Master of time

Sneaking around in the dark, Felix felt happy at how arrogant and prideful the Asta Family was.

After all, how full of pride should someone be to not just build their residence far away from the city and at the same time not bother to even light up its surroundings in fear of thieves and enemies attacking them?

Smirking a little, Felix quickly approached the guards who seemed just as prideful and arrogant as the family they worked under.

Playing games on their personal terminals? How much more lax could they possibly be?

Of course, Felix didn't really blame them too much for their negligence because not just him but everyone knew that the Asta Family despite not being the strongest force in the 3rd Dimension, it was something that was slowly making its way to the top and aiming to become the local tyrant.

And due to this, unless someone was planning on throwing their life away, they wouldn't even dare raise their heads and look at the walls that hid the various courtyards inside them much less try to sneak inside and attempt to steal something or kill someone.

Walking on his toes while doing his best to suppress any Astral Force that might be leaking out of his body, Felix finally stopped when he was close to the gates and at the same time was at the boundary from where on he couldn't continue sneaking around.

With the two lights placed on both sides of the gates shining, as long as Felix took another step forward his, his body would end up becoming visible with the light falling on them.

Therefore, Felix could no longer continue tiptoeing. Instead, he'd have to launch a surprise attack and take both of the guards out in a single go if he wanted to succeed in his plan of locking the gates from the outside.

Almost every living being despite not being a cultivator knew that flying by themselves was only possible in two situations.

One, they possessed a Rune which gave them the power of flight, and two, their cultivation was in Tier 5.

And honestly, considering how rare Runes that granted the power of flight were, and how few he expected the number of Tier 5 cultivators inside the walls to be, Felix wanted to lock the gates before going inside so that he could make as few of them escape as possible.

As for the best-case scenario, to Felix it would be being able to kill everyone that was inside the walls. And the second-best would be finding those who escaped and tried to run away all gathered near the gates and unable to escape any further because he would have them locked from the outside.

Thus, to Felix who couldn't be sure about achieving the best case scenario he wanted to lock the gates from the outside at all cost.

Taking a deep breath, Felix in the next instant concentrated all of his power in his legs and used them like springs to push himself off the ground and pounced on the two men who were standing beside each other while holding the Sword of Kronos.

Reaching the men who were less than a few metres away from him in a matter of few seconds because of how much stronger his physical body became after he inscribed the True Dragon Rune, Felix despite never having battled against anyone until now took total advantage of this opportunity he obtained.

Slashing the Sword of Kronos horizontally, Felix who wasn't able to able to use all of his strength due to the instability of his posture and the lack of experience learned that the white sword in his hand wasn't the product of a Tier 9 Rune just due to the power it granted him to wield.

After all, despite the various ways he messed up when swinging the sword, Felix surprisingly made a clean cut through the shocked man.

A clean-cut which split him into two pieces from below his left shoulder till the opposite side near his waist.

Cleanly splitting everything in its way regardless of what it was as if it was facing butter, the Sword of Kronos proved itself that the four feet long blade wasn't all just for show.

What happened after that though was quite weird.

The man who was split into two died before he could even make a sound, and the other guard summoned his weapon and got ready to struggle for as long as possible and not die if that option somehow made itself available, the one who did the killing and struck the alive one with terror though wasn't doing anything at all.

Looking at his own hand in uncertainty since he himself couldn't believe how effortlessly the sword in his hand passed through a human's body and split him into two pieces.

Thus, in the few moments Felix was stunned and couldn't come to terms with how sharp the white blade which was covered red right now was, the surviving guard realised that this was the opportunity he hoped would present itself.

Therefore, he quickly opened his mouth and got ready to shout as loudly as possible and alert the guards on the other side of the gate in hopes of taking the cloaked assailant to death along with him.

After all, he was sure that he was going to die for sure. So why not try and take his killer to the underworld along with him?

As for why he didn't shout right away when his comrade died, it was because he was sure that with the attacker's speed it would be impossible for him to scream even if he wanted to and therefore wanted to wait for an opportunity to show itself.

Unfortunately, even though the man's mouth was opened as widely as possible and his vocal cords were just about to begin trembling to create sound, nothing managed to come out of his mouth.

All the guard remembered before dying was that as soon as his mouth was opened, the next instant something cold pierced him through his throat while the cloaked man who was a few feet away from him just a second back with an apparent dazed expression was right in front of him.

But how?!

He didn't even sense when the cloaked man started to move… it was almost as if he teleported!

With such thoughts, the second guard died as well without being able to realise that what Felix used to kill him was a power far more magnificent than something that teleportation could compare with.

The previous second, or more like a few seconds back, Felix who was truly dazed in a moment of carelessness managed to come to his senses when he saw what the man wanted to do.

And when he did that, he immediately poured his Astral Force inside the Sword of Kronos Rune without holding back.

The moment he did that, time froze for everyone besides Felix.