Wait For Me...

"It hurts.... it Hurts.... IT HURTS!!!"

With a start Jordan woke up slowly adjusting to the destruction around him. The first thing he noticed was that he was unable to open his right eye, he touched his face with his dust covered hands and felt blood slowly streaming down the right side of his face. Reaching up to his head he felt a small wound above his forehead sending a steady flow of blood down the side of his face. As he looked around the lab which everyone had though was safe from the meteor he realized it now had a noticeable gap in the ceiling revealing the moonlight which gave some form of a reprieve from the darkness around him.

As he slowly tried to get an understanding of what happened he felt a pain coursing through his left leg. He looked down to discover a large pile of rubble over his leg with it bent at the calf in unknown angle. He looked in shock as he slowly felt the pain increasing at an alarming rate.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed at the top of his lungs and began crying for his parents as he tried to pull his leg free but as the pain increased to an unbearable level with each tiny amount movement, he eventually stopped trying to free himself for the moment as he sobbed loudly to the open air. He eventually felt he couldn't cry anymore and once again looked down at his lower body. Jason noticed his leg had bled at some point earlier but stopped after forming a small pool of blood, He assumed it was when the ceiling had collapsed that everything happened one after another.

"Mina..." Jason looked around as he remembered he wasn't alone at the time he fell unconscious. Attempting to not moving his leg as he turned his body slowly while scanning with his left eye he noticed a small pair of legs covered under a pile of rubble close to him. He wondered why there was no response to his earlier shout but realized she hadn't woken up yet. Jason began to panic in his mind as he hoped he hadn't lost his last family member in the span of a few hours.

"Mina! Mina!!! Can you hear me???" He shouted to sister a few times only for a small response from the tiny pair of legs with a slight movement of feet. "She is alive... that's a relief..." Jason relaxed slightly as he began to slowly think of his situation again. He realized that the amount of rubble against his leg was only a couple pieces of the ceiling. As long as he was careful enough he would be able to lift it slightly off of his leg enough to move it away from it.

He took a few breaths to ready himself for the vast amount of pain he was going to experience. Jason moved both of his hands onto the piece of rubble grabbing the rough surface with his small fingers. With all the strength he could muster up while giving a shout as he felt the pain on his leg increase as he struggled to barely lift the rubble off of his leg. Slowly but surely after a few seconds the rubble gave way slightly as it was lifted a few inches off of his leg. Jordan breathed quickly as he his arms began to tremble as he struggled to keep them up. He quickly tried to throw the rubble to the side but lost his grip halfway through, the rubble bounced against the side of his leg before sliding off, falling against the dust covered floor.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Jordan gave a small shout feeling his leg get another dose of pain before he began to relax again. He examined his leg to see it bent backwards slightly. He sighed and looked over to where his sister was before deciding to slowly slide over to her.

It took a few minutes to cover the short distance but as the small 8 year old child felt pain in his leg again and again he was forced to take small breaks to relax himself. Eventually making it over to Mina, Jason hurriedly removed the pieces of rubble from around his sister. When the final piece was removed from her body he looked at her in a bit of shock as he slowly began to shake her arm.

"Mina.... Mina wake up we need to get out of here... Mina...." Jason said quietly to her as he slowly moved her head into his lap. He winced at the added weight on his leg but after a few short breaths moved his fingers under her nose. "She's still breathing..." laughing shortly and slightly he began to examine her body slowly. He couldn't see much with one eye open but as he sat her up and looked at the back of her head he noticed a large wound the size of a fist on the side of it. He avoided touching the wound as he felt it would put her in a lot of pain. Gently he laid Mina on her back and turned her head to the side so as to not agitate her wound. A look of pain on her face as he set his worry filled gaze upon her.

"Mina... I'll go get help so j-just wait for me alright?" Jason said in a choked whisper as he put his hand on her cheek before sliding over to the wall. He looked at the entrance of the lab and noticed the door had fallen down. Sighing to himself he slowly flipped over onto his stomach before placing his hand against the wall steadily standing up while leaning against it. "This hurts.. it hurts so much.... mother... father... this hurts...." he said in his mind after slowly trying to move his injured leg.

Tears fell down his face as he slowly limped against the wall eventually making it to the entrance of the lab. Jason cried for a few minutes after he fell against the lower steps leading to the first floor of his home. "What is this nightmare...." he asked before picking himself up again determined to get help for himself and his sister.

"Please wait for me Mina... I'll be back soon...."