Everyone where busy with their doings, and the ship still sails following the Log Pose. Adam was busy renovating the bow of the Golden Yacht, making a cool and mighty figurehead, which was his neck and head of his Golden Dragon full form.
While Adam was busy, Nami shouts making Adam stop and look toward her.
" ADAM ! The Sea Monkeys come again !! " Nami shout pointing behind.
" So troublesome.." Adam drop his crafting tools and teleport behind the ship hovering in the air. Soon Adam transform to full Golden Dragon and give a huge roar toward the huge and high wave which there were a lot of huge Sea Monkeys looking at him happily.
" BASTARD ! IF YOU COME AGAIN I WILL COOK YOU !! " Adam shout loud using his Conqueror"s Haki too.
The many huge Sea Monkeys changed their expression from their happy toward horrified. Soon they dive quickly toward far away from Adam.
Looking at the huge wave that is still coming, Adam raise his right hand calmly. And soon the huge waves stop in place and slowly turn back to the calm waves.
Adam went back to the bow and back busy renovating the bow.
Nami and Robin smile and continue their works.
Shortly after Adam finally done turning the bow into a mighty Golden Dragon head made of gold and was relaxing on the Sunbed nearby, Adam saw a heavy fog infront.
" Nami.. A heavy fog ahead.. " Adam shout.
" Umm.. I saw it too, there may be danger, but the Log Pose was pointing there. " Nami said out of the Wheelhouse.
" Dont worry.. " Adam smile, and continue relaxing lazily.
Adam only keep using Observation Haki 100m away from the ship. So he does not know what is behind the heavy fog. But Adam follows the route of the Straw Hats, so he remembers that behind the Heavy Fog was the Long Ring Long Land.
The Golden Yacht sail through the heavy fog, and finally the people on board saw the island.
" SO BIG ! SO EMPTY !! ITS AN ENDLESS PLAIN.. ! " Nami on the Flybridge deck exclaimed.
" Umm.." Adam and Robin hums with their smile.
But soon, Adam and everyone turn their heads to the left and look at a galleon with "FOXY" written on its pirate flag sail.
" Hmm? Someone still dare to aproach our ship ?? " Robin confused.
" Yes, everytime theres a pirate ship, they will run when saw our flag.. Maybe they did not know? " Nami said.
" Almost all people will know our flag. We are very famous.. Im sure they are coming here to invite us to a fight. " Adam said with a smirk.
" Fight ?? " Nami and Robin were more confused.
" Let me fight them.. Teacher.. " Koby said excitedly.
" Just let them come first and talk.. " Adam said with his mysterious smile.
Soon the galleon which was bigger than the Golden Yacht stop not too far from Adam ship who was parking in the shore.
Adam, Nami, Robin and Koby look at the many people nervous expression on their deck looking at them.
" "Devil King" wanted for berries, "Cat Burglar" 666.666.666 berries, "Cabin Boy" 1000 berries, "Devil"s Child" 790.000.000 berries. With only 4 people, your group has a total bounty almost reaching 12 billion berries."
" That is why we, the Foxy Pirates.. Will challenge the Adam"s Family Pirates to an official Davy Back Fight !! "
A stout man with skinny arms and legs, a cleft lip-like mouth and a unique hairstyle, with his hair split into two spikes pointing upwards. He was standing infront of his crew shakingly, and said to Adam with his trembling voice.
" Davy Back Fight ! " Robin was shocked, and soon smile.
"What is it Robin ? " Nami ask, with Koby look curious too. While Adam just stood there calmly exhaling his smoke.
" Its a game between two pirate crews to win each other"s crewmates to strengthen the crew.." Robin said.
" That is correct. 35-40 years ago, the game was invented in Hachinosu, also known as Pirate Island, its a New World island known to be a "Pirate Paradise".. On that island, a man named Rocks D. Xebec single handle to win many powerful crew to himself. And the Rocks Pirates was formed.The Rocks Pirates were an extremely powerful crew with amazing potential and were regarded as a threat to the entire world. They were without a doubt the strongest pirate crew of their time. White Beard, Big Mom, Kaido, Golden Lion, Captain John and many famous people was his crew before they all seperated on each of their way. Because of him, the Davy Back Fight was very popular.. " Adam said calmly.
Although Adam said calmly, he was heard by everyone. Including the people on the Foxy Pirates not too far, many of them already fell on their butts hearing the truth of the Davy Back Fight.
" Cough.. They are all very powerful.. And they dare to play the game.. Do you dare? Devil King ? " Foxy ask trembling.
Adam helplessly shake his head and said calmly.
" Okay, i will praise your courage dare to come to me.. But you invited the wrong group. Davy Back Fight were a game between two PIRATE. And me, and my family were not a Pirate. "
Nami, Robin and Koby hearing Adam"s words smile and look at the Foxy Pirates funnily.
The Foxy Pirates all were dumbfouded.
" For your courage dare to aproach me. Ill give you 10 minutes to disappear from my sight. Or you will all sunk to the sea. And can meet Davy Jones.. " Adam said calmly.
Everyone was shaking nervously hearing Adam words and are looking at their captain who was also shaking very hard.
" You still have 9 minutes 45 sec left.. " Adam said lazily.
" FAST WITHDRAW ! HURRY ROW !! " Foxy the captain of the Foxy Pirates shouted loudly and then fainted.
Looking at their fainted captain, everyone was dumbfouded for a moment. But soon quickly move and sail quickly with full strength rowing their ship oars.
" Hahaha. Ill go turn on the Force Field, then we can land." Adam said happily walking toward the Wheelhouse.