Who Is Ann?

Ann and Tae-Joon sat quietly as the driver drove the car, slowly following Chairman Jiang.

What in God's name had possessed her to ask him to come home with her? Ann asked herself. Well, maybe he was the only familiar face she knew and trusted.

Who are you kidding, girl? You asked him to come with you cause you're in love with him. It had absolutely nothing to do with being familiar. The voice in her head told her.

So what was she supposed to do now? How was she supposed to react? What was she supposed to say? She wished he would just say something.

Tae-Joon looked outside the window. He didn't know what to say or do, and he had no idea how he was supposed to feel about this sudden change in her attitude.

He probably should just stay quiet and allow her to rest. He decided to steal a glance at her to see what she was doing but caught her staring at him.

He immediately turned his face away from her, he didn't know what was going on in her head, and he didn't want to know. He was tired. All he needed was a warm bath, a bottle of red wine, and some quietness.

Why did he turn away? She wondered, could it be that he was shy? The thought of it almost made her giggle.

What if this was all a dream? What if it was one of her imaginations? She thought, making her brows crease.

"What are you thinking about so seriously?" Tae-Joon asked before he could stop himself.

"What would you do if you found yourself living your dream, but you're not sure it's real?" Ann asked.

'What exactly is going on in her head? She even answered my question without any snide remark. If this is another one of her games, I'll just play along with her,' Tae-Joon said to himself.

"I guess I'll seize the moment and do everything I've always wanted to do before I wake up," He answered after considering it briefly.

Her dream was to be with him, but not in another person's body. She wanted him to kiss her lips, not kiss her through someone else's lips. She pinched her face to see if she could feel pain. She felt a sharp pain. 'If I can feel pain in this body, then I can as well feel anything else,' She said to herself.

"We are here, sir," The driver said before she could say anything else.


"Ann, You really can't remember anything?" The doctor asked Grace, watching at her intently.

"I already said so. I see no reason why you have to repeat your question nor why I have to repeat myself," Grace answered angrily.

She was very hungry and exhausted, and she needed to leave this place immediately.

"Mind your manners, Ann. You've not been yourself all day. Losing your memory doesn't mean you should lose your manners," Mrs. Shu said, giving her a stern look.

Grace looked at her. She was probably in her late 50s. Could she be Ann's mother? She had been quiet since she stepped in while the doctor examined her.

There was a little resemblance between the young lady and this woman; perhaps the young lady was Ann's sister and not her friend, as she had thought earlier.

"Who are you? Who am I?" Grace asked, wanting answers immediately. "Where do I live? What happened to me?" She asked, looking from Mrs. Shu to Sara, who was still angry with her over her behavior earlier on.

"Slow down, Ann, you're asking too many questions. These questions will be answered soon enough, but for now, we need to go home so you can eat and rest. You've had a long day," Mrs. Shu said.

She knew this lady was a tough one, and the look in her eyes told her the lady wouldn't hesitate to hit her if she misbehaved. So she complied and just stayed calm.

"She'll be fine. Just make sure she stays off her feet and takes her drugs. You can take her home immediately after I sort out her discharge letter," The doctor said.


Sara kept glancing at Ann, she couldn't place her hands on it, but Ann seemed very different. Everything about her was different, and it wasn't just about the accident. The accident wasn't enough to give her a total personality change.

Grace looked at the house distastefully, "I'm supposed to live here?" She asked as they entered the house.

"No, you're supposed to live in the streets like a homeless beggar, but fortunately for you, your mother was too nice to me, and I can't be alive and watch her child live like a homeless beggar. So you better find those manners you lost in your accident and behave yourself before I teach you how to," Mrs. Shu warned.

She didn't want to be harsh on Ann, she knew everything Ann had passed through, and she also knew the accident was messing with Ann's head. She knew she wasn't supposed to be angry, but something about Ann's attitude kept making her want to hit her.

"Sara, help your friend settle in and make sure she sleeps. I have to go back to the shop," Mrs. Shu said, leaving the house.

Grace closed her eyes as she felt the starting signs of a headache. So Ann had no home? Of all bodies, she had chosen to be in that of a homeless person.

She raised her head to see Sara observing her. "Who is Ann?" She asked, hoping Sara would tell her all she needed to know about her new identity.

"I'll only talk to you after you apologize for your rudeness and promise not to speak to my mother or me in that manner again," Sara said, folding her arms against her breast.

Grace looked at Sara, she could never get used to being spoken to in this manner by someone like this, but if she had to be humble to leave this predicament, then she'd give it a try.

"Sara, I'm sorry. I promise to be on my best behavior henceforth," She apologized with false meekness.

"That's better. I'll tell you everything you need to know. Absolutely everything," Sara said as she sat beside Ann, eager to tell it all.

How easy. Grace thought as she flashed a false smile.