Me:"I don't have a problem with gays but you crossed the line sir having thoughts about me especially as a old man, not even I can save you and i'm a god."
Dumbles doesn't look the happiest he lost that twinkle.
Dumbles:"So what was the point of this exactly."
Me:"Duh to f#co with you, why else would I do this, w.w.w.w.Wait hold on haha thlught you were actually important ahahahahaha."
Then I wipe a tear from one of my eyes.
Me:"Now that's comedy gold, you know you should quit the wizard gig and be a comedian."
Dumbles was about to say something buuut.
Me:"Shh, its ok i understand you want your d#ck disassembled now, but its ok i will semd a clone soon, for now get some rest and I'll give you a head that's always screaming, trust me you will thank me."
Me:'And then I left
... wait what did anyone expect me to stay there conversating with a old perv who likes little boys, wait is he a pope.... he is a robed old man who looks ancient ... has a position of social power.. HE IS a magical pope it all makes sense now...'
Bill looks out at the sunset with a face that looks as if he has reached nirvana and discovered mans biggest secret.
And then I realized something.
Me:'What if I make a pizza buissness imagine we serve koolaide and pizza, ooh and meat Doritos, and a logo will be me top hat triangular figure one eye a cane my sweet bow tie...'
Me:'And are main dish the hot and nasty , my catch phrase will be its so good that it tastes nasty....'
Me:'Yes and then I could say shh kid you got koolaide all over your face, whenever someone wishes to complain about the food yes it's perfect the ultimate way to make people suffer through food, food is the way to the heart of any living being.'
And then Bill turns away from harrys and starts to walk off to find a agency selling land.
10 minutes later...
Me:'Finally found a place I'll manipulate the owner of this pizza place and then do my magic and we will be perfect.'
I walk in and go to the counter and see a teenager at the counter a pimply punk with glasses amd braces the generic teen that is a social out cast.
Me:"My dear chap this is not the U.S I'm suprised to see your kind, are you perhaps a weeb?"
His name tag jerry
Jerry:"A what?, what are you asking?"
Me:"You look like a otaku, you know a dude who reads manga you also probably know japanese picture books right?"
Me:"Also perhaps , can I chat with the owner?"
Jerry:"No you can't, Also Yeah I do and what's your point?"
Me:"This ZA WARUDO."
And time stopped and I walked up to the uncultured swine and kick him in the nuts , and I pick him up and put him on the floor and unpaused time.
Jerry:"My niblits!"
Me:'you say niblits who does that?'
Me:'Jeez my human self kicked in, I'm bill I need to not lower myself to these humans.'
Me:'I am after all the king of demons.'
Me:"Now may I talk to the owner of this establishment or do I have to inteoduce you to my friend dio."
Jerry:"He's in the back just leave me be."
Me:'Violence is the answer to all problems."
Then I walk into a room and I see a man that looka ripped.
Me:'Ok I want him as a bartender , kids can only order the usual kids menu drinks, then for drinks we could have the Billy Bob, and the bar will be called Damian's corner because the only reason your there is because you want to wallow in your sorrows anyways.'
The owner he was ripped , he was bald he had white eyebrows and wore all white clothing.
Owner:"How may I help you, and why are you here when I told Jerry to not let anyone bother me."
he then glares behind me
Theres a audience of bills and there a kid with brown hair and hazel eyes he was skinny but somewhat bulky like a swimmers build but with some chub he had broad shoulders and was about 5'10 next to a floating triangle named Bill cipher.
Me:"Bill why are we doing this, I stayed in my corner."
Bill:"Damian, it just wasn't good enough I wanted the lamb sauce what did you not give me?"
Me:"The lamb sauce."
Bill:" and what did I get?"
Me:"A Idiot sandwich."
Bill:"Good boy, you want a cpokie for answering my questions."
Me:"Actua..." before I could finished i was cut off by this.
There was clapping and yoohooing.
And everyone was clapping the readers were gasping they were happy that they the aidoence could finally participate in something decide his punishment now guys. Bill narrated.
Me:"Don't dew it, I was nice don't listen to him I gave him the lamb sauce you here me."
Me:"After doing so I wemt back to my corner amd cried."
Bill:"Shh, nobody asked like it or not you will be harshly punished, they aren't gpimgnto save you becausentou suck at updating any stories."
Me:"No they will."
Bill:"Shh, you gave them a filler section no they won't , look at this totaly non canon conversation."
Me:"But it's actually after..."
Bill interrupts me
Bill:"Shh they don't need to know yet."
Bill:"Readers comment down below , i saw what you did for that stupid symbiote kid what about me Bill?, also I'll make your coffe decafe if you don't."