Far Enough 2


The distance between the two of them was frightening for Yuki. She was nearly touching his face with her face. He did not know what was wrong with her or why she was so close to him. This was not something that he was used to, especially from Ayumi.

He was half expecting her to attack him and send him flying across the school grounds for whatever small reason that she had for doing it. When he saw that she only seemed to be getting closer to him, the serious cold stare never changing for a second, he stepped back as the unnerved feeling he was getting quickly grew in strength.

"What's the matter with you?"

"What's the matter with you?"


He did not know why she was just repeating what he had asked her and it only made him shuffle away further. However, she was quickly to keep the gap short.

"I asked you! You can't just ask me like that!"

"What's the matter with you?"

"Stop asking me that!"

Yuki turned away from Ayumi feeling like running away and covering his ears up so he did not have to hear her anymore. Even though he wanted to run all he could manage was a few steps before he was stopped in his tracks.

"Running away now?"

Ayumi had been able to stop him with just a few words. She needed to harden him from the emotions that he was letting run wild through his mind. They were only to cause more problems and break his focus. It was disrupting the flow of his power.

Unfortunately, she knew that he needed to deal with this matter before she could lecture him too heavily on the need to separate his emotions. This was something that lingered and held with him in spite of his personality because it was with someone close to him.

'Running away now?'

The words echoed through his mind sending a paralysis across his body that held him unable to move.

'What's the matter with you?'

Ayumi's words were bouncing around in him making bring his own thoughts inward. He did not want to listen, but the voices were too loud to ignore.

'Running away now?'

'I don't want to run away, but… But how can I…'

Yuki tightened his hands in to fists pouncing at his legs. It was a simple matter that he needed to just go to Saki about, but it had become something much greater as he ignored it. He thought that if he just did not think about it and return to being normal that it would just disappear.

However, Saki could not let him forget as she remained quiet each day in class. She was acting in a way that Yuki did not understand, but he knew the cause only making it fester even more in him until he could not take it anymore.

"I won't run…"

"Good," Ayumi said pleased that he managed to find his backbone. She began to walk forward towards him.

"Now that is settled, let's go—"

"I'm going to speak to Saki!"

Ayumi came to a painful stop as her knee snapped into place feeling like it was being pushed back against her leg.


She fell over into the grass unable to stand after hearing from Yuki the opposite of what she was expecting.

"You can't!"

Once she was able to pull herself back together she jumped back to her feet getting around in front of Yuki.

"I will! You said not to run!"

"Well yeah, but she's at practice. She'll be even less approachable if you interrupt her."

"Then I'll wait until she's done with practice!"

"She won't be done for a few hours. You need to go home!"

"No, I've made my decision. I'm waiting on her. I can't leave until I've talked to her. You can go home, though. I won't make you wait around with me."

Yuki started to walk away from Ayumi getting around to go towards the track and field in the furthest parts of the school grounds.

"I'm going with you!"

Ayumi turned and rushed to catch up with him not letting him go alone to wait.

Yuki stopped and turned toward her getting a little defensive that she was going to follow him.

"What?! No! Go home! I can do this alone!"

Ayumi leaned in towards Yuki with a serious stare in her eyes.

"I won't leave you alone, even at school. It's my job to protect you since you can't protect yourself!"

The weight of 'failure' and 'useless' fell on him snapping his back a little nearly making him collapse to the ground. He straightened himself out looking at her with a stare that he hoped would match her in intensity.

"This is a school! I don't need protection here. Who's going to act with so many people around that could see?"

"The first assassin did!"

He was pressed into the ground with the weight of 'forgetful' pressed against him. Yuki smoothed out his features seeing that he had lost and that Ayumi right.

"Fine. Come along!"

Across the campus Fumiko was rushing to her club that she was pretty much late to at this point. It was not a huge issue for her to be late, being that she was the club president, but she still wanted to be there on time. Her club was a branch club of the Literary Club that met regularly during the week in a room near them.

However, when Fumiko joined the Literary Club it was developing too quickly with too many members to maintain with the budget that they were provided. As a result to deal with the financial concerns it was decided to break up the club into smaller interest groups that could provide more focus for those that were only interested in a single genre or two of books.

The result was that the branch club the Fantasy Literary Club was born in addition to two others, the Classical Literary Club and the Science Fiction Literary Club. It was often that these individuals were polarized to their own interested and either had trouble showing interest or possibly even validating the other genres.

So it also provided an ease in tensions between the club members with the more vocal or strong voiced students separate. It ended up being a great solution for the members as they were able to continue with that they had a passion for without causing undue stress to the Literary Club President, who was frail and weak willed to deal with the problems.