Against Logic 1

Yuki had made it back to his house without incident, though Momoko was staring at him like she was ready to knock him through a wall for being so late. She ran through the usual recycling of her old material that he had heard before. Once she was done with him a plate of food was thrown at him and things returned to normal.

It had been a week since Momoko had found his friends in their living looking like they had been through a warzone, minus the injures. She had not blown upon them like Yuki was expecting, but she was being polite in front of all of his friends.

The yelling and scolding happened afterward with Yuki taking the full force of a worried sister's frustration and a situation she could not understand.

When he had the time to spare he would visit with Ayumi for their training sessions, but he had not been making any progress. All she was doing was trying to cram countless years of exercises and knowledge into him as quickly as possible like she was on a deadline. It was no different for Yuki tonight either.

They were in her underground training room that had looked more or less the same as the first time, though she insisted that it was not the same. Yuki was tired and exhausted from the mental exercises that she was making him do with none of them producing the results that she wanted.

"I can't do anymore…" he said wiping away the sweat on his face holding a pencil in his hand.

Yuki stood up throwing what was in his hands at the feet of Ayumi.

"It's too much for me!"

Ayumi angered by Yuki's refusal picked up the book and pencil in her right handballing it in a fist staring down Yuki.

"It just Sudoku! It's not that hard!"

She tried to push it back into his hands for him complete, but he pushed it back against her.

"I don't even understand why you want me to do them! It's not helping me any!"

Ayumi threw the book and pencil across the room spinning around hitting Yuki with the back of her leg in his neck. The force sent him sliding across the floor roughly coming to a stop.

She marched over to him pulling Yuki up by his shirt and threw him even further until he landed against the wall at the end of the room.

Yuki staggered to his feet trying to get his bearings while Ayumi closed the distance quickly.

"Why are you attacking me now!?"

"Maybe I can knock some sense into you!" she said unable to hold back her frustration that Yuki had pushed her to now.

Teaching was not her forte and she had even less patience for someone unwilling to listen without mocking everything of their traditions.

"That makes even less sense than the stupid puzzles!"

"The stupid puzzles as you call them are important!"


"To test your mental capacity and flexibility. Logic problems like this require you to store information and remember it while you work the problem and sort through the facts. This is an important task that you have to master for your training."

Ayumi's face was only inches away from Yuki in their staring contest with both of them showing angry veins popping from their foreheads.

"But what does that have to do with the Kasou-ryoku?!"

"Stop calling it that…"

Ayumi said lowly under her breath only causing her eyes to narrow more. The annoyance that she was feeling was starting to change to the desire to cause pain. However, she managed to pull herself back finally realizing the composure that she had lost.

She smoothed out her dress and stepped back away from Yuki. A long drawn out breath returned her features to the blank cold expression that Yuki was too familiar with.

She turned around quickly looking like she was going to walk away, but her leg was extended in the turn catching Yuki pulling him off the wall and throwing him back to the chair that he was sitting in before.

Ayumi walked towards Yuki as he recovered himself. She came to a stop a few steps short of him and stared down at him.

"I'll explain why this is important. So listen closely since this is a very important component of our powers. The way our powers work requires us to know what we want and to remember it. If you aren't thinking about it, it no longer exists. The subconscious can't be relied upon to hold everything. Our powers work in the conscious section of our minds and everything in the field is maintained by that. Up until now you've been activating it subconsciously and that's worked, but it was only simple things. Such as your unwieldy and pointlessly large sword and ostentatious fantasy armor from when your power first awakened."


Yuki said taking offense to her degrading his fashion choice when he had fought the assassin in his home.

"It should be practical and allow for movement."

"And whereas a kimono is practical?" said Yuki commenting on Ayumi's clothes that she wears during her activated state.

The assault on her wardrobe made the smooth features of her face crack a little and twitch, but she held herself with a redirect.

"They were simple and only a couple of things. So the subconscious can keep it, but that has its limit and as such you haven't done much more than that. If you have fifty objects in a field they are only present because you are thinking about each and everyone one. If you can't, then they will disappear. Like this sword."

Ayumi had summoned up her field and was holding her sword that she used to fight within her hand.

"This is only here because I'm thinking about it, once I stop thinking about it, it will vanish. That is why it is important to retain information. A Meso Prosecho user's worth is judged heavily on how many objects they can maintain in their field at one time and still be able to function."

The field suddenly grew several swords from the field to demonstrate her point and then disappeared. While she had her field up she decided to bring up another matter that important as well.

"On the subject of remembering things, you need to understand another important part of our power. It is the Agros Nomos or Field Law."

Yuki was already staring at her confused when she made an immediate translation for him.

"Field Law?"