Sword of Kronos

While everyone in the 9th Dimension figured out which Rune was being inscribed, Anastasia who was personally viewing the creation of it however was waiting with bated breath in hopes of finding out what it was when Felix finished the inscription process.

Unfortunately, even though Felix very quickly finished the inscription process and managed to successfully inscribe his second Tier 9 Rune, Anastasi ended up feeling a little disappointed from seeing the final result.

After all, for something which managed to suck the Astral Energy in a few thousand miles dry in an instant, a simple and plain white sword didn't truly didn't match with what she imagined would be the final result.

A thin two-inch wide blade that was four feet in length and a similar plain hilt that was attached to it and was another one feet in length making the entire weapon five feet long.

Looking at this weapon which Felix was holding, Anastasi almost thought that maybe this wasn't the rune which Felix had just inscribed.

Holding the sword which not only looked plain but also didn't give off any dominating aura, Felix smiled mysteriously and ran his fingers across the cold blade while feeling fascinated at how despite he just created this weapon out of thin air.

Considering the quantity and type of various materials he used when creating the Astral Ink, on a purely scientific basis it was impossible for a weapon so big to be formed when all he did was pour his Astral Force inside the Nascent Soul the Astral Rune had been inscribed on.

But that was it.

There was no explanation on how such a thing was possible. Not for now at least.

As for whether there would be an explanation in the future when science was further advanced… Felix just shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Instead, he now began testing the sword to see if he would truly obtain control over that power like his Astral Library said he would.

This boy… what is he doing?

Who tests the sharpness of a sword using a pillow?

Frowning at this weird way of testing a sword, Anastasia was just about to go down there and give Felix some help when she suddenly stopped.

Eyes turning wide and breathing becoming heavy, the Phoenix Empress found her mind going blank for a few seconds.

That power…

Laughing out loud like a madwoman after realising that Felix wasn't actually testing the sharpness of the sword and was instead doing something which she didn't think was possible, Anastasi for the second time realised how perverse and unbelievable the power of Tier 9 Runes was.

As for the first time, it was when she after dying on the battlefield was instantly reborn from a world of flames and rose back up just like a phoenix. The very same event which gave her the title, Phoenix Empress.

"Aiiii…. This sword truly lives up to its name…. But…. aiiiii….."

Sighing again and again, Felix touched the cold hard metal one last time before putting it away.

And by putting it away, he stopped the flow of his Astral Force into the Astral Rune due to which the metal sword turned into sparkly particles and flew back inside his body.

Though given how less Astral Force he had to expend into maintaining the sword in its physical form at all time Felix could indeed walk around while holding it twenty-four seven, Felix didn't plan on doing any such stupid thing.

"Aiiii…. This Sword of Kronos has a bigger appetite than me."

Not referring towards women when he said those words and instead towards his soul which required a lot of Astral Force to achieve breakthroughs after he inscribed the True Dragon Rune, Felix was sighing at how the Sword of Kronos was literally sucking his reserves of Astral Force dry at an unbelievable speed even when he wasn't unleashing the real power it was capable of releasing.

Still, there was a glimmer of pride and confidence in Felix's eyes because he now felt that he possessed the strength needed to get rid of the entire Asta Family for good.

Leaving the motel, Felix covered himself in the same black cloak which hid every part of his as he made his way towards the Asta Family.

While Felix was both confident in himself at eliminating the entire Asta Family and not leave behind any survivors and at the same time wanted to show his face to let them know who they were dying in the hands of before killing them, he wasn't stupid enough to let this risk exposing his identity.

After all, what would he do if he ended up failing to achieve his goal and was forced to retreat due to some unforeseen circumstances?

With the Asta Family knowing who he was, it would only be a matter of time before they came knocking down on his door.

And when they did that, would Felix be able to fight against them while protecting his family at the same time?

Thinking until here, Felix chose to hide his identity for the time being.

Controlling his aura to the extreme so that no one would be able to discover him, Felix looked towards the two individuals who were standing guard in front of the enormous gates that when opened would reveal a path to the various vast courtyards hidden behind the tall walls.

Tier 3.

"As expected of the Asta Family."

Praising the family he hated to death a little, because even the men placed as guards outside the compound were Tier 3, Felix could already imagine how strong the guard on the inside would be.


Summoning the Sword of Kronos, Felix didn't show even any sign of nervousness on his face as he began slowly making his way towards the two guards who were oblivious of the danger lurking around them.