Alex. Alex named me. I have a name now. Sukino. I like it. Thank you, Alex. I'm so glad to have met him.
Though, he brought that girl. Jessie he said her name was. Why did he bring her? What's between them? Does he like her more than me?
She couldn't even hear me. Now someone other than Alex has seen my home. I dislike it. I really dislike it. What's this feeling called again? Oh right.
I hate it. Why did he bring her? Why did he have to bring someone else? What's so great about her that made him smile?
These were the thoughts going through my head as I fell asleep. When I awoke, I walked out of the cave to find I slept in longer than usual. I was probably too comfortable with the cat laying on me.
I walked through the woods to the path. I needed some food, but now barely anyone walked on the path after weeks of eating.
I sat there and waited. The sun rose in the sky then started to sink below the horizon. Soon Alex will come. I can meet him here, but I need food. I'm hungry.
He then heard footsteps. Was Alex here already? There was multiple footsteps, he must of brought Jessie again. Ugh.
But when the footsteps grew closer he realized it wasn't Alex and Jessie. It were a group of five men. One man looked strangely familiar to me.
That's when it clicked. Alex has warn me that he might come back. And when he did he would bring dangerous people with him.
It was the shooter.
And behind him where the four uniformed men that Alex warned me about. I shuddered as I remember the pain that the shoot caused me. I would attack him now if he wasn't in a group.
I backed away from the path after they passed, careful not to cause a disturbance through the vegetation.
I needed to stay in the woods, out of sight. I'll have to go hungry tonight. I can't bring myself to eat any of the other creatures here. Only the Badlings—I mean humans—can be eaten. They taste the best and fill me up the most.
I should stay out of sight of the bad humans, but keep an eye on them. Maybe even eat one or two of them if they are alone.
That's a rule:
Never eat a human that's in a group.
They must be alone. Then there's no chasing of the others. And I wouldn't have to bare more screaming then I already did. I couldn't stand the screaming of the poor creatures, but I need to eat. And plus Alex said it was okay to eat them, so I will.
I wonder if Alex will come tonight. I wonder what's he going to say. Maybe he'll being Alex. And I feel like I'm forgetting something.
Oh shit.
The cat.