Earth (III)

The fight in the city of Atlantis was harsh and brutal. Death was apparent as Players, Hunters, and citizens caught up in the war were thrown into the mess.

Even the battle between the thirteen Dark Societies was heating up, creating their own destruction. It was a back and forth battle, trying to overcome the other, but their strength was slowly being pushed back as the Dark Society was slowly winning.

A battle that would tirelessly go back and forth between monsters, Dark Society, Players, and the Hunters, but the push was becoming toward the Dark Society side.

At times, civilians got caught up in the monsters that spread throughout the city. It wasn't an easy battle as death was apparent.

Now on Earth, chaos was everywhere.

The monsters destroyed the city walls, buildings and even bulldozed their way through the parked cars. The citizens of Earth had only seen pictures of these monsters from the Players that played the game. They never thought that such monsters would come to their world and cause hell on Earth.

Nobody was prepared for it.

Chaos reigned supreme as the police tried to take control. Their gunshots rang throughout the city, but the monster's hide bounced off most of the gunshots.

Levian roar rang out throughout the city, causing the monsters to stop for a moment to look back. But, instead, they started to become invigorated by Levian's roar as they clashed across the world.

The chains around Levian's feet that shackled him onto the ground started to melt. Heat around him started to become very hot. With a shake of his feet, Levian broke the chain off his feet.

With the angry beat of his wing, he pushed himself up into the sky. He pulled back his head and sent out another blast of fire that he sprayed across the city floor.

Death and destruction everywhere the fire hit.

Levian rumbled with pleasure.


Snow peeked out of the board, and she hid her back too. Everywhere she saw, there was a green fire that ate and melted through the metal beams. Off in the distance was Levian, who was destroying the very city with his breath of death.

Quickly, Snow got up. She pushed open the glass door, which was luckily unlocked, and ran toward the door. She pulled it open and ran down the stairs. Heading out into the open, the cityscape had changed entirely.

Mike and Dairen were making themselves out of the debris.

Dairen was the first to come out as he pushed the slab of metal sheet off him. He then made his way over to help MIke, who was having trouble moving the tangled wires, sheets of metal, and even wooden beams that he couldn't completely weasel out of.

Snow jogged over with White Gryphon in hand.

Both Mike and Dairen looked over and saw Snow come over.

"Are you guys okay?" Snow asked. She put away her sword to help them if she could.

Mike was disheveled and covered in dirt. While Dairen had streaks of mud and a few cuts not from Levian.

"Yea, just a bit banged here and there," Mike replied. "That bastard's scream gives me a headache." He grumbled, patting away the dirt on his shoulder.

"Luckily, we are still alive." Dairen said, "But we need to get him out of the sky and away from this city."

"Agreed. I don't like how he is destroying our home."

"What do you think we should do?" Snow replied. "Most of my words don't work against him."

The three contemplated. None of their magic worked.

"Though you were able to get a small cut off his face." Dairen pointed out.

"True," Snow thought. She was able to make a cut on Levian's dragon face. They were able to continuously aim in that direction.

"We aim for that area again," Mike replied. "It's the only opening we have unless we have another one. Do you think you can do it again?" He looked over toward Snow with faith in his eyes.

Snow couldn't look away. It was a swell of faith that made her unconsciously say "Yes."

"We got two worlds to save," Mike replied.

"We do." Dairen nodded. "Especially our home that Levian wants to destroy."

"Yep, that bastard's always doing something stupid and doesn't make sense. We'll get to the bottom of this."

Snow shook her head up and down, agreeing.

"We got your back, Snow," Mike replied.

"Same with me," Dairen replied.

A warmth of emotions swelled in her heart. Their trust, love, and even faith that she could do it gave her strength that she had never felt before.

"Thank you, guys." Snow replied with a warmth that tingles throughout her whole body.

She would give her life for these two who had gone through thick and thin. Her friends that she would run to whenever they called for help.

"Let's go and get this war over with." Snow reached over and grabbed each of their hands. Squeezing them once as she let go.

She knew that whatever they were up against, she would have them behind or beside her, assisting each other.

A fire lit up in her heart. Reminding her that she wasn't going to stop, she was glad that they were here with her.

Mike was the first to turn around to start to walk toward where they needed to go.

Dairen took a moment to observe her. "Snow."


"Will you be fine?"

Snow gently smiled. "Yes. Thank you for your concern."

Dairen reached over, brushing his hand against his cheek. "Thank you."

An electric feeling ran up and down her cheeks to her spine and her toes. Then, without realizing it, she leaned in into his fingers as he pulled back. The emotions were gone just as quickly as they came.

"Guys, are you coming or not?"

Both replied, "Coming."

They hurriedly went after Mike, who was waiting for them in the distance.

Snow gazed up, looking around. Her gaze sharpened, knowing that the world around her was quickly being destroyed as time passed. After Levian was done here, he would move to the next city and the next until he dyed the whole world with fire.

"Do you guys have a plan?" Dairen shouted. He knocked his arrow in his bow. Ready to fire when needed.

"I think so." Snow's mind raced with an idea. "It might be a bit crazy, but we need to get onto Levian."

"I was hoping that wouldn't be the case," Dairen replied, frowning.

Snow ran hard. They headed to the closest building that was as close to Levian as possible. Everywhere she went, the fire raged with anger, licking the very ground as it melted metals.

There were a few buildings that were still standing.

All three of them headed close to a building that wasn't broken down. They burst through the door, heading straight to the stairs. With quick light steps, they raced up to the top floor.

Eventually, they made it to the top.

Snow white hair blew across her face. She gazed up as she pushed aside her hair.

"I'll give us a shot at Levian," Dairen replied. He pulled out a rope and tied it to his arrow that he had conjured with magic. The arrowhead changed into a hook.

Dairen handed the rope to Snow. "I'll find a way up. This should get you there."

"Thanks." Snow took the rope in her hand.

With his bow in hand, he pulled it back and fired.

The arrow flew true, heading straight toward Levian's giant feet. It wrapped around his feet, yanking Snow.

Snow was pulled off the edge as she jumped off. Then, dangling in the air, Snow started her climb upwards.

Each pull was not easy. The constant movement of the rope made it a back and forth swing.

A dangerous oncoming building was heading straight toward Snow. In alarm, she pulled herself up as quickly as possible, but the closer she got, she knew that she was going to smash into the very wall.

Quickly, she summoned up her little bit of magical power of the wind that she knew. Sending it out, she created a cushion to help lessen the blow that came right after. It rattled her whole body and the brain as air escaped her lungs. Her hand almost let go, causing her to slip. She had to grab the rope, burning her hands.

Snow had to continue bracing herself. She rolled continuously over the glasses and concrete walls. A few times, her breath was pushed out of her lungs.

It wasn't until she was momentarily free from the banging that she was able to steady herself, but not too far ahead, she was headed toward another.

Gritting her teeth, she wrapped the rope tighter, pulling herself even faster. Snow didn't want to

go through another rough rolling across the building walls.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw both Dairen and Mike, fighting their way up as well, just like her.

With dedication flared in her heart, she continued upwards until she finally made it to Levian's toes. Then, pulling herself up, she gratefully grabbed on and continued her upward scale on the side of his leg.