Against Logic 2

"Yes, when you see the area of influence that someone creates there are certain laws that are created at the same time. Before a field is created you first have to decide how you want the area to function. For you, this has been a subconscious matter based on what you needed, but for a skilled user, they can actively set how it will function. This allows the ability to defy the natural laws because our powers project a field that can overwrite any hardcoded law that exists. This can allow for the creation of anything including your fantasies that you read. However, it is important to remember that once the field is created you can't change the laws. You have to shut down the field and rebuild it to change the laws. So if you did not remember to allow for the air density to be altered so you can walk in the air, it won't be possible."

Yuki's head was starting to spin around making him wobble with his eyes losing focus. He was hearing so many words and explanations that they were going in and out of his mind too quickly to understand.

"Air density… Law… Fields… Subconscious…"

Yuki did not realize how complex a power the Kasou-ryoku truly was and now that he was getting a taste of it being able to control it seemed even further out of reach for him.

Ayumi gave an aspirated sighed to Yuki's reactions and took pause to rethink her approach.

"In simpler terms, each field has rules you make that allow for the powers you want to have in a given situation, but you can't break the rules or change them. So if you want new rules you have to start over. So plan ahead."

She stared at Yuki with an almost demanding look of expectation.


He raised his hand up to his head-scratching and rubbing through his hair as he was trying to process it all.

"I guess so. So you're saying that if I have magic, but want to do energy attacks I can't unless I restart? That seems pretty lame. Why can't it be flexible?"

"The fields we create go against nature itself, changing its properties is not that simple. It's not possible to maintain a stable field with changing laws, it'll collapse."

The entire idea was very abstract and she knew it, but if Yuki was going to improve or grow he would need to understand what his power can do. This was all about control and focus which was not necessary at the beginning.

However, Ayumi was running out of time and the assassins would be coming for Yuki at an even greater rate now that they knew where to find him. She did not have the luxury to wait until he could fully summon his field reliably before progressing on. All of this normally followed an order, but it was screwed up due to their situation.

Ayumi looked over towards Yuki to know where he was at in taking all of the information in.

"There is one more thing I should tell you now when speaking about making laws. It's about yourself."

Yuki had been looking at the ground finally understanding at some level what Ayumi had been getting at with her long explanation. When he thought about it the whole thing made a lot more sense than just being a random generator of fictional things. However, he tilted his head over to Ayumi seeing a very serious expression in her eyes.

"Me? What do you mean?"

"Our powers can't be used to change ourselves. We can't make ourselves stronger, heal faster or immortal."

"Huh? But how is that so since it is I seen you use energy attacks and it's possible to use magic and such. Doesn't that change us?"

"We are a normal human being even during that. It is all external and not internal. The powers are created from the will of our minds. But that is not what I wanted to remind you about. We are normal human beings with only our physical abilities to protect us. So it is important to always protect yourself from the enemy because even a normal human with a gun could kill you if you don't have defenses."

The mortality of his own life had already been called several times for him, but he had never thought about how he changed with his field being active.

"So even with the Kino…"

He pulled up his hands staring at them trying to take it in and thinking about every time that Ayumi had fought. Each time she went into a battle she was risking her life as an average girl.


Yuki's mind went to something that Ayumi just mentioned.

"But if that is the case then we—"

Ayumi knew what he was thinking before he needed to finish.

"It's not possible. On weaker opponent's maybe, but someone of equal or greater mental strength it won't work. The bullet would just be neutralized against their field and they'd have a bruise at best. You would have to be at point-blank range for it to have a chance and it is easier to damping a small bullet than a large object. That's why much of this is done in melee combat."

She knew that his idea was not the first time someone thought of it, but they had found it to be unreliable from experience. It would have to be real to have any chance and a good opponent would have lightning reflexes for defense.

"I told so that you would understand the reality. Your head is too wrapped in fantasy to see clearly. This is the real world."

"I know! I know! I… know…"

Yuki turned away walking until his leg's shaking made it impossible for him to move. It was something that he always forgot about. Nothing seemed to be real. This world of his was nothing like the real world. It was closer to a fantasy than being real, but it was a reality for him. Ayumi kept yelling at him about facing it, but he would brush it aside so easily.

'I thought that… if I just got better everything would work out… I don't know if I thought it would make me invincible or something, but I never considered…'

Outside of Ayumi's house standing at the top of a tree blanketed by the darkness of night and only a silhouette from the moon to outline was a figure of a man. A deep voice lowly echoed in the air to themselves.

"They're together… This will be a problem. They must be separated first…"

Once their position had been confirmed the figure leaped from the tree to the roof of the nearby house and disappeared into the night.