Nagato looked at Naruto with wide eyes. He didn't know what was going on. Before he could say anything a blue coloured orb appeared on Naruto's hand. He walked towards Nagato who was on the ground. He stopped in front of him and pushed the orb into his chest.

A massive light covered Nagato. When the light died down, one could see a man light toned skin and red colour skin on the ground. This was Nagato. He looked completely different from before. He had proper well developed figure which was not emaciated or thin. He no longer had the chakra recievers attached on his back.

"Try to stand up. " (Naruto)

"What?!" Nagato exclaimed as he was checking his body.

" I know you couldn't walk because I scanned your body. I have fixed you up and restored your power. Try standing up" Naruto said.

Listening to Naruto, Nagato tried to stand up. To his surprise he was able to stand up. Slowly he started to walk. He was again able to do it. Slowly he looked at Naruto with a complicated look.

"Why did you did this for me?" He asked.

"Didn't I say I wanted you to join me. I also want to see what you can do. But the most important factor is that I want to see what you will do with the tailed beasts power. Come with me" Naruto said as he walked out of the cave. Nagato followed him wrapping a piece of sheet .

Outside the cave Naruto flicked his arm and *Woosh* suddenly a massive figure appeared in front of them. It was the husk of the nine tailed fox with chakra.

"It is the nine tailed fox!!! How can it be out of your body? Shouldn't you die if it is extracted?" Nagato shouted in confusion.

" Heh I am not a jinchuriki of anything. As for this it is just a husk with chakra. Do whatever you wish to do with. And I believe that you will join me" Naruto said as he started to float in the sky.

*BOOM* He flew away towards the battleground with a sonic boom leaving Nagato looking at sky with a complicated expression. Nagato slowly turned around and sighed. After that he went into the cave to check on his now revived friend. The husk of the nine tailed fox lied there.


On the destroyed battlefield;

Nanako was hovering in the air. In front of her was Konan who to was flying in the sky with paper wings. Currently Konan had a ugly expression on her face. It was because she didn't know what Naruto Uzumaki will do to Nagato. She was afraid that he might kill Nagato. She didn't wanted to loose another one of her childhood friend. So she was trying to go to save him but failed miserably due to the impassable wall known as Nanako who didn't let her go.

On the ground nobody had noticed that the deva path's body had actually disappeared for quite some times. They were completely busy either watching Konan try to pass Nanako or healing their wounds. From Konoha's side Ino and Sakura were able heal themselves due to their powers and healing capabilities. After they healed themselves, they went to help the others. They were able to stop their bleeding and heal their wounds to some degree. But they needed proper treatment. And they were disabled dude to loosing a limb or two.

On Akstsuki's side, Deidra had used clay to create temporary limbs to escape from there. He didn't want to die so he bailed on them. Kisame was lying on ground unconscious. Nobody knew whether he was dead or not.

Suddenly they felt something and looked into the distance. They could see a figure speeding towards them at a high speed. When the figure for close they were able to make out who the person was. It was Naruto.

"Onii-chan you are back!!!" Nanako said with joy.

" Yes, Let's go our work is done" Naruto said as he and Nanako landed on the ground.

"Eh but what about them? " Nanako asked pointing a finger at the other shinobis.

"They aren't of any concerns to us anymore. Lets go" Naruto said as he opened a dark coloured portal. But before he could enter it, he tilted his head and dodged a spear made of paper. He turned and looked at Konan who was looking him at murderously.

"What did you do to Nagato??!!!!" She shouted with a rage filled voice.

"I didn't do anything to him. Go and check him" Naruto said as slowly looked away from her and looked at the konoha shinobis. They felt a chill down their spine when he looked at them. They gulped.

Naruto closed his eyes and looked back at Nanako and said," Lets go"

"Ne ne Onii-chan were are we going" Nanako asked as she looked at him cutely.

"You will know soon" Naruto said with a smirk. After that both of them entered the portal which closed after a moment leaving the counfused shinobis thinking.


Currently in another hidden location in the far side of country;

Two people were talking to beach other. They were Zetsu and the masked man Madara.

"What do you think is going on there. That earthquake and that surge of power were something else" Zetsu said Madara who was thinking something.

" Yes, that earthquake and that surge of power was extremely terrifying. It was something I have never ever felt. It was even more terrifying than the Nine tailed fox" Madara said putting his hand on his mask.

" Do you think that the members are going to be alright? " Zetsu asked again.

"I don't know" Madara shook his head.

"Don't you think we should go and check things out?" (Zetsu)

"Yes we will go and check things out after sometimes. I am sure that the shinobis all over the world might be rushing to the place where that earthquake came from. It will be dangerous to go out know. We will go and meet Nagato later" Obito said calmly.

"Uhn what if he is killed?" Zetsu asked again.

Obito didn't say anything for sometimes before he turned around and looked at the ceiling. He sighed and said," No I am sure he would be alive. I have a gut feeling"


Currently in a snow covered land a portal suddenly appeared. Naruto and Nanako slowly walked out from the portal.

Nanako looked around and squinted her eyes. She then looked at Naruto and asked," Uhn what are we doing in this snow covered land onii-chan".

Naruto looked back at Nanako and gave her a wide smile.

"We are going to build our country in this place" He said calmly.

"HUUUUUHHHH!!!! You want to build a country?!!!" Nanako shouted as she looked at her brother with wide eyes.

Naruto nodded his head in confirmation.

" But whyyyyy??!! It's so random. Why do you want to build a country suddenly??!" She said comically.

"Heh just felt like it. I want to build a country which has real peace and which is absolutely supreme. This will be a gift to this planet from us" Naruto said grandly. Nanako looked at him as it he was an idiot. She shook her head.

"Well whatever. I know you are doing this just for entertainment and nothing else" Nanako said as she looked at her brother with a neutral expression.

Naruto dodged her gaze as he looks around. His back was covered with sweats. He knew his sister has caught on his plans.

" W...well t...then let's get started!" Naruto said ran towards a large piece of land. Nanako shook her head and followed behind her brother.


Currently in a different dimension;

The entire world was white. The ground was white, so was the sky.

On the ground two figures were standing, facing each other. One of them wore a standard akatsuki uniform with a konoha forehead protector. He had dark hair tied in a pony tail, bangs covering the side of his face. His eyes were burning red with three tomoe, which was the sharingan. This was Itachi Uchiha.

While the other wore a dark coloured coat. He had black hair swiped backwards. His eyes were onxy black. He held a sheathed katana I. his hand. This was sasuke Uchiha.

" Who are you and where are we? Do I know you?" Itachi asked as he looked at the person in front of him. He felt some form of connection from him. Itachi felt that the person in from of him was some he knew. Itachi didn't knew that the person in front of him was his younger brother sasuke due to the various changes he had gone through his life.

"I will answer you only if you fight me" Sasuke said as he unsheathed the katana and pointed the tip of the blade at Itachi.

"Very well" Itachi also said as he took out a kunai and took an attacking stance.

This was going to be a battle between brothers that would completely change Itachi's destiny.