The Little Things 2

Ayumi jumped up onto the ice that had created a bridge of cylinders to the girl leaving the ice to keep up the siege. She held her sword ready to strike as she closed in the distant seeing the opening.

"I'm not going to let you change!"

Ayumi came down on the girl as she blocked with her sword just in the moments before. Ayumi's blade sparked against the other blade, but it began to push into the steel as she focused her mind on the sword.

The little girl eye's had widened in surprise to see that she was being over powered by Ayumi. She was unable to stop the advantage that Ayumi had built forced to hold the best that she could against Ayumi. However, all of the strength that she had could not be held against the tidal forces that were being brought to bear on her.

The blade gave way as Ayumi cut completely through and continued through ripping through her dress and spraying blood from the wound. The girl retreated leaping backwards throwing the reformed blade at Ayumi forcing Ayumi to evade as it exploded in light.

Ayumi was blinded by the light as she attempted to protect herself from the explosion that knocked her away to the ground.


When she collected herself after the light faded and she could see again the damage from the explosion had only been visual leaving nothing damaged, but it had bought all of the time that the little girl needed.

From where the girl had been was a colored mist that pulsed outward falling into the ground expanding to change the grass and cement into a pool of liquid like multi-colored energies that covered a vast area. The changes affected the school eliminating anything that was not ground level carving an arched cross section into the school with the pool expanding.

Ayumi could see her own field disappearing greatly from what it normally was as the snow and pool collided with her losing the mental fight. She was able to keep a little in front of her, but the sign made sweat drip down her face.

Out of the fading mist came an adult woman with blonde hair and medium blue eyes that had a surprisingly calm and gentle expression on her face. She had strains of hair from the side of her head twisted and pulled back to be tied behind her keeping her medium length hair in place.

Covering her entire body was a gray body suit that matched her figure completely. She stood taller than Ayumi and the sword that the little girl had been using looked almost small in her hand now.

"Ready, Eudokia?"

Ayumi pulled herself together narrowing her eyes and controlling her features. She raised her sword up releasing the chakram from the hilt in her off hand.

"You're using your real form now."

"Now use your real power and let's finish this."


Yuki shouted from around the school building as he came running towards the two women, but quickly coming to a stop seeing that there was a battle in progress.

"Another assassin?! Ayumi, you've got to listen to me quickly! I think there is a little girl around this school that is an assassin looking for you. You need—"

"I already know."


"This is her."

Yuki began to walk closer watching the assassin carefully knowing that he did not have a kasou-ryoko out or prepared. It was Ayumi's words though that confused him as he looked at the young woman standing at a safe distance away from Ayumi.

"Huh? I said little girl, not an adult. If you just let me finish—"

Ayumi drew her sword over to Yuki making him stop while keeping her eye on the woman assassin.

"The little girl you saw was this assassin. She used her powers to make you think you were seeing a child while she was hiding behind that illusion."

He came to a stop seeing how serious Ayumi about what she was saying and knowing that she had to be wanting him out of her way. She had to protect him from the assassin and he did not have anything to help her.

She pulled her sword back in front of her and began to step forward cautiously.

"Take the girl and stay back."

Ayumi focused on her strength pushing her field back a little on the pool field that enveloped her. She had to be at peak concentration if she expected to even have a chance.

Yuki did not know what she was talking about until he remembered that Fumiko was with the assassin as well, but he had not seen her standing anywhere. He looked nearby to Ayumi noticing Fumiko lying in the snow passed out with a large pool of blood around her body.


Yuki ran to her side immediately reaching out to touch her hoping that she was still alive while the back of his mind was spinning fears out of control.


"Get back now! It's only been a minute. She should still be alive. I'll finish this quickly."

"Quickly? Not as you are…" said the assassin watching Ayumi.

"Why?! Why did you do this to her? She just wanted to help you! She did nothing to you!"

Yuki was having trouble holding back the tears that were forming in his eyes as he stared at the woman. The kind expression on the woman's face jarred him expecting to see a cold calculating face like the past assassins. He did not know what to think, but Fumiko was dying.

"I just met her today. She has nothing to do with me! If you wanted to kill me you could have done it without her!"

"Yuki! Control yourself!" Ayumi said snapping at him trying to get through his emotions.

The assassin looked calmly at him looking almost sympathetic.

"I'm not interested in you. I've seen your skill. I could kill you at anytime. You're no threat to me."

"Yuki! Get out of here with her now!"


"Save her! And let me protect you!"

Ayumi stared at Yuki knowing that she had to face him if she was going to get through him to him. Unfortunately, his emotions were running high for him making it difficult to speak to him rationally.

It seemed that she was getting through him and so she gave him the final push by making her snow form a wave in the ground pushing Yuki and Fumiko away. She turned back to the assassin knowing that she had to focus.

'Ayumi…she's fighting to protect me, but Fumiko… What should I…'

Yuki watched as Ayumi initiated her attack on the assassin echoing the clash of blades through the school. He lifted up Fumiko's body feeling her awkward height giving him trouble as he staggered to his feet trying not to drop her or lose his balance.

'Ayumi's right. I have to save her!' He ran off around the school getting out of sight of the battle.