Far Enough 3

Fumiko became part of the founding of the Fantasy Literary Club and when her senior left last year, she became the president of the club. She always had a deep passion and imagination for worlds that were created in the fantasy books.

The western books had a greater appeal to her than ones from Japanese authors, but it was not always easy to find translated versions of the newest books. It was often even harder to find any of the less mainstream books, which she often preferred over the often over used concepts. However, that did not stop her from reading and thoroughly enjoying them.

It was easy for her to picture in her mind the old cities and villages with the medieval like appearance. She could not help but have some respect for the old sort of chivalry that existed where it was a sword and shield that was the only protection one had.

All of the technology that existed in the present day had no meaning and life was a little simpler where nature was more at one with the people. She also liked seeing a clear cut good and evil that stood across an epic landscape that she could not find in other books.


One of the male students said looking up from his book seated in front of several tables pushed together to create a large table, that would hold the ten members of the club. As Fumiko entered the students set down their books to greet her as well as a little surprised that she was late. It was common that she would be the first to arrive and usually stacked with at least four books at her place.

"I'm sorry that I was late. I ran into someone that needed some help."

She walked over to her seat at the head of the table pulling out of her pack five books from the rest dropping them on the aging table's surface. Around the table were the other five female students and four male students. Each had a strong passion for fantasy.

"That's our president."

"Yeah, she's always helping out other students."

"Especially the underclassmen."

"Has she always been like that?"

"Oh, right. You're a first year. Yeah, for as long as I can remember she always comes to the aid of anyone in trouble regardless of who they are. It doesn't matter if they are strangers or not to her."

"How come?"

"Alright! Since we're all here now let's get started. There are a few matters that need to be resolved before we can get to discussions."

The members were quick to change their attention from the gossip to Fumiko as she brought them to order. The first year boy was a little confused feeling like he was missing something, but he was not going to press the matter.

The club moved from club problems into discussions on the latest book that a few of them were reading without missing a beat. Any signs of the previous discussion were erased and forgotten as they all were easily engrossed in the topic.

When everyone had been given the floor to talk about whatever they wanted, so long as it was related to the club's focus, they all divided up and went back to reading their books. At that point they were free to leave whenever they wanted. The club was only scheduled for two hours and they always used that and then some.

Afterwards, they were no longer required and some usually took the time to leave before the sun was too far down. However, Fumiko and a couple others usually stayed behind forgetting about time.

As it usually happened, Fumiko was the last to leave. She typically waited until the other members left and cleaned up anything that needed it before leaving herself.

This day was no exception with Fumiko closing the door to the club room behind her as she checked her bag one last time to make sure that she had everything.

Fumiko walked out of the hall and the club wing of the school going towards the front of the school.

"Oh wow, I'm tired. Probably should go straight home…"

She made it to the gate entrance, before she could not help but yawn. Her eyes became a little blurred, but she blinked a couple times clearing up the cloudiness that was hanging over them.

"Mmm, guess more tired than I thought…huh?"

As she came out of the school turning left on the sidewalk to head home she nearly ran into a little girl standing at the side of the school wall. She stepped back to try and not let her apparent and well known height become intimidating to the little girl.

She looked closely at the girl to figure out if she knew her, but it was not anyone that she had seen. The girl looked almost lost, but Fumiko was not certain if that was case. She had long black hair that was tied off into two ponytails that rested against the girl's back in a white and red one piece dress with a large bow in front.

'What a cute little girl…'

Fumiko knelt down in front of the girl, which still managed to make her look very tall and imposing.

"Is something wrong?"

The child looked up to Fumiko with her bangs coming free that had been masking up her face a little to reveal sad nearly tearful eyes.

"I'm lost. I don't know where I am."

"Oh! I see. Where were you trying to go?"

"I was looking for my big sister."

"Your big sister? Where do you think she is?"

Fumiko could tell that the girl was distraught from not being able to find her sister.

'She must have been wondering around town for hours.'

There was dirt and a worn look on the girl's body that must have been from her searching. She could not help but feel for the girl and before she even thought about it Fumiko decided that she was going to help.

The girl looked down and away for a moment, but Fumiko tried to encourage her. It was enough to make her to look back at her.

"I was told she's at this school, but it's so big. That I-I…I-I…"

Fumiko lifted up her hand placing it on top of the little's girl head giving her a gentle pat to comfort her.

"Don't worry. I go to this school as well. So I can find your sister. What's her name?"