
Daichi and I sat in the cold dark cave, looking out into the foggy forest , waiting for Sukino to come back from wherever he went.

As it got darker and colder we decided that we could make a fire. I gathered up twigs from right outside the cave and made a fire place with some rocks. I was taught how to start fires without lighters in boy scouts.

Yes, I did boy scouts.

No, I did not like it.

We sat around the fire in silence. Both of us were starring into the gray forest in front of us. Soon the tall figure of Sukino appeared. He seemed to be carrying something.


As far as I know he eats his food right where he kills them. Did someone interrupt him?

I watched carefully and curiously as Sukino enter the bright cave. I watched as the glow from the fire reveal Sukino and his prey.

I watched in horror as Sukino face looked like his heart had been ripped out of his chest at the sight of them.

I studied the body in his arms. That hair. Those lifeless eyes, so dead and unfamiliar but so so lovely. That face. Those hands. The pale skin of her body. I looked at the familiar body of Jessie.

Jessie was dead.

Realization hit me like a truck. I couldn't stop the tears from coming. Sob after sob escaped my lungs. Why her? Why Sukino? It should have been me!

I told her not to come. Why did she? Why did my beloved have to die after the short time together?

It's Sukino fault. No. It's mine. It's my fault. I should be the one accidentally killed by Sukino. It should have been me!

Daichi sounded confused as he tried to calm me down to explain to him what was happening.

I watched through blurred vision as Sukino laid Jessie's cold, lifeless, beautiful, dead body on the ground by the fire. I listened with deaf ears as Sukino explained what happened. The tears haven't stopped but the sobs did.

Soon it was time to leave. By then I didn't feel anything. I wasn't sad. I wasn't mad. I was just there. Why was I here? Why was I there? What's the point? Why should I?

I walked numbly back to the truck. I didn't even bother to help Daichi through the woods.

Before I knew it I was starting the truck. I didn't even realized that something was missing.

I drove away from the path. My mind blank as I drove. It was too quiet in the truck. I could tell that my brain was yelling.

"Help me! Help me!" It shouted out to whoever was listening. Though no one was listening. I was alone. I am alone, and that won't ever change.

I drove. The sun had set now and it was dark. Where am I going? Actually, I don't care. Anywhere is fine.

Then I heard a screech of tires. Lights blinded me. I was numb but I could still feel the pain. My head felt fuzzy. My entire leg was numb. I could hear the sounds of panic.

Why was everyone panicking? I don't care. Why does everything hurt? I don't care.

Why couldn't I move? I don't care.

What happened? I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. Just let whatever happened happen. Leave me alone. Don't bother with me. Don't. Please don't. I don't desert it. I don't deserve help or kindness. She did. Not me. Why? Why? Why?!

I could hear the sounds of someone stepping on glass. I could feel them approaching.

Help me! I don't want to die!

Don't. Please. Just leave me here. I want to die. Just let it end. Go away. Please...

My conscious faded to nothingness.