Chapter 4: Fucking Chuck

I learned the three magic skills and barely made the deadline. Nothing much happened the next day, but something told me that this day was going to be different. I knew that the camp battles started soon and was training in the woods again. That's when that bastard George. I hated the way he looked down upon me and I wanted to wipe that smug look off of his stupid face. The end of the day marked the start of the camp battles. The rules seemed simple enough, challenge someone and bet something. The loser loses the item they bet and the winner keeps theirs and gets the loser's. I slept uncomfortably and kept moving around to try and get comfortable. Nothing really seemed to work. The day camp battles started, I already knew that Chuck was going to challenge me. I get dressed and prepare for whatever Chuck wants to throw at me. 

     "Hey bastard! Did you think you could get away with what you did to me without any consequences? I'm gonna beat the crap out of you! You'll go crying to your parents! I formally challenge you to a camp battle!" Chuck yelled running towards me.

     "Fine and one thing you can't go crying to people who are dead. Either way you're going to be the one who gets his ass kicked." I proudly told him.

     "I want that sword of yours. If I win or let's be real when I win, I'll be taking that sword of yours." Chuck told me smugly.

     "I would want to take something of yours, but you don't seem to have anything I want. To make this easier give me half of all the coins you have." I told him. This should at least give me a few silver coins to upgrade my swords. I just needed to beat stupid, weak, waste of space Chuck. I arrive at the camp stadium and prepare for Chuck to get there. The stadium had a tumbleweed in it from how empty it was. 

10 minutes later

     "So you actually showed up and didn't run the first chance you got. Time to show you just how strong the hero of this world is!" Chuck yelled when he arrived at the stadium.

     I stared at him like he was crazy and said,"There is no such thing as a hero not in this world anyway. I'm not a hero, you're not one, and no one else is."

     "Use skill: Trap Activation #1- Vine Constriction Trap." Chuck had done something to the stadium and now I was constricted by vines from the ground.

     "You like what I've done with the place. The day before camp battles, I snuck into the stadium and planted as many traps as I could." Chuck was giving a stupid type of villain monologue.

     "So much for the 'hero of the world' huh? You know in this light you seem more like a villain. Besides you should probably have gotten information on my skills, instead of just planting traps. Use skill: Flash Flare" The vines started to burn from my skill. I still haven't perfected the skill completely, but the fire manipulation and fire were more than enough. I got ready to slash him and send him flying into one of the stadium walls, but he had plans for what to do.

     "Use skill: Trap Activation All- Apocalyptic Stream" All hell broke out after this. I still sent him flying out into the wall, but that didn't stop his traps from activating. All types of traps were firing everywhere. I got out of there and even took half of what Chuck had on him. Apparently he had 8 gold, 4 silver, and 20 bronze coins and I got half of that so I was pretty happy. I should have taken more, but seeing as I left him there he might already be dead. Oh well, that's what he gets for trying to mess with me. The day went on as normal as it could be, I trained, ate, and finally went to sleep. The camp battles didn't have many stakes to it as long as you won, you're fine. I just had to keep going winning and taking whatever I wanted from the loser. Besides all I want to do is become the strongest. Now is that so wrong?