
*Dumm!* An explosive sound was heard inside Jun's room.

"Get off me!" Wei pushed the body off of him.

*cough...coughs* "Bro when did you become this fucking heavy are you made out of bricks?!" Wei shouted at Jun while holding his chest with his hands.

"Did you have to throw me off that hard?" Jun rubbed his head with his palms.

Wei looked at Jun with wide-eyes.

"Do you not know how heavy you are?!" He pointed at Jun with a shaking hand.

"I'm not that heavy..." Jun muttered.

"Not heavy my ass!" Wei threw his pillow towards Jun.

Suddenly they heard loud rapid footsteps coming close to the door until the door opened, Dilay and Asli appeared with Dilay being in the back yawning.

"What happened?" Asli asked as her eyes checked the room, she saw pillows and blankets on the ground with a pillow on Jun's face with his arms sprawled out, and Wei's red face of anger. She made a conclusion

"AHHHH WEI KILLED JUN!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. Wei looked at Asli with a shocked face and started speaking gibberish.

"No, he isn't de-"

Dilay came in the room with her blue silken pyjamas and walked towards where Jun was laying. She raised her leg and stomped down towards Jun's stomach.

"FUUUU!" Jun's upper body shot up like a rocket.

"What a shame, he isn't dead." Dilay smiled coldly at Jun. Jun stared at Dilay as veins started throbbing on his neck from the anger.

"Humph." Dilay went outside the room and closed the door as she pulled Asli outside with her. Wei glanced at Dilay's back and then looked at Jun with pity.

"Damn...if I were you, I wouldn't want to live in the same apartment with her." Wei said as he stood up from the ground and went to Jun to help him up.

"Yeah well, you're not." Jun said while struggling to breathe right.

Suddenly Wei's phone rang, he picked it up. The Nerve Brain Control Capsule was going to arrive in an hour. Wei started to get dressed instantly, as he was dressing up he saw a glimpse of Jun's abs that looked like stones.

"Wow hold on there bud. You didn't have them when you were in China. When did you have that type of abs?" Wei asked with raised eyebrows.

Jun shrugged with a grin on his face. Wei left the conversation there and went outside the room where he could see both women eating breakfast. He recognized a slight difference in their manners though. One was eating with grace like she was a princess, the other was eating like she hadn't eaten in days. He smiled at the sight of it. Jun got out of his room wearing a pair of black jeans and a black t-shirt.

Wei's red outfit and Jun's outfit fit them like it was showing the colour of their soul like the colours weren't just something they chose, but like it was a part of them.

In contrast to Wei, Jun was more focused on the delicious-looking food that was laid out on the table, it smelled mouth-watering.

As soon as Jun and Wei were about to sit down...

"Wash your hands." Said Dilay with a monotone voice.

Just as Jun was about to say something back Wei grabbed him and went into the kitchen to wash their hands.

"Why did you pull me I had a perfect comeback?!" Jun whispered at Wei.

"If you said anything back we wouldn't have anything to eat." Wei said as he washed his hands thoroughly. Jun thought about it and nodded in agreement.

After they washed their hands and sat down, this time Dilay didn't say anything.

As soon as Jun sat down he started eating with enthusiasm. Dilay looked at Jun and then at Wei who was eating slowly and gracefully and thought how did these two ever become friends.

After eating Jun immediately went into his room in case he had to clean the dishes, and got into his capsule, and Wei went outside to install the capsule that had arrived.

[Player Işık Kuzgunu joining...]

He was transported and immediately got up from his wooden bed and walked outside with happiness written all over his face. The only thing that made Jun happy the most was this game. He loved the way it felt, the way you couldn't tell an NPC from a normal human, he loved every part of it.

He went to the Shadow-Hoof Horse Stable and saw that 30% of it was already filled with Shadow-Hoof horses and ponies, Jun looked for the original horse and found it running around fiercely on the green fields.

Jun ran towards it but it seemed like the horse didn't like his company and started running faster so that Jun couldn't catch up to him, normally people would give up at this point since there was no way you can catch up to a horse.

But Jun knew a secret tactic on how to get horses to accept you that got revealed in the forums by a man named Robert Cruise. The tactic to get the horse to accept you as their master was easy to say but hard to do, all you had to do was run behind the horse until you almost collapse from fatigue.

The reason was that the horses would choose their master by that way, they would see who wanted them.

Jun started running in a tempo behind the horse, smiling at it. After an hour Jun had gotten a little bit tired but still had the energy to keep going in contrast to the horse who seemed like it had all the energy in the world. After a while, Jun started to slow down from fatigue and started to walk with heavy but steady steps.

It got to the point where Jun moved as slow as a snail with his arms hanging out on his sides like dead branches, not moving at all. He was thirsty and hungry, he wanted to drink some water but he knew that if he gave up right now he would probably never get accepted by the beautiful blue-eyed horse.

The horse looked behind at Jun and started slowing down until it was walking.

As Jun was thinking that the horse had finally accepted him, his legs gave up and he collapsed on the ground facing the sky, breathing heavily. He heard the sound of galloping and though that he had failed.

Until suddenly he felt a formidable presence beside him. It was the black-skinned horse standing firm looking in front with a majestic aura around it.

Suddenly a window popped up in front of his eyes.

[Would you like to name the Shadow-Hoof Horse Leader?]

The horses blue eyes stared at Jun with anticipation.


[What would you like the name to be?]

Jun looked at the horse for a while until he chose a name.


Icarus raised its front legs high up in the air with the wind hitting its hair. It seemed like it liked its new name.
