Chapter 21: Damn

I tied with the person who was their number 2. I think I could have handled that way better if I used Power Storage Release sooner, but I guess I was too cocky. I'll have to reactivate it and get stronger in base. I think George will probably fight next anyways. Hopefully we can get to the finals. I looked towards George who was getting down.

     "Vicente, I probably won't be able to win. As of right now with Lucky Dice and Power Storage Release you are stronger even with using one of them. Soon enough you will be able to overpower me without them. I won't let myself lose easily to you or to their number 1. We're rivals so I can't lose easily or else I wouldn't be Capricorn's number 1. I have my pride to think of." George said as he walked past me with a smile. I went up to watch the fight. The fight started and they seemed even though something was off. George's opponent seemed strange to me as they fought their physical capabilities seemed even and skills also countered each other in a way. I saw a creepy smile then George got hit multiple times and his opponent had a malicious look. I could feel killing intent as George became accustomed to the movements and attacks. He actually started to overpower his opponent so it seemed until a chill went down my spine when I heard certain words.

     "Use skill: Soul Rip." His opponent was a necromancer or reaper class since both deal with souls and undead. I didn't notice this at first until later, but either way 

     "Use skill: Astral Projection of Soul. This is going to be a fight of souls now so let's do this." George's body flopped to the ground as his soul came out. I guess his reasoning was that if his soul was already out of his body, then it couldn't be ripped out I guess.

     I think that Hailey saw George about to get his soul ripped out and become a husk so she tried to stop it, but George reacted in time and became an astral projection which made him faster seeing as his soul was weightless. It seemed that somehow his idea actually worked although it followed him. I think he knew that this wasn't going to end well. 

     "Use skill: Soul Fist. Use skill: Soul Pull. We're going at it with our souls." George pulls out his opponent's soul as they fight it out. I think George was a few steps behind in his plan.

     "Use skill: Soul Corruptio-" I felt a chill down my spine. Everyone probably had a nervous feeling at this very moment and I wasn't sure how to react or what to do. I felt helpless and unsure.

     Message: Bloodline Requirements met: Activation Passive/Buff Ability: Weapon Eyes unlocked; Level 1. Activation of skill needed to be used.

     "We forfeit this match." Hailey yelled. I was so surprised that I snapped out of it forgetting what I saw due to what she said since I was also thinking of saying it, but didn't want to hurt his pride. George gave a smile and nodded as we lost and were going to be removed from the tournament now. We left from the stadium as we were transported to the main hall. Sun was there with a disappointed look.

     "Well I guess I won't see you for awhile, but I'll donate to and visit the Capricorn guild hall so you can show me around." Sun said with a smile.

     "Ok I think this place is bigger than our guild hall and the city so don't get too excited about it." I said.

     "Thank you for wanting to donate for us. I'm sure that it will help a lot." George said. Sun seemed annoyed for a second before turning to me.

     "I am excited and don't worry I have a lot of assets and money to be able to give and getting it is like nothing. Besides I think you'll become stronger than most. You're extremely interesting so I'm excited to see where you'll go." Sun said.

     "Thanks, I'll try my best to get stronger." We went off, but my adrenaline ran out and my eyes started to sting a bit. I checked the messages I had from the system. I had to test this out to see if I can finally do it. 

     Weapon Eyes

     Level: 1

     Passive/Activation Skill

     Ability: Weapon Proficiency Increase Multiplier ×3

     Level 2:

     Locked Ability: Skill Copy (½  of full power)

     Activation Cost: ½ of all mana

     Max Level: 5

     Skill Copy (Full Power of skill)

     Weapon Proficiency Increase ×50

     Well I guess I'll have to get even stronger and increase my base power as a whole. This will do wonders, and I bet that Dante has training for me to do once I get back. 

     "Hey so are we returning by pegasus or what?" I asked while we were walking. 

     George turned and said,"No too much money this time we'll teleport. Shiro trained in that type of magic while we were in that dungeon. We have to give the new to the guild master soon too. That'll be the first place we'll go to explain everything that went on while we fought in the tournament. He'll probably give us a rundown of everything that's been going on while we were gone." Shiro started casting his spell to transport us to the guild. I felt a weird feeling as we went, I felt like I was going to throw up. I think it had something to do with it being cast weird or transporting a lot of people. I think I was spinning a lot as we were moving. I feel like Shiro did this to me on purpose seeing as he smirked at me while I was spinning. He didn't seem to be moving at all.

     "Shiro what the hell did you do to me?" I said to him. He started laughing while the others just stared at me weirdly.

     "Hey Vicente stop playing around or you'll fall down the road." Chloe said.

     "I can't stop. I think Shiro did something t-" I was interrupted.

     "STOP SPINNING" Chloe yelled at me. I was starting to get annoyed.

     "IF I COULD I WOULD HAVE BY NOW." I yelled back.

     "Hey! Stop with the lovers quarrel." George said.

     "SHUT UP GEORGE." We yelled in unison.