it wasn't something that she could use. She prayed that he was down, but she didn't believe he was.

Levian pushed himself out of the rubble. He coughed a few times. A pool of blood dripped down his side.

"It's not going to end here!" Levian shouted.

Once again, the energy around Levian became a hot boiling point, his body bubbling and morphing. His demeanor and body started to change.

A long snout appeared out of his face, his horn turned more crooked than before. His body grew bigger and bigger, dwarfing a few skyscrapers. Claws and a tail grew, wings sprouted out of his back.

Levian changed into a black dragon. The green glow of magic glowed on his chest, becoming hot and bright. Large jagged black teeth, red eyes like snakes, spikes that jutted out its body, and the snake-like scale all over its body.

A heavy power rippled out of its body, causing anyone who was near to freeze in fear.

"PUrge!" Snow had a difficult time speaking out loud. If she didn't, she couldn't move. The light washed through her body once again, and even Mike and Darien. They were able to break away from Levian's fear that kept them in place.

Levian roared.

The sound broke the buildings and glasses, shattering in pieces.

Large buildings crumbled onto the ground.

"Oh my god…." Mike cursed.

Snow bolted, heading straight to Levian's leg. She swung.

The Eye of Horus shattered upon impact. Her hand shook from shock. She quickly put away the Eye of Horus, heading straight for her next sword: Gremlin, which was pulled out from a half-broken tree trunk.

Gremlin grumbled at her, telling her that it didn't use it often.

Snow jumped, the magic around Gremlin became bright, telling her that it was ready for use. When she jumped, Gremlin smashed into the dragon skin. It bounced off, throwing her hand back.

She swung again, and Gremlin wasn't able to break through. Instead, an ugly crack was formed, making the Gremlin useless. Snow put away the Gremlin. She darted to the next weapon, hoping that the next weapon would be able to break through Levian's thick scale.

Even Mike was having a difficult time breaking through Levian's scale. While Dairen and his generals were trying to divert Levian's attention to allow the others to attack.

Levian swung his giant tail, crashing through buildings.

Snow ducked, scampering out of harm's way.

She dove, reaching out to grab Black Widow.

The Black Widow whined, dripping out the poison from its blade. The poison dripped onto the ground, leaving behind an ugly hole in the ground.

Snow focused. She hoped this blade would not break. But, unfortunately, even the upgrade that she stole from the Demon King didn't seem enough.

"Snow!" Mike yelled. "We need to bring him down now!"

"Working on it!" Snow shouted back. She pushed herself off the ground and ran straight toward Levian.

Levain roared. His wings are pumping back and forth. A gust of wind spat out, picking up dust and debris. Snow ducked, almost getting hit by a broken streetlight.

"I'll pin him!" Mike replied.

Snow was wondering how he would pin him, but before she could ask. Mike jumped up, slashing down onto Levian's Tail with his sword as if it was going to do something. But, instead, his sword bounced off Levian's body.

Realizing that his sword wasn't going to cut through, Mike looked around for something else. But, instead, he saw a thick chain broken on the ground. Quickly, rushing over toward it, he grabbed it with both hands. It took a bit of effort to pull it off the ground, but he was able to hoist it over his shoulder and run toward Levian.

With the chains in hand, he darted under Levian's belly. He threw the chains around, trying to get it wrapped.

Snow noticed what Mike was doing. She joined in on the fight against him with Dairen and his three generals.

The dragon, tiger, and the phoenix butted heads, trying to get through Levian's thick hide. Even Dairen's arrows could not pierce through Levian's body at all either. The dragon and tiger's claw or the phoenix fire was just a tickle to its heavy hide.

"Kahahahaha!" Levian cackled in delight. "Your powers won't work against me! I am invincible!" He threw back his head, inhaling deeply. He was ready to hurl out pits of fire from its body.

Snow dashed forward, jumping into the air. She swung, smashing her blade into Levian's giant head.

Levain threw back his head, unable to spit out fire.

At that moment, the Black Widow blade broke. Snow couldn't believe that three out of six blades broke so easily.

Snow dropped to the ground, putting away Black Widow. She ran over to pick up Twin Moon Blade. Suddenly, her instincts kicked in. She had a feeling that this blade would not work as well. Putting it away, she looked around for the other two.

Lady Luck was under the debris of a rock pile to her left, while White Gryphon somehow ended up on the second-story wall. She didn't remember ever throwing it up that high.

Making her decisions, she rushed toward Lady Luck. Reaching down, she pulled up the heavy rocks that had Lady Luck under. Using her feet, she kicked the sword right under as it slid across the ground. With a thump, she let the slab of rock go.

"Snow!" Levian growled with anger. A slice ran across Levain's cheek. He was displeased that she was able to harm him.

Snow reached over, grabbing Lady Luck. Lady luck quickly changed from a sword into a glove, melding with her armor. She had a feeling that Lady Luck wanted her to go and grab White Gryphon high up on the building.

With bumbling footsteps, Levian crashed his way towards Snow.

"Just because you and I were together in our last life does not mean I won't stop you!" Levian spat angrily.

A blinding flash of dark energy zipped across the tip of Levian's nose and smashed into the side of his face. The dark arrow twirled, digging in deeply into Levian's open-cut that Snow had given.

Levian threw out a painful roar, tripping onto the ground with a vicious thud.

"What crazy delusions are you having?" Dairen glared. "Snow is with me. Get your facts right!" Another powerful blast of energy was sent at Levian's face right after.

It tagged him, throwing him back. The chains around his feet shackled around him as Mike was finished with darting back and forth. Then, with a stumble, Levian came crashing down. His head hitting the very floor.

Silence descended upon them.

Snow ran around Levian, jumping onto his back. Pulling his hand up onto his arm, pushing herself up against his back. Snow jumped onto the open balcony on the second floor, grabbing the very rail.

With a grunt, she pulled herself up and onto the balcony. Reaching over to the side, she grabbed White Gryphon on the side. It came off easily. She looked over back down.

"Do you think you got him?" Mike asked.

"No," Dairen replied. "We need to get him now."

Both Mike and Diane nodded, understanding what they must do. However, they didn't wait for Levian to get back up.

Mike ran forward, sword following closely behind. He jumped, lighting sparkled over his head. He slashed downward onto Levian's face.

Dairen followed suit, it wasn't just one or two or three arrows, but twenty black arrows following closely behind Mike.

When Mike struck, he moved out of the way.

Dairen's arrow came crashing down upon Levian's face, one after another.

Howls of pain followed closely behind.

Dust and magic lingered in the air. Eventually, it cleared up,

Levian, who was immobile, opened his red eyes.

Infuriated by the second blow that brought him pain, Levian thrashed out. A wave of heat exploded from his body, flattening the surroundings around him.

Snow ducked behind the chair to buffer the blow of the monster's roar.

Mike and Dairen cringed from the painful cry. Then, crumpling up from the pain.

Levian pumped his wings, pushing himself up into the sky. The burning anger was running deeply into his heart. His eyes turned bloody red, the blood dripping down the side of his face. His lips curled up, showing off his teeth.

"I'll kill you all!" Levian screamed.

Inhale deeply, he breathed out a mighty swell of green fire that would destroy anything it touched.

Dairen and Mike ran toward the nearest building for cover.

Levian blew fire continuously until he was satisfied. All three of Daiaren's summons were eradicated as they burnt away. `

It was hell on Earth.