

It's been months since Harry and I practised to be ready for Hogwarts. In these eight months, I finished reading to six years of courses and practised magic for two months. I can use first and second-year spells fluently and nearly half of the first year spells endlessly.

When I won my first lottery my parents were surprised and feared that I would lose myself in greed having tons of money but when I told them about my plans 'a white lie' they were assured. I told them to convert pounds to Galleons and open a vault at Gringotts and that way I wouldn't be able to use money unless they give the key to the vault to me until I prove myself or at the age of fifteen.

They don't know every rule about wizardry so even if I can't open my vault I can let goblins to use it for my plans under my approval.

Thus we went to the Diagon Alley once again this time dad also joined us. Carrying three millions pounds around would be a problem under normal circumstances but thanks to the undetectable and extensible pouch gifted by goblins last time it was easy. after subtracting payments for vault and another spell for my ordinary bag 'similar to the pouch', and tips for their services I had 550.000 Galleons and Goblins' compassion. I sent my parents to eat ice cream at Florean Fortescue's Icecream Parlour and stayed to finished 'formalities'. I had business with goblins. I asked for their services to set wards for our house both for secrecy against Death eaters if necessary and being away from Ministry's tracks for magic in Muggle world, a.k.a. unnecessary attention to myself and my family and for a place to practice magic untraceable.

It was costly but still, I could afford it plus the security it will provide. I wanted it to be unplottable by masking spell and only allows muggles to enter without a problem and any wizard or witch will need my permission to enter. No one except me can apparate or disapparate, wizard-repelling charms makes it unnoticeable by wizards and witches similar to muggle-repelling charm. It also includes protective enchantments and charms protecting it against any attacks.

The shields, enchantments and runes are invisible and powered by magical energy in the atmosphere and will not be broken unless attacked and enchantments are broken. Of course, it also includes dispelling spell and untraceable for Ministry's supervision. They also included a basement protected against explosions and suitable for magic practices.

It cost me almost all of my fortune but we bargained and as a former businesswoman I cut off nearly fifty thousand galleons and it cost me 523.660 Galleons. Goblins weren't happy to meet a rival during deal but because of an unbreakable vow, I forced them to do they can do nothing. I don't want to risk my well-being or my parents' safety in case they decide to sell off the information or under spells or Legilimency or Veritaserum.

Next week they engraved runes and activated enchantment and after payment and returning Grinngotts they forgot everything about our deal. No hard feelings. I don't want to be enemy of Goblins, who controls the only bank in Wizardry and are great business partners.

Finally free of traces and supervision I began practising potions why potions you say because I feel I'm not ready to control my magic and will injure myself. Thus my priority is precision and control of my magic. So Occlumency and potion practices.

Focusing my magic and being able to control it however I wish will be hard but when I overcome it I'll have another trump. Potions don't require wands and are similar to the combination of chemistry experiments and cooking and as I'm talented of two aspects it'll be easier than the original Hermione to perform it.

After playing two more times my parents began to believe that exposed to magic I became luckier and they don't become surprised after the third time. My net fortune became 13.450.000 pounds and after investing, companies like and owning shares of Apple, iPhone, Microsoft, some of the future game companies, etc. I had 2.250.000 pounds and after turning them Galleons my vault became shinier with the golds in there. My total wealth in Grinngotts except the once I invested is 950.000 Galleons 125.000 Sickles and 253 Knuts.

We celebrated Harry's first birthday party and he was happy while opening his presents he was weeping his tears quietly. I gifted him some fashionable clothes like jeans, t-shirts and hoodies. Dad bought him new glasses. Mum baked birthday cake by herself, I also helped her but mainly she did it and gifted him a new watch. Harry was over the moon by the time the party was over. I also reminded him to watch out for owl for Hogwarts and in case receiving a reply as if knowing nothing about magic.

The next week Harry received a letter and two days later Hagrid came as in the series and brought him to Diagon Alley. But thanks to my cautions he wore a hat hiding his mark and silently did the shopping. He also was gifted a pouch-like mine and let goblins charm his bag.

Harry took actions against publishing houses and authors anonymously and earned 678.000 Galleons and the books were banned and both authors and publishers were forbidden to talk about it.

When I earned money I bought nutritional supplements 'magical ones like potions' for Harry and he grew healthier. After Harry bought his wand I went to the Diagon Alley with him and we went to the St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. Harry had bones needed to be regrown and mend other bones rightfully. Also for his health problems undetected. He was fully healthy when we left there except his eye poor eyesight. It tended much attention and potions and till the end of the first year, it will also be cured. He also bought magical contacts for cases such as Quidditch matches.

Summer passed in the blink of eyes. I mastered basic Occlumency and started practising Legilimency against little animals and some thugs I found in the alleys on my way. They are the scum of society. Fearing powerful and bullying weak. *sighs* I mastered basic potions in the first yearbook.

I finished reading sixth-year books and practised first and second-year spells wandlessly and mastered it my new goal is doing it both wandless and chantless. Until I cast those spell instinctively I won't practice new ones. I want solid foundations. Finally, it's the last day of August and my journey in Hogwarts will finally begin. I'm so excited that I can't sleep. 'Wait for me Hogwarts'