

"Hurry Hermione, we'll be late and Harry did you put your trunk in the baggage," asked nervous Mrs Granger.

"I'm here. I controlled for anything forgotten for the fifth time and there is nothing left behind. Harry, can you help me to put my trunk, too? By the way, you don't have to carry Hedwig in the cage. Let her go to Hogwarts it can fly and will be faster than us and reach the school before us. Poor Hedwig would be caged for hours if you keep it with yourself." I replied mum and asked Harry. I know Hedwig is smart and as a magical owl, it can find its way to Hogwarts.

"I'm not sure Hermione what if Hedwig loses her way and get lost. " answered nervous Harry as he put my trunk to the baggage too.

"Don't worry Harry. You've to believe her. She can fly and you also know that she's trained to deliver messages and the last thing you can imagine is that your owl will get lost while flying." I assured Harry and he opened the cage and released Hedwig. The beautiful snowy owl flew away as we also drove to King Roads.

At first, Harry was startled and didn't know how to find the Platform 9¾ and he had no vehicles as his uncle was imprisoned and her aunt didn't know how to drive as it wasn't necessary before. So we decided to go together and I explained to him about Platform 9¾ as if Hadrig told me before and forgot to mention Harry as he also had another reason and in a hurry, he didn't mention.

We were much normal compared to those carrying huge trunks and cages wearing robes. We were wearing jeans and t-shirts and enchanted out trunks to be seen normal we can change its design however we wish. I know where the Platform 9¾ is because in my past life the place became a famous stop for Harry Potter fans. Some would take pictures and others would try to pass through it like in the series. But of course, all of them was our imagination 'until now'. I also visited but didn't try to pass through a solid wall and thus breaking my ribs or head *chuckles*.

For those who are curious about the Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, Platform 9¾ is a platform at King's Cross Station in London. Who can imagine that in a perfectly ordinary station there is a platform concealed and only be accessed by wizarding students with big plastic numbers over each enormous track and caged owls, making their way toward — and then through — the solid metal barrier between platforms nine and ten and their guards (muggle) who have never heard of Hogwarts School.

The Platform 9¾ is protected by magic and have to be passed through the third wall between ninth and tenth platforms walking straight through the barrier or running through. It's like teleportation and students board the Hogwarts Express, the scarlet steam engine that brings students to and from Hogwarts. To access Hogwarts Witchcraft and the Wizardry School it's the only option approved by Ministry of Magic.

However, every September 1, as the clock overhead approaches eleven o'clock this ordinary train station host these unusual group. Of course, ministry people are patrolling the passage in case obliviating innocent muggles' memories who were in the wrong place in the wrong time to protect the secrecy of magic.

Also when returning from Platform 9¾ from Hogwarts there is a guard stationed just outside the ticket barrier, to regulate exits from the platform through the gate, to not alarm the Muggles. Imagine thousands of students suddenly appear between ninth and tenth platforms, the people would wonder if their mind is playing with them. Furthermore, they would suspect something fishy is going on and would begin to question and observe to find an answer if they don't think they're losing their minds.

To reduce the sudden crowd at King Road railway, there are passages in the Platform 9¾ leading to Diagon Alley and some unknown places. But those passages, as well as Hogwarts Express, are only active six days a year (round trips for the beginning 'September 1' and end of term 'June 15', as well as the Christmas and Easter holidays).

We found the third wall between the ninth and tenth platforms and passed through it while carrying our trunks. For a second I thought I would hit the wall as the fans did and be a joke. But thankfully nothing happened except the feeling of passing through a solid barrier. It's like trying to dive in a jelly pool. Not bad at all but interesting experience.

Mum and dad were also slightly surprised as if they accepted all the stuff and their mind is more rational to think and decide. But why? My actual age is not eleven if I add it all it'll be twenty-six. I'm not a child but they are calmer than myself *sights* maybe achieving my dream and possessing a child body made my mind to adapt this by making me think more irrational and more emotional I don't know.

Back at the barrier reveals a wrought-iron archway with the words "platform nine and three-quarters," and the famous 'Hogwarts Express'. Over the scarlet steam train billowing smoke, a sign announces that the Hogwarts Express departs at eleven o'clock. The platform also has a distinct smell — lifting spirit of wizards. I like it.

Steam from the scarlet engine floods the platform as cats wind their way around the wizards' legs and owls hoot to each other. A student shows his Acramantula to his friend and another one showing his Nigerian cat. As hordes of students and parents move around through the steam, their voices carrying through the mist it's finally time of farewells.

I hugged mum and dad as mum is instructing to stay away from harm and be careful about the boys who are playboys asking for anything we forgot ... Dad's looking at me proudly and also hug Harry and warns us to be cautious and away from problems. 'Oh.dad. If only you knew that Harry is a problem magnet and staying with him I will also be dragged. '

Mum hugs once more and we aboard. The passenger carriages hold compartments set off a corridor, allowing each compartment to function as a self-contained stage within the larger train. Prefects of the school ride in a separate carriage near the front of the train.

Finally, after looking for an empty compartment for five minutes we find one and hurriedly enter. Putting our trunks with levitation charm we sit face to face. I lock the door with a wave of my wand and quietly put a notice -me-not charm for escaping from the third person of golden trio. Yes, Ronald Weasley. And I'm not afraid he won't find a place because as I'm sitting with Harry it means there is an empty seat somewhere else. "Sorry, Ron. You won't be able to meet with the famous 'Harry Potter' and become his best friend. You, as well as others, will have an equal chance" said the devil in my mind while laughing maniacally.

And also because we kept Harry's attendance to Hogwarts as a secret there won't be Draco, too. I also don't want some unknown person to open the door without permission as Hermione did in the books 'one of the embarrassing moment I felt for her'. Sorry Hermoine but even if it's the first meeting of the golden trio I can't accept your way. It's too much for me, hehe hehe.

Finally, at 11:00, a whistle sounds announcing the train's departure, and the hiss of the pistons fills the platform as the train begins to move, creaking out of the station as family members stand on the platform and wave their children off to school. We also waved our hand from the mirror to mum and dad until the moment we weren't able to see them. I can't stop myself and start crying.

Even if I know them only for a year I was with them and didn't leave too long. None of us will return to the platform, then, for months — until the end of term, when it once again fills with wizards and a wizened old guard sits by the archway back to the Muggle world, making sure everyone gets home without attracting too much attention.

During lunchtime, trolley lady came as we ate our prepared lunch an hour ago we were ready to try new tastes. She is the only adult except for the driver, occasionally new teachers (such as Remus Lupin and Horace Slughorn) could be found aboard the train as well.

According to the trolley witch, the train "doesn't take kindly to students who try to leave when it is moving", possibly implying that it has some form of sentience. I think it's true because its fuelled by magic it gained a form of sentience of course not as powerful as Hogwarts. Harry and I bought lots of sweets but the trolley didn't get emptied. I guess a magic she did for unexpected situations like now.

We shared our candies and sweets. Frog chocolates and every flavour beans were our favourites because we can try every flavour and collect cards. I have two Dumbledore cards and Harry had Fudge's the minister. He was sulking when I got Dumbledore and so I gave one of the cards to Harry as I didn't need it anymore. Harry read aloud while looking at a moving picture of an old wizard with his distinct robe.

Albus Dumbledore

Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chief Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed of Wizards, Headmaster of Hogwarts Witchcraft and the Wizardry School (lots of titles)

We ate, laughed, played games like truth and dare but in our case dare would be tasting every flavour beans. Harry puked in a bag suddenly when it was his turn and after he was able to speak he said it tasted like ear wax. I couldn't help laughing but it was early to relax and I got my retribution.

After tasting the bean I wished I hadn't because it was chilli pepper flavoured (and I hate hot) and the hottest one I guess and I had to drink litres of water and ate frog chocolates wishing time to pass faster. I became red like a tomato and felt my ears steaming. I was sweating and my t-shirt got soaked but with spells, I was dry once again. We decided no more playing and put the leftovers of sweets in our trunks for Hogwart.

It's dark outside and time to arrive Hogwarts. Last five minutes it was announced that we're arriving Hogwarts that's why Harry and I pulled our robes from trunks and wore it over our clothes. not needing to change our t-shirt and jeans as they are comfy we didn't have to left the compartment in turns.