Playing cupid

Xi Hua and Huo Zenghai looked at who was calling and then smiled and nodded.

Yu Chen mouthed a thanks to them and went out of the room.

Mo Kio looked at Xi Hua and said, "Hua, could you get me a charger?"

Xi Hua: "From where am I supposed to get a charger?"

Mo Kio: "Take Zenghai with you. I am sure between the both of you, you can put your heads together and arrange something."

Huo Zenghai looked up at Kio with a puzzled look. Mo Kio sighed and thought, "Am I supposed to play cupid to all these completely unaware people." Huo Zenghai suddenly got the idea and said, "Yeah Hua let's go. I think I saw that they have a beautiful garden. Let's go check it out."

Xi Hua was very puzzled and was dragged away by Zenghai before she could say anything.

Mo Kio looked around, "Okay. Now where can I get a charger?" And he was lucky. He saw a bunch of girls one of whom seemed to be having a charger. He went up to them and said, "Hey girls, you don't think I can borrow the charger here?"

Being the handsome bad boy he was, girls usually could never reject him. And these were no different. They started squealing and giggling. The one holding the charger, smiled shyly and beckoned him to a charging port beside her. She also gave a chair to Kio to sit down.

If anyone saw Kio at that point, they would have thought bhe was having the time of his life. He was sitting on a chair, Chen's phone in his hand, and was surrounded by girls who were all trying to impress him. If it was before, Kio would have had the time of his life. But now he seemed to be getting irritated by them. He thought, while clutching Chen's phone, "The things I do for you. Huh."

Some time had passed and Kio was considering getting away as Chen's phone was sufficiently charged. Just then, her phone rang. It was a video call, and the caller seemed to be a pretty girl whose name was saved in Chen's phone as Mian, with a heart in front of it.

Mo Kio picked up the call. The girl at first smiled and was going to greet but her smile vanished and was replaced by a worried and cautious expression as she asked, "Who are you?"

Mo Kio was stunned for a moment. The girl was the most beautiful he had ever seen. She had dark brown hair, just the same as Chen. Her eyes were dark blue and features were really beautiful.

Mo Kio said, "Don't worry. I have not abducted Chen. You must be her sister, right?"

Yu Mian: "Yeah. Where is Chen? And why do you have her phone?"

Mo Kio: "Her phone was out of battery so I was hanging on to it. She is attending a call on my phone."

Yu Mian: "Is it the competition venue behind you?"

Mo Kio: "Yup. We are still there and I'm your sister's teammate."

Yu Mian: "How's it going?"

Mo Kio gave it some thought and said, "It's better if you ask this to Chen only."