Robin’s blood

Soon everyone land on the Long Ring Long Land.

After seing many trees and animals which were very long in shape making the group shock and disbelieve, soon the group went to the only house in the island.

Feeling it was empty, Adam with a smirk help walk outside the house and save the old man on the tall stilt.

After knowing Tonjit has been on the stilt for almost 10 year, and explaining why everything on this island is so long, everyone was shocked, leaving Adam laughing funnily.

Tonjit then invite everyone inside his house.

After rejecting the milk that has been turn into cheese, and Adam also throw it far away or it will be eaten by the old man.

Then Tonjit explain about the Long Ring Long Land and why he was alone, Nami, Robin and Koby was very interested hearing it. While Adam just keep silence.

Because its near dinner time, Adam with the other prepare an outdoor barbeque. After a delicious barbeque, Adam sent Tonjit, his horse and including his house toward the other island nearby where his village are by teleporting him.

Koby went back to workingout after dinner. While Adam, Nami and Robin just lay leisurely on the matt looking at the starry sky.

" When will the Log Pose magnetic force is full ? " Adam ask to the Nami who were clinging on his right,

" 2 days. " Nami said with comforatble laying her head on Adam open right arm

" Can we be on time arriving at Sabaody 1 day before the battle ? " Robin who was laying her head too on Adam open left arm.

" The Grand Line is very big and far for many people. But for us, with the Golden Yacht, it was small and near." Adam said looking at the bright stars in the night sky.

" Adam, tell us about your world. How was the environtment, the people, the culture.. " Robin said interestedly.

" Yes.. Im also curious.. " Nami said excitedly.

Hearing the two woman of him was curious, Adam tell truthfull everything about his world.

From the race, people living habits, people cultures, environtment, for a long time..

" The people in your world depends on money to survive.. " Nami said with a frowns.

" Its the same like this world, only difference was the people with strength is more respected.. " Robin said.

" But it was peaceful, Nami. With high education and stable occupation people still can live happily. The poor people were all who were lazy and have no motivation, its their own fault. I already help the world free in education. " Adam said calmly.

" Wow.. There is many people in there.. Did you pay them all ? " Nami ask shockedly.

" Oh, in my world. The richest man was me.. " Adam said proudly and continue.

" My genius brain, help me invented many invention. And i create many company too. And most of my invention are used by all people.."

" Ok ok.. dont discuss it anymore.. What technology technology.. Maybe someday when we cross to a world the same as your world era we can see it ourself." Nami said lazily and cling to Adam"s right side body.

" Hehehe ~ " Robin giggle.

" Humph..." Adam said with a smirk and quickly reach and carry them on his broad shoulder.

Because of their small waist, Adam left and right shoulder was enough for them.

" AHH.. let me go.. " Nami said so, but she did not struggle very much.

Adam right hand which has helding her waist just move down and give her a light slap on her plump buttocks.

" Koby ! Remember your sleep schedule !! " Adam shout.

" Yes Teacher !! " Koby who was working out did not stop and just shout loudly with respect.

While Nami was acting struggling, Robin was silent and did not struggle just because she was too embarassed.

Soon the three back to the Golden Yacht and Adam directly went to the main bedroom. But just as the three enter the bedroom, Robin struggle hard. Feeling her strugle, Adam put her down frowns.

" Are you angry Robin ? " Adam ask worriedly, after putting Nami down.

" What angry.." Robin smile and quickly push Adam to the bed, with Adam strength people cant push him. But for his woman, Adam did not use any strength.

Soon, Robin jump and sits on Adam who was on his back on the bed and attack him hungrily.

Nami who was watching shockedly slowly wake up and tip toe to the bedroom door to get out. But a hand sprout from the wall and close the door again.

Seing Robin action, Adam thought pervertedly.

Then Robin and Adam quickly shreded their clothes while Nami watching embarassedly.

" Ahh. Its hurt. Its too big.. " Robin on her back on the bed said with pain.

" Dont worry. Soon you will feel heaven.. " Adam said whisperedly to her ears. While his two hands was not resltess playing two massive and plump chest below him.

Nami who was not too far also shreded her clothes, watch and playing with herself without shame. But Robin who saw it soon pull Nami with her Devil Fruit powers toward the bed too.

The three spend their night with many position without shame until the sun already rises seen from the window and they stop tiredly with the many times reach climax together as their stop.

Looking at the two tired woman sleeping in his arms, Adam who was not tired at all smile. Then Adam went alone to the kitchen after a quick and clean shower and cook for breakfast for Vivi and Hiyori.

After sending the food toward Vivi and Hiyori, Adam cook again for Koby and put a note to let him breakfast alone. Then Adam back to the bedroom and sleep with the two woman soon cling to his arms.