

"Hogwart Station! Hogwart Station! Please disembark from the train. Leave your trunks they'll be delivered to school separately" announced the prefects while walking through the corridors.

The train got slower and then fully stopped at the platform. The doors opened automatically and students started racing to get off first. It was chaos. We waited for a bit and took our first step towards the Hogwarts our future home for seven years. Hadrig was calling the first year while seniors were walking towards carriages.

"First years, first years over here. Alright there Harry, Hermione?" asked Hagrid cheerfully while holding a lamp.

"Good to see you Hagrid" replied Harry trying to hug over two meters high giant and I nodded my head as an answer.

"Come on, follow me - any more first year? Mind your steps. Follow me first years. We don't want you to fall now don't we?" we followed Hagrid. It was dark and our only light source was the lamp he was holding. We passed a steep and narrow path trying to not fall or slippering or stumbling.

It was chilly and cold and I want to warm up quickly maybe should try chilly bean again, just kidding even if it kills me I won't try that flavour once more. I shuttered while feeling nervous to ride a boat. What if something drags us into Black Lake, what if our boat overturns? Thoughts were occupying my mind as I followed Harry and got on the boat.

Now that I realized plot armour can be a curse because Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy were also in the boat. And how they were together I mean they can't bear each other and sitting together. They aren't sitting together literally because Draco is sitting in front while we are in the middle and Ron at the back.' And Draco where is your sidekicks. Why are you not together? Argh, fate are you playing now or the author do you enjoy looking my misery in this weird situation? Why, why?' I was thinking of trying to find a way out without causing a catastrophe.

' Oh my God, what a twist, argh, what if they fight and their sudden movement let me lose my balance and I fall into waters? Worse they will bicker each other and drag us along. Then they'd learn who Harry is and me being a muggle-born. Maybe it's not too late and I can leave before it's too late' but my chance flew away waving and wishing me luck. Now I've done it.

"I think I will travel with girls Harry. So I'll be going" I said Harry whispering and trying to stand up but before I could leave I heard Hagrid's voice.

Yes, that's a flag. "Why I've to open my mouth" I was crying in my mind. *sighs*

"First years, is there a first-year who hadn't sit yet? It seems everyone boarded. Right then... FORWARD" with his signal boat began to move by itself. ' No, no, no. Please let me swap with someone else. Please' and my inner screams were unheard. Goodbye my chance for a quiet year, goodbye my sanity, goodbye.

Because of the vibes, I was released as if asking ' Say a word and you'll find yourself in the lake' nobody stood up and talked.

"Heads down!" As we reached the cliff Hagrid warned us but I couldn't even laugh. It was like a joke between readers. Who'd ask little children for fear of hitting their head except our happy easy go Hadrig thinking they would crash if not bowing like him?

We passed Black Lake quietly and I was grateful thanking God for the quiet journey. We finally arrived some sort of underground pier under the castle. Then one by one we began to climb out of docks and onto the solid grounds.

"Anyone lost his toad?" Before Hagrid could repeat Neville ran and thanked him for finding his toad and held it in his hands fearing to lose yet again.

"Everyone here?" Before the final oak door, Hagrid asked once more and knocked thrice onto the gigantic door. It opened and displayed a masterpiece of art leading generations of great wizards and witches also Dark Lords.

Professor McGonagall welcomed us. "The first years, professor McGonagall" spoke Hagrid pleased to finish his role guiding the new ones without an accident once again.

"Thank you, Hagrid. I'll take them from here" said the professor with her strict demeanour.

With a push, doors opened completely and she led us inside. The castle was bigger than my home and could even fit it within only the hall may be a skyscraper could rival the castle. The ceiling was too high as if having no end and can reach clouds 'Magic' The only downside is it's being illuminated by flames on the walls because electricity and magic couldn't coexist why not try a magic lamp fuelled like Hogwart Express? In front, we stood a giant marble staircase leading other floors.

Before the doors leading Great Hall professor McGonagall finally stopped and we filled her lead. "Welcome to Hogwarts" she spoke. "The start of terms banquet will begin shortly. But before you take your seats in Great Hall you'll be sorted in your houses as your seniors did in their first years. As you know Hogwarts Witchcraft and the Wizardry School founded by four great wizards and witches. The houses are dedicated to the four founders.

"The sorting ceremony is very important. Your houses will be like your family and share your sorrows and happiness. You will attend your classes with the rest of your houses. You will sleep in your house dormitory and spend your free time in your house's common rooms interacting with your friends.

"The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you're at Hogwarts your triumphs will earn you house points. Any rule breaking, however, will lose house points. At the end of the year the winner of House Cup, collecting the most house points, will receive privileges such as staying one more hour after curfew.

I hope each of you'll credit to whichever house you belong to.

"The sorting ceremony will begin in a few moments in front of the rest of the School. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up.". Her eyes fixed themselves up to Neville's cloak which was tucked behind his left ear.

"When the ceremony is ready I shall return until then be ready and wait quietly. " Finally she left the chamber. I turned Harry and helped him to tidy up.

"Are you nervous Harry? I feel like there are butterflies in my stomach" I whispered.

"Yeah. Hermione what do you think they will let us do in the ceremony to be sorted?" he asked as we heard Ron talking the student next to him trying to ease off. "My brother said we have to fight a troll to be sorted. I hope it's not like that or I've to aboard the express returning home."

Suddenly weak-spirited students yelled as ghosts floated through walls talking to each other. "Forgive him and forget about the matter I say. We ought to give him a second chance -" suddenly spoke a ghost seemed like a monk.

"My dear Friar, we've already given Peeves more than enough chance than he deserves. He gives us ghosts a bad name and that's not a good thing - oh, what're you all doing here?" asked the ghost wearing a suit noticing us.

But nobody answered.

"New students!" the one named fat Friar replied. "About to be sorted, I believe?"

Some nodded in silence.

"I hope to see you in Hufflepuff then," she said, "It's my old house, you know."

Saving us from the awkward eerie was Professor McGonagall's voice. "The sorting ceremony will start." with her return ghosts floated away hurriedly 'maybe frightening new students is their way of welcoming us to school, who knows' "Form a line and follow me" spoke McGonagall and opened the doors revealing the Great Hall rest of students sitting in four long tables with different colours and professors sitting in a long table at the end. The ceiling is bewitched to be seen as clear sky with stars it's beautiful.