
After eating and resting, Jill sat at his desk. His office was furnished simply but comfortably. It had everything that was needed for work - a large oak table, (oddly enough in this world, oaks also grew) a work chair trimmed with the best dark leather and walnut lamps (the same as vanilla, but processed with walnut oil ... yes, yes, the nut grows here too).

The walls were decorated with various products for stone mining, cleaning, polishing, measuring instruments, needles for engraving images and resonance symbols, which activated the amazing power of azure stones.

Refined ethereal stones fit beautifully into the austere interior of the study. Some of them could be found directly in the measuring device on the table and in the central part of the board, which hung in the middle of the western wall.

He took a sheet of parchment, dipped his finger in something resembling a blotter of a greenish tint, put it on the sheet and thought, a few seconds later green symbols appeared on the parchment.

Then he took out another small cone with green water, but already giving off a blue tint, also dipping his finger in it and applied it and the last "signature" symbol appeared, then he threw the parchment into the fire that burned in the fireplace while he began to play emeralds and turquoise .

At the same time, in the office of the chief engineer, wise for years of experience, a gnome with kind brown eyes and a bald spot reflecting the sun's rays, a stone made of transparent turquoise lit up with a light fire.

He stood on the table of this important gnome in a black ebony stand. Slowly, gleaming with blue-green tongues of flame, a sheet of parchment, on which green symbols flaunted, fell on the table from the stone.

"So let's see" - he muttered, this fellow always showed himself well, why not. Having dipped a finger, a blood-red liquid applied a finger to the parchment. A moment later, another red sign appeared next to the blue signature.

Well, Darius thought, so be it. Vacation for research - I confirm.

* Signature in red ether - Darius Magraine.

Solving the issue with his superiors, Jill decided to get to know the rest of the wealth, conscientiously dragged from new places. Pulling out pebble after pebble, carefully measuring it, and studying it, Jill laid them out on a special elongated table near the east wall of the office. Hmm ... not bad at all ... the gnome smiled. So many unknown breeds, I wonder what properties they have?

It will be necessary to wait for the chemical analysis of the wife to make sure. But one thing is certain for sure - you can come up with a lot of interesting things. So, let's try to check the energy connection and stability indicators for now ...

Meanwhile, Jane did not cease to be surprised and write down data in her small notebook, wrapped in thick, green skin.

Her laboratory resembled a botanical garden, with a bunch of obscure glasses of various shapes and sizes, cones and test tubes, as in chemistry lessons, as well as any other agricultural objects, mixed with chemical powders and hazardous liquids.

Unbelievable! She exclaimed alternately.

Even the softest material has more tenacious bonding properties than our hardest rocks. The possibility of connection is much greater than that of the elements known to us, and given the strengthening of the connection with ether ... Crazy opportunities, new discoveries in the field of mechanics, agriculture, medicine, architecture ... Where did he get these stones from? ...

When finished, she turned off the burner and laid the reagents in shelves. After some time, she was already standing on the porch and inhaling the scents of night. It smelled of fir and fresh grass, about ten paces to the right of it, Jill sat on a hillock and looked at the beautiful starry sky, stretching over the plain of Sadorus.

A world of amazing creatures and natural surprises, miracles that have yet to prove themselves. His gaze was fixed on the sky.

Millions of stars watched them from above, maybe these stars themselves have long gone, and the light is still moving to the earth ... Yes ... only the sky was the same here as ours - mysterious and beautiful ...