The Little Things 3

He bent down letting Fumiko rest on the ground. When he pulled his hands back he caught the sight of her blood that coated his palm and then to his uniform.

"Blood! She's bleeding badly!"

He was sent into a panic standing up and backing away no longer certain what he was doing.

'What am I doing? She's dying because of me! It's my fault!'

Yuki drew his hands up to his face feeling the fear that was building starting to pour out into him. He looked through his fingers at Fumiko wishing, hoping, that she would be alive.

'Why does this have to happen? It's always me. I'm always hurting them! Why can't I stop it?!'

Fumiko suddenly coughed spilling blood from her lips as she began to shake. It snapped Yuki out of his fears for the moment drawing him towards her.


She was barely able to speak in a low voice as the blood from her wound began to seep into the ground now.

Yuki leaned close to her trying to understand what she was saying, but not certain who she was talking about.

"Do you mean Ayumi?"

"…the little…girl…"

His eyes grew widen when he heard her worrying about the safety of the little girl that was the assassin in disguise. He tightened his fist that rested against the ground feeling the shaking pain in his chest knowing that the Fumiko had been completely fooled by the assassin and was still worrying about her when the assassin did not care at all. Tears from his eyes were streaming down his cheeks uncontrollable.

"…Yes…she's safe now…"

"…good…" she said with a weak smile forming on her face.

'…why…she did nothing and yet…I have to do something! I have to save her! I can't let this keep happening and doing nothing, but cry!'

Yuki rubbed his sleeve over his eyes to get the tears out of his face and stood up. He looked down at Fumiko knowing that she did not have much time left. There was no time to wait, but he feared if he would be able to do what he wanted.

'There's no time to second guess myself. I know what I want…that should be enough.'

Yuki closed his eyes concentrating on his Kasou-ryoko and Fumiko. There was only one thing that he wanted from his power right now. Nothing else mattered to him.

'Give me the power to save her life!'

The wind suddenly blew up around him as waves pulsed out of his feet making the grass blow away from him. All around him light began to appear from the grass and cement around him gathering at his hands.

When he opened his eyes he looked down to see thin strains of energy being drawn towards his hands. He knelt down at Fumiko's side not completely sure what he had to do, but instinctively placed his hand on her wound.

The strains of light flew up into the air blowing in the breeze digging into the skin and wound of Fumiko. All around the injury green light shined between Yuki's fingers. Yuki held tightly to Fumiko as more strains grew up attaching to Fumiko slowly closing up the wound from the inside until the skin was sealed up.

Yuki pulled his hand away looking through the cut in the uniform to see that there was nothing but blood left where the wound was. He smiled in relief and fell back on his legs. Fumiko groaned and coughed as she opened her eyes.

"Are you alright?"


Fumiko pulled herself up looking around no longer certain what was happening. The cold feeling of the void that she had felt was no longer surrounding her. A warmth carried through her giving her the reassurance that she was still alive in spite of what she was certain had been her final moments alive.

"How am? Is this heaven?"

Yuki laughed a little wiping away the newly forming tears in his eyes.

"No, you're alive still."

"But how am I alive?"

She looked down at her uniform seeing all of the blood that had soaked in her clothes and around her. It confirmed for her that she had not dreamt the injury. She remembered feeling the blade going through her and yet now it was no longer even a scar on her stomach.

"It's gone!"

"Yes, I healed you."

"Healed? How?"

"I don't have time to explain now. I need to go back. You stay here and rest. I'll be back."

Fumiko watched him stand up and start to run off away from her. She saw a different side of him that she had not seen before. The last time he seemed like a raging maniac that she could not control and before he seemed like a kind friend.

She did not know what it was that was true about him. All she could see from him now was worry and kindness.

'He saved me…I don't know…but…'

Fumiko stared at him a moment longer trying to figure out what was going on and what she had to do.

'Saved me…he's worried…there's something he needs to do…'

She stood up narrowing her eyes in determination feeling a stiff almost soreness coming from her stomach only helping to affirm the notion that she used to be injured, but no longer.

"I'm coming with you!"

"What?!" said Yuki as he turned seeing Fumiko walking towards him.

'She needs to stay there. She can't see this…'

Yuki stopped and rushed back to her looking at her straight.

"You need to rest! I'll be back shortly, it'll be fine."

"No! I'm going!"


"I…I misjudged you. I'm sorry… I thought that you were trying…I didn't know that you trying to protect me. That's all you wanted to do. I can see that look in your eyes right now. You want to protect someone. Let me come with you so I can return your kindness."

'That doesn't make any sense!'

Yuki stared at Fumiko seeing the look in her eyes and getting a feeling that he had felt before. It was something that he was going to lose. He could not beat her determination. He was not going to understand it, but he had no choice.

"Fine, just stay behind me."

Yuki ran off to where Ayumi was fighting with Fumiko following up behind him.

As he turned the corner of the building a piece of a sword flew past him making him stop. He looked towards Ayumi seeing her sword broken and the assassin standing behind her wearing a red short skirt and shirt one piece over the gray suit. The assassin's sword was coming back for another swing with Ayumi completely defenseless.

"Ayumi!" he shouted as he charged around the corner towards Ayumi.