

Professor McGonagall brought a shabby wizard's hat patched, frayed, and extremely dirty on a small stool. The hat began singing even if some finds it amusing or disturbing, I find it informative. In the song, it describes the features of four houses, each representing an aspect of personality.

The hat opened a tore along the brim like a mouth and sang its famous song.

"Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head

The Sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve, and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true

And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

if you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folks use any means

To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (though I have none)

For I'm a Thinking Cap!"

Staffs and most of the students clapped their hands while others mimicking them. We also clapped our hands as some Slytherins (whom I know will be sorted) nudged each other and smirked …

Ron was talking Seamus Finnigan *chuckling* that hat may need a year to compose its song's lyrics.

"Now, I will call your names alphabetically and you`ll be sorted in your houses," explained McGonagall as she opened her parchment.

"Abbott, Hannah!" the half-blood Abbott walked nervously. After she wore a hat it thought for a moment and stated "Hufflepuff!" table second from right celebrated the newest member of their house. She hastily run toward them.

"Bones, Susan … Hufflepuff"

"Boot, Terry … Ravenclaw" most of the table(second from left) stood out to celebrate their new blood to their house.

"Brocklehurst, Mandy … Ravenclaw"

"Brown, Lavender … Gryffindor" before hat finished the table of his word at the left side rose and clapped their hands.

After some more students sorted out Slytherin also welcomed their first member for the new year.

"Bulstrode, Millicent … Slytherin"

Corner, Michael … Ravenclaw

Crabbe, Vincent … Slytherin


Davis, Tracey … Slytherin

Dunbar, Fay … Gryffindor


While I was thinking about which house would be best for me another group of students were summoned.

Finch-Fletchley, Justin … Hufflepuff

Finnigan, Seamus … Gryffindor


Jones, Megan … Hufflepuff

"Hermonie which house do you think we`ll be sort into? I don`t think I`ve what it takes for the houses. I`m not too hardworking nor a bookworm or wise. I`m not brave either or I`d left the Dursleys years ago and also I don`t think I`m a Slytherin because Hadrig said they are nobles and look down upon wizards muggle-born" he waited for me to answer as he wasn`t sure.

"You`ll be fine Harry. I think you`ve all reasons to be in all of them even so I don`t think you`ll be happy in Slytherin because they care about blood purity staff" while we were talking the list was fastly reaching my name.

Goldstein, Anthony … Ravenclaw

Goyle, Gregory … Slytherin

"Granger, Hermione" professor shouted my name as I walked to her. I couldn't wear a dirty hat so `Scourgify` with a wave the hat was clean.

"Thank you, little girl," said sorting hat and as it touched my head it announced … "Ravenclaw" I waved Harry and walked Ravenclaw`s table and sat next to first-year Ravenclaws as they congratulated me.

After me, some important house heirs were also called. Slytherin first years had future house lords this year.

Greengrass, Daphne … Slytherin

Hopkins, Wayne … Hufflepuff


Li, Sue … Ravenclaws

"Longbottom, Neville" When Neville wore sorting had we had to wait for a few minutes about seven to eight minutes before sorting hat decided where Neville belonged, "Gryffindor" he forgot the hat before reminded and ran back put the hat on the stool before returning the table blushing.

Macmillan, Ernest … Hufflepuff

"Malfoy, Draco" When it was Draco`s turn, he walked to stage as if the school belonged to his family and was proud as he was sorted.

" Slytherin"

Nott, Theodore … Slytherin

While Slytherins were chosen Gryfinndors would clap less and Slytherins wouldn't clap their hands in Gryffindor's turn

Parkinson, Pansy … Slytherin

"Patil, Padma … Ravenclaw" After Padma was sorted she ran to us and sat next to me.

"Hi, I`m Padma. Nice to meet you" as she greets her twin was also called.

Patil, Parvati … Gryffindor

"Potter, Harry! Is Harry Potter here?" as she called his name the hall became quiet. Everybody waited for Harry as they knew him `the boy who lived` even professors were paying attention to him. Harry walked slowly and wore the hat. I could see he was whispering the hat, his mouth was moving. Like Neville, we had to wait for minutes before sorting hat decided, "Gryffindor"

The moment hat announced the hall became noisy, Weasley brothers were celebrating as they were saying "We got Harry Potter. We got Harry Potter." as if they won a prize.

Slytherins were sulking not waiting for him to be a Gryffindor. Harry was welcomed warmly and sat near the first year while students were patting his back celebrating him to the house.

Thomas, Dean … Gryffindor

Turpin, Lisa … Ravenclaw

Walker, Amanda … Ravenclaw

With Amanda, we welcomed our last member and all was left were Ronald Weasley and Blaine Zabini. `What if their houses would change and they had to be sort each others house` I thought evilly. But unfortunately *sights*

Weasley, Ronald … Gryffindor

As he walked his brothers welcomed him while twins mussed up his hair.

"Zabini, Blaise … Slytherin"

And the last first sorted.

Professor McGonagall took sorting hat and parchment and put them in staffs` table as headmaster stood up and welcomed us.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and — most particularly, — first years. I have great pleasure in welcoming you all to Hogwarts. I am your headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore"

"I hope and trust that you will see Hogwarts as your home and gain friends and have great adventures before graduation. "

Dumbledore introduced the teachers who will teach us such as Defence Against the Dark Arts (DADA) teacher possessed by Voldemort Professor Quirinus Quirrell, strict Transfiguration teacher Professor Minerva McGonagall, Potions master who was looking Harry with hatred Professor Severus Snape, Charms Master; Professor Filius Flitwick, Herbology teacher; Professor Pomona Sprout, Matron; Madam Poppy Pomfrey ...

"Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you. I now invite you all to eat, drink and make yourselves at home!" with his last words feast began.

I think I heard those words were dedicated to four founders.

Suddenly our tables were filled with foods prepared by house-elves.

Roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, sausages, bacon, steak, joints, steak and kidney pie, boiled potatoes, roasted potatoes, mashed potatoes, chips, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, gravy, ketchup, and peppermint humbugs and many more were served.

I chose roast chicken, mashed potatoes and carrots and started eating.

After most finished eating, plates were served once again but this time it was desserts, my favourites.

For dessert, there were blocks of assorted ice cream, apple pies, spotted dick, chocolate gateau, treacle tart, pumpkin tart, chocolate éclairs & jam doughnuts, trifle, strawberries, jelly, and rice pudding …

I chose my favourite flavours for ice cream, caramel and strawberry, hmmm … yummy.

After the feast, we sang the Hogwarts song. Dumbledore waved his elder wand conjuring an animated ribbon from the tip of his wand to write the lyrics in the air as the music began. Everyone chose their tune and chaos began.

Not all Professors are overfond of the song, but, Albus Dumbledore, the wise(?) and odd-man he was (definitely) conducted the singing with gusto and even teared up in the end.

"Pick your favourite tune and here we go!"

Hogwarts, Hogwarts,

Hoggy Warty Hogwarts

Teach us something, please,

Whether we be old and bald

Or young with scabby knees,

Our heads could do with filling

With some interesting stuff,

For now, they're bare and full of air,

Dead flies and bits of fluff,

So teach us things worth knowing,

Bring back what we've forgot,

Just do your best, we'll do the rest,

And learn until our brains all rot.

After the last word the song finished and we had to wait for Fred and George Weasley, who chose to sing the song as an "a slow funeral march", were the very last to finish.

Of course, I didn`t sing just moved my lips like I was singing the song. As if I would that song, hmmm.

Professor Dumbledore warned us to not be near to Forbidden Forest as he was looking Weasley twins and he also warned about third-floor corridor which is forbidden now (hiding philosophers stone) if we didn't want to discover at the cost of our lives or being expelled. Then the feast ended.

Prefects led us to house rooms and our prefect Penelope Clearwater came to us first-years to lead our rooms.

"Please follow me. Don`t be left behind." we climbed upstairs with Gryfinndors as Hufflepuffs and Slytherins had their house rooms in the dungeons.

"There are a hundred and forty-two staircases at Hogwarts: wide, sweeping ones; narrow, rickety ones; some that led somewhere different on a Friday; some with a vanishing step halfway up that you had to remember to jump. So be careful where you step" introduced Penelope.

"Our house is named after one of the founders; Rowena Ravenclaw and the idea of moving staircases was invented by her. We prize learning, wisdom, wit and intellect as we pride ourselves on being Ravenclaw instead of those foolish snakes and lions, we are eagles." as we were climbing some seniors said.

We reached the door concealing house room as the lady in the portrait asked:

"Feed me and I live, yet give me a drink and I die," the first years thought the answer and seniors were waiting for us to answer as it was like a welcoming ceremony. I knew the answer but didn`t want to come forward.' Fire' I thought as Lisa said "Fire" and the door opened.

We entered the common room. As everybody was tired we were led to our rooms. "Because our house put importance to privacy as it`s important for our studies we have privileges to live in single rooms. Girls to the right and boys to the left" said Head boy.

I found the door my name hanged and opened the door. It was simple but was enough for me. There was a bed next to the window, a bookshelf and wardrobe for clothes. It also had some clearing for us to fill. My trunk was on the bed. the rooms also had separate bathrooms as a plus.

I immediately found what I need and took a shower before sleeping. It was a long day and I need to be energetic for tomorrow. I fell asleep as I put my had to the pillow.